Civilian Issue

Tweeker McFarlane

Spiffiness Advocate
Nov 28, 2006
Lost in Ohio
Heheh, yeah...I wrote this...and uh...felt like sharing it, because, I don't think anyone here, with the exception of Yoh, has seen my DeviantART page.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Civilian Issue: Ch. 1

...holding a gun to my best friend's as I begin to squeeze the trigger, I begin to did I get into this situation? It actually starts forty years ago, the year of 2015. Way before I was even born.

After the United States' war on terror in the Middle East ended that year, the world's opinion of that country plummeted. Many countries placed trade embargos on the United States. Some countries, the likes of France and the United Kingdom, stayed loyal. Many of the world's oil providing countries, however, severed all ties with the US. That caused the economy of the US to fall.

After a decade of economic depression, aid from the Loyalist countries, as they became known as, and very, very sour relations to other countries, the ones that had rocky relations with the US and the Loyalists, formed together and formed a supercountry, known only as the Legion of Socialism, near the end of the year 2029. The next year, in the month of May, the US and the all of the Loyalist countries form their own supercountry, named the Coalition Nation of Earth, otherwise known as the CNE.

Ever since 2030, war has been raging between these two supercountries. Some of the countries that made up the Legion include Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and many others. The CNE consists of countries like the US, UK, France, Spain, and other democratic nations of the old world. The war so far has been a giant bloody stalemate, and ever since 2035, both of the supercountries have passed laws that make every citizen part of the army, no matter what. Civilian is the lowest rank, but you start off a Civilian, and your training begins at the same time that you begin school, age five. After graduating High School, you get promoted to Private, then, from there, you progress least in the CNE. Nobody that lives in CNE territory knows what it's like in the LoS.

Then that brings us to the start of last year, the year I turned 16. That's where this story begins...
---------------------------Double Post---------------------------
Merph...Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

I jerk awake.

"Ugh..." escapes my lips as I sit up straight, causing my dogtags to jingle slightly. I rub my head with my hand...what was that dream? I was holding a gun...a handgun. I shake my head to clear it and turn to my digiclock. The holographic display shows the date and time. 1:27 AM, Wednesday, May 13, 2055.

Cursing rather loudly, I lay my head back on my pillow. Today is supposed to be my first mission. I'm supposed to be getting a good night's sleep. That dream has punctuated the night, though. It reminds me of when I was first in training...only I would just keep waking up, without dreaming. There's a scuffle of footsteps and my door opens, my grandfather standing in the doorway.

"Did you say something, Michael? Is something wrong?" he asks worriedly.

Heh...he only calls me by my real name if he's worried. He usually calls me Mike, Mikey, or "dude", like my friends do.

"Nah, Boss. I just woke up again...that's all," I reply. "Boss" is what I call him. His real name is Michael, too. I was named after him. I live with him and grandma because both my parents are dead.

When I was three years old, we lived in a small city that was very close to the eastern border of one CNE's territories. We barely lived 25 miles from it. We lived in constant fear of LoS attacks, but they never really came, except for one incident. It was during the summer, that's the only part of the date of the attack I remember. My dad had just came home from daily patrol and my mom had just finished dinner. There was a supply convoy passing through to get to a battlefield somewhere south of our city. Suddenly, a long-range mortar storm came. I remember the mortars because they looked like fireworks at first. I remember a lot of running and screaming. The next thing I knew, my father was leaping into the back of a humvee and my mother picked me up and ran the opposite direction. She put me in a LRE, or Low Rank Escape, vehicle. They're a kind of armored truck, only much more sturdier than those of yesteryear, with special rails to prevent rolling.

I was evacuated to the city-fortress I live in now, to live with my grandparents. A list of the casualties had been e-messaged to each living quarters, and among the list, my parent's names appeared in it. That's about all I can remember.

"Well...if you're should get back asleep, Mikey. Big day ahead, mmmkay? Me and Grandma, we'll make a big breakfast for ya, ok?" he says.

"Yeah, I got it, Boss," I reply and close my eyes as he closes the door.


I wake up at 0500 hours, like planned. I pull my camouflage cargo pants and my combat boots on, tuck my pantlegs in my boots, then put my white undershirt on. I walk into the kitchen and the smell of bacon and eggs fill my nose.

"Ahhh...Boss, that smells great!" I exclaim.

He walks past me and says, "Don't compliment me, compliment your grandmother. My back started hurting and she finished the meal for me."

I turn to the stove and see my grandmother smiling at me. Her warm dark face is hard not to smile back I did.

"Michael, you look so much like your daddy in those clothes," she says to me.

"I do? You've never told me that before, Gran," I inquire. "Can you still see or what?"

Boss thumps me on the back of the head softly. "Be nice," he warns, jokingly.

Gran serves me some bacon and fried eggs, with some dark toast and a cold glass of orange juice. I eat quickly from my nerves. Boss and Gran watch me, amazed.

"Slow down, dude, or you'll choke," laughs Boss. "Or get sick from eating too fast. Either or."

After finishing, I put my plate and silverware in the sink, rinse them off and dash into my room. I finish putting on my fatigues and my helmet, then throw my pack around my back.

"Good bye, Boss and Grams! I have to be at our barracks before 0600 hours!" I say as I start for the door.

"Good bye, Michael. Be careful." says Boss.

"Be safe, Michael."

I hug them both and say, "Hey, I will. It's only a scouting mission anyway, we aren't expecting combat."

With that, I let them go and start out the front door, towards the western barracks.
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