What do you guys think of human cloning? Would you like to be cloned or/and think people should freely be able to clone themselves or someone else?
Well what about when you've passed away.. if a clone existed.. well it would be you.. or part of you still alive.... so technically you are unique...Hmm, cloning might actually help in some cases.
But I would hate to have a clone of me. What about my identity?? I really like being a unique human being. lol I dooooo.
I would hate to have someone that looked like me walking around. But I understand that it'd be cool for other people.
Well if there is ANY DNA left of Hitler or Stalin... then you'd be worried if cloning was approved. But otherwise, I can't see it being too harmful... I think as long as all clones have something to SHOW that they're clones and not the original person...Too much power in the hands of a child. I'm not too sure about cloning. Yes you could bring back ppl. But i wouldnt want Hitler or Stalin to come back.
The only problem I see with that is... the human race is already dying. We are having way more death rates, than birth rates... and they say as time goes on, we will be producing less and the population will hit a huge low... where couples will be lucky if they even have 1 kid...This is an interesting topic because it has its pros and cons. However, I find cloning to be wrong. Why would you want to know you were a clone of an original person? I'm sure clones would feel like they were a "lower" type of being. Meaning they weren't born naturally.. Even if the original person of the clone was, they still weren't. It almost reminds me of a generic human. And if cloning becomes real. I could easily see the world being taken over by them. Natural human beings will die out. That's what I see at least. I think life should take it's coarse naturally. It should be birth life death remembering. Of course this can be debatable. And I mean in no way to change opinions at all. But it's just the way i see it.
well, cloning could help people with failing organs get replacements. They could just clone someone with the same blood type so the sick person gets an organ and the original person can keep their organ.
well i don't think that would help if we're dieing from a disesase and we reject every other organ given to us then maybe we weren't supposed to live.
death is natural and it's good that the human race is dieing because we mwere already going up and over the natural carrying capacity so cloning is pointless unless you clone the dieing plants whitch are used for medecines and vaccines. i think that's what they should aim their cloning at; plants not people
What about people, who've lost a parent or family member due to cancer or a serious accident? Wouldn't you want to clone them and still continue a life with your parent or sibling?