"Don" of the dead.

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
We've all seen movies about people trying to escape Zombie invasions. Ever what would happen if you yourself were turned into a ZOmbie, but could still think like a human, and didn't need to feast on brains?

Story: The year is 2130 A.D. In the country of Transylvania a chemist is experimenting with a newly found chemical, called Joxaniala, when he makes a breakthrough discovery. The chemical can bring the dead back to the living, and those undead will be at the command of the person who poured the chemical on them. It even has the power to grow back most of the flesh (and sometimes skin) of the decomposed undead. However, the by-chamical created by these experiments was a form of neuclear waste that would bring the dead back to life, and allow them to think for themselves, and communicate telepathically with others animated by the waste. Also, it was found that if a living creature beaths the Joxaniala in, they themselves will turn into a Zombie, only they will be just as intelligent as they were before they were turned undead.

The scientist, however, does not realize the differences between the waste and the pure chemical at first, and in his ignorance, uses the waste in the same manner as the original. As soon as he finds the differences, though, he ships a small portion of original chemical to each of the best war-officers in the land. You recive your package a few days after the chemist is finally killed by the rampaging undead of his creation, only adding to the population of them when his army is cut from the line of it's master. Soon after reciving it, a discovery uncovers that "the 'Zombies' can only be defeated by other 'Zombies'".

The package has very detailed instruction on how to use the chemical without producing the by-chemical, though there is only enough to raise one dead from the ground. When you open your package, however, it explodes in your face, wasting all the chemical and you breath most of it in.

That night, you sleep restlessly, and around the hour of midnight, the transformation begins. The next day, you wake up a Zombie, yet with all memoriews of your life and all of the knowledge you ever obtained. You then notice a note that had been slipped on your desk in the middle of the night apparently, and it reads "Like your new powers? There are others that have gone through the same as you have. Seek them out and join them, or work by yourself and conquer all. The choice is yours, but know that ther are thos who will oppose you." There is no signature, and just below the end of the writing there are two emblems, one white with blue edging, and one black with red edging.

So will you use your entrusted powers to protect, or to conquer?

1: no Godmodding,
2: no powerplaying.
3: a few people can be evil, but we need some good guys too. (around 3 evil people would be enough, though we could have 1 more if someone realy wants it)
4: NO 1-10 SENTENCE POSTS!!! you should try to make all your posts atleast 3 paragraphs (paragraph meaning 1-8 sentences, maybe a little more) long, although 2 is acceptable also. (unless you really, really, really have to leave, try not to post 1 paragraph)
5: Not really a rule, but colored posts and such are allowed. This doesn't mean you HAVE to use color/pics in your posts, but it is encouraged.
6: Your fist post should show your character picking which emblem he/she takes, according to which side you picked in your template. (white and blue for protectors, black and red for conquerers)


Protector or Conquerer:
Bio: (atleast try)

My Character:

Name: Rezin Dra'Naman
Age: 19
Gender: male
Appearance: http://www.niseiweek.org/images/2005/nw2005_honoree_Shinoda.jpg

Bio: Rezin was raised in the military, forced to join at a young age. He has much combat experience and is best when fighting unarmed. He never knew his family, and has few freinds, though what freinds he does have would stand by him to the end.