BF3! Oh god this game is awful.


New member
May 1, 1998
A few guys that I game with wanted a different experience from normal so we all rented BF3 and got online codes to play together.

First off there's no party system. I mean really, this is supposed to be the elite teamwork game and no party system wtf?

Then you have to download a HD pack...then even after that the game doesn't look any better than CoD. I thought this was the main draw to BF? Then in game there is so many glitches and an insane amount of lag. One guy runs past me then teleports 20 ft back, runs past me again then teleports again. And again runs past only to be yanked back. This happened in quite a few games.

One of our buddies then gets into some kind of glitch/problem where he couldn't see his gun on screen. It also wouldn't shoot and his audio went out. This happened in 6-7 matches after he died once, and he rebooted his system and it still did it.

Now to the gameplay which is should be called the running man mode. I spent 20 min in a conquest match and went 4-2. All I could think was "wow this is kinda boring." Once every match starts its a race to air support, which they don't use to help cover you.

I don't understand the love affair some have with this game. I just want those people to know there are better games out there. You don't have to settle for Borefield 3/Glitchfield 3


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
To be honest...I own and play MW3 as well. My MAIN issue is, if I'm putting a clip of ammo into someone's chest, they shouldn't be able to run through my bullets, knife me once, and kill me.

Another thing is, CoD maps (to me) are all too small. There was a large oil field map in MW2 that was perfect. The name of it escapes me right now though. Wiith all the firepower and kill streaks in CoD games, there is no reason why the maps should be so small.

Lastly, every time I run past a tank in CoD that I can't drive, it bugs the hell out of me.

I do love to play some Nazi Zombies from time to time though. :D