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  1. D

    New sig, haseo .hack//roots

    rate please :D
  2. D


    Any possible way to harness body energy or energy around you (as if from living things) like an energy vampire or chakra or something? I've wondered about this for a while now, even if your emotions could fuel that energy to make you stronger such as rage. Anyone else ever think about this or is...
  3. D

    Anyone miss TechTv?

    I really hate what G4 has done to TechTv, they serriosly ruined it for me. All i watch now is Xplay, they really made everything gay on that station in my opinion. Anyone else?
  4. D

    Rendering help

    I need some help with taking renders out of images, i have to do it with the lasso tool for some reason and i hear people do it with the magic wand. If you can please help me out this is in GIMP btw, thanks.
  5. D

    About 5th gimp sig, rate

    My current sig, rate please, it was in gimp and only like my fifth one.
  6. D


    Im DDMDragon, call me DDM please. I play lots of video games (is this how i do this thing?) i play an online game called soldat, its an awesome 2-d shooter if you play my name is DDM and i host the server marshmallow.