Castlevania: Curse Of Darkness

The True Keyblader

New member
Jun 4, 2006
Well, after finally deciding to pick up this game after about a month of debating ( the 40 dollar price tag was sort of a turn off ) I must say that I'm pretty impressed with the game so far. It definitely reeks of Castlevania goodness, it almost reminds me completely of the 2D games in the series like SoTN and AoS, except in a 3d world.

So far I'm just about five hours into the game, but I've created all sorts of sweet weapons with the cool combine skill that lets you create your own weapons and armor out of materials you've found... You also get these things called innocent devils that you level up and evolve by getting evolution crystals from enemies, and depending on what weapons you use to evolve your devil, there will be different results from their evolution.

I enjoy the combat system, there's a target lock on and switch button, and even if the camera does get in your way it's fairly easy to manipulate and with the lock on system it's pretty easy to wipe out your enemies. There's also some pretty excellent weapon combo's you can do, and even though most of them follow the same trend and look with the combos, some weapons have a style of their own. The guard system works fine as well, as you're able to block, flip, roll, and even perfect guard which will deflect the enemies attack and leave them open.

You also have the ability to steal from any monster... you just have to wait for the right moment when the target lock will turn purple on the enemy. It's either triggled by the monster doing a certain move, maybe being idle, you perfect guarding them, or the monster being at a certain amount of health. Stealing rocks, because you can get good materials to make weapons and armor with.

I'm satisfied with the game thus far, and it appears that it's going to be a bit longer than most of the Castlevania games... Unless the game somehow shortens up. I'm about 30 some percent through at this point, and more than likely will beat it in the next week or so if I sit down and dedicate some more time to the game.

My only complaint with the game is the bland backrounds... You just run through different map point after different map point for little or no reason. Since there's an item creation mode, there's really no need to explore as you won't be finding any better weapons or armor. Which I think is a bit of a let down because in the other Castlevania games there's a good amount of secrets you can get to by busting walls ( Well, there is one wall I've seen that looks like you can break through it but damned if I know how ) but it just feels like exploration is pointless in this game since you get everything you need from stealing from or killing your enemy.

Anyway, that minor complaint aside, I dig, and so should any other Castlevania fan. 4/5 corpses.