Free Falling


New member
May 30, 2006
Name: Uchiha Nomartsu
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Homevillage: Hatakage (Darkness village)
Weapons: Kunai, sword, flip chain, shuriken

Chidori: An eletrical ball, energy charged with chakra used for close or far ranged combat. The Chidori can only be used by great ninjas because of how extremely hard it is to use. It can be fired at an opponent, or just pushed into the opponent.

Ragnorok: With this move, the user is able to charge chakra into his feet. As soon as the user does this, he is able to fire up a mass amount of ground and use it against the opponent. An effective combo which goes with this is to move the earths surface below the enemie, making it easier for a quick strike.

Harkage no jutsu: This jutsu is used as a defensive jutsu. The jutsu powers chakra into the users stomache, so any physical damage barely hurts. It is almost as if a sheild is inside the user stomache, so it feels like a chrome wall is in the way. It is utterly unbreakable, and the jutsu is used only for defense, offense is not an option.

Death of a Thousand Eagles (Harga no jutsu):This jutsu requires more than chakra. The user must have excellent aim, and be able to calculate everything perfectly. First, the user makes hand symbols with one hand, and with the other hand, the user throws up to a thousand kunai, made from the other hand, which is also making symbols. The first hand making symbols will then aim up at the sky and breathe fire on to each and every kunai. The kunai then slam down on anyone on the feild area, and it even streches out further.

Balance of jutsu: With this move, the user basicly balances out his body energy with his chakra energy, thus making it a lot easier for hard and complicated jutsus. This can also be used when the user is low on chakra, because it basically heals the body also.

Rasengan: The spiral sphere jutsu. This jutsu requires, for some, an extra clone member. For this jutsu, the user must charge as much chakra possible into the users hand. As soon as the Chakra is charged, the sphere is ready to be launched at an opponent.

Chiziragan: A fusion type jutsu. With this technique, the user must absolutly be skilled enough to use it, meaning have enough chakra. The user needs to charge all chakra into the right palm only. As soon as the power is charged, the user molds it into a sphere shape. The jutsu is a fusion type of Rasengan and Chidori. It is one of the most powerful jutsus ever.

Harukage no jutsu: With this jutsu, barriers are made around the opponent. As long as the user puts enough chakra in, then it will stay up, and if the user tries to break it, they will be shocked with a hard eletric blast. The barriers can also be used for defense, and protect the user from any damage.

Kage Bunshin no jutsu: With this jutsu, the user must charge either a little, or much chakra. This depends on how many shadow clones are to be made. The user then makes shadow clones which can fight and do physical damage.

Unika no jutsu: A jutsu created by Nomartsu. With this technique, some call it the "Death Bomb." This move is one of the most powerful moves known to any ninja. All chakra is charged into both palms as they face downwards. The user mold as much chakra as possible, and then throws it at the opponent. The chakra is put in the opponent, and then, whenever Nomartsu wants to, he may blow it up.

Sharingan: This technique is known as the copy eye. It can copy any jutsu, and see a bit into the future, in what is going to happen. He has also mastered every single type of the Sharingan, such as the three pronged sharingan, and the illusion sharingan.

Seal of Oricagoes: This is a seal which Nomartsu keeps on his head. He made it as a jutsu, and made marks all around his body. These marks cannot be seen unless the user is in the middle of this jutsu. As soon as the user uses the jutsu, all blood loss is stopped, and any missing organs are healed. In other words, the body is completely healed.

Slakage no jutsu: This is a mirror technique, used for swift attacks. This move is similar to a move used by a few ninja of a certain race. The user makes ice mirrors, yet cannot go into them to move quickly around. Nomartsu makes a lot of these mirrors as a defensive jutsu, and uses it to an advantage for battle also. The mirrors cannot be broken anyway, but for the user to dismiss the jutsu.

Sexy no jutsu: This move is used to render then opponent useless. The user transforms into a rather nice looking girl, and tries to scare the opponent for a free strike.

Malice of Jutsu: With this jutsu, the user needs almost no chakra. The user quickly gets into a sitting position, and a sheild goes over the user. The user then sends flames throw the sheild, damaging the opponent greatly. It is also known as the "Immortal Flame." This is because, when you are lit, you will keep burning till you die. Even if there is water nearby, it will take a while for the whole fire effect to wear off.

Onaga Rasengan: This move is basically just like the Rasengan, yet more powerful. When Nomartsu uses this technique, he must charge chakra into his palm, and then swirl his hand around it at rapid speeds. This is the easiest way to preform this move, and the best way also.

Blazienkage no jutsu: This is the "Bomb Jutsu." This is used, but hurts everyone in the area. The user must charge chakra within his chest, and then form it over both hands. The user then slams his hands down and blows an atomic explosion.

Doosolation no jutsu: A horrible jutsu created by the darkest of beings. It is used to destroy matter, creating almost instant death. This skill requires mass amounts of chakra for everytime it's used. For the strongest of ninja, it can only be used once.

Dragon Summon: This technique is used in many forms, yet Nomartsu uses a Dragon form. As the user makes blood signs, the user may then summon a creature of their choice. It is based on their personality, and the snake and dragon are the darkest summonings. They are used by ones of pure evil, and only can be controlled by the strongest fighters ever.

Element: Darkness

Appearence: Nomartsu has black hair, spiked up like the famous Ichigo Kurosaki and red-like eyes. His face is that of a young man, while he reaches about a late 5'6. His attire is usually basic, consisting of an average navy blue shirt, which of course is short sleeves, as well as normal jeans which he keeps to hang down. He has one ear pierced, and his goggles are around his neck, to look his best. On one of his legs, a bit above the kneecap, is bandaged, and attached to it is a small case, in which he keeps kunai, and his weapons such as that. He has a chain braclet on his right wrist, which he keeps as a memoir to something important that happened in his past.

Aka =

Personality: Nomartsu is quiet most of the time, and keeps to himself all of the time. He doesn't like to be bothered, and is bored easily. Deep down, he is pure evil and won't hesitate to kill anyone. He likes to keep stealth missions quiet, while in other cases, he rather be loud to distract the enemie. His personality truely flip-flops over time, and he acts different a lot of the time. It is as if something is inside of him making him act different each day, but it could so easily be one of the few demons that he had, had sealed with in him. Most of the time, you'll see him with a scowl on his face, making sure everything is in order.

Bio: Nomartsu is a full-fledged Uchiha. His whole life he trained fighting by himself, and practiced getting stronger and stronger. He now is one of the strongest in Konoha, and is more powerful than a Jounin. He doesn't know if he can take on the Hokage, but his next battle will help him determine that. Nomartsu is actually evil to the core, but hides it easily. When he was older, he used to kill many humans for fun, and for play, but then he got caught by the Hokage. The Hokage sealed him within a boy of about 2 years old, and Nomartsu was shaped in a seal form. By the time the boy was thirteen, the seal had completely broken, and Nomartsu took control of the young boys body, leaving the boy deep within his mind. Nomartsu now is a travelling ninja, who makes lies to decive people, and try to kill anyone he can get near. He has been trailed by many ninja, but strangely, each ninja that follows him dies within a day or so. It has been a while since he had any true challenges, yet he strives for a true battle, although he rarely gets it. He is known as a legend, and is one that is known around the multiverse.

When Nomartsu was young, elders sealed many demons with in him, because he seemed to withstand them easily for some reason. As his childhood grew beyond, he was seen as an outcast, since most knew that he had a demon with in him. He was basically away from everyone his whole young life, but when he became a Genin, he met two others, plus a Jounin. Nomartsu made his first friends there, but as soon as he became a Jounin, he killed them all off, and became the notorious killer that his reputation is so well known for. Before he became Jounin, he was actually a rather nice child. He didn't hurt anyone, yet he was quiet and peaceful to anyone around him. He remained stable until a bit after he became a Chuunin. At this rate, he had many friends, and was overall a famous ninja in the lands he lived in. As his skill improved, his mind developed, and he finally realized that he would have to stop being a playful ninja, and be a true, powerful ninja who was famous everywhere. As soon as this spark hit his mind, he instantly joined the Jounin exam, in hopes of passing, and becoming even stronger than before, which would possibly happen. During the exam, he killed two other ninja, but it was not called against him in any way what so ever. Nomartsu immediatly passed, and killed off the rest of the people who cared for him, and their shreiks still haunt the inside of his mind.

After the previous events which occured, Nomartsu started to traverse the multi-universe, in hopes of finding a true challenge, and also in hopes of gaining power, so he will finally be known as a great, and legendary fighter. As his travels continued, his name finally became known, and he was close to being known as a legend, yet he was still not that powerful. His skills are one of a kind, and he could probably beat anyone that he would ever want to kill.

Ash is so in over her head.


One Name. One Legend.
May 3, 2006
Rings of Naglifar
Name: Azh Ryogo

Age: Appearing to be 17 in Human years, Azh is really 1000 in Naglifarian.

Gender: Male

Race: Naglifarian

Facial / Body: His face resembles that of a human, only with clear grey pupils in his eyes. The fare color hair that sags down on his head resembles a sort of mop feel to it. The left and right ears are slightly elongated, giving them a pointy tip extending backwards into the receding hair. Underneath his left eyes is a black tattoo. It first goes from the inner brim of the nose to the out edge of the eye, then drops down into the middle of his cheek. Etched onto his hands is small rune like symbols, glowing and changing colors upon what he touches. Each resembling entwined circles.

Clothing: Wearing a silver tunic made from the finest silk the Naglifarian world could find, the trimmed edges are laced with black cloth. The middle breast area has a small crest of his ancient Naglifarian race, one that looks like an altered gamma sign. The embroidered crest is made with black cloth, the same as the edges. His sheath for his requiem goes horizontal underneath the back flap of his tunic. His torso down to his legs contains black traveling pants made of the same black cloth, giving him excellent movement and agility. Underneath the cloth exterior, he wears dragon skin chain mail for the added protection against weaponry and long range artillery. His lower thigh area contains small thigh guards and his shins have thick enhanced plating. On his feet are winged boots that are enhanced with the same dragon skin armor as his chest.

Name: Requiem
Description of Weapon:
~Properties: Indestructible, light as a feather, and impervious to telekinesis, magnetism and anything of the sort. If anyone apart from Azh was to hold the weapon, tremendous amounts of sheer pain surge almost instantly throughout the body, and excessive physical contact could prove fatal. Because of this property, the blade is incredibly dangerous in combat, because if it strikes the bare flesh of an opponent, the same amounts of sheer pain pass through their body for as long as the blade remains in contact with the flesh.

~Description: The Long sword known as Requiem is said to possess the fury of the gods. The bottom of the hilt is shaped like a thick, blunt arrow-head, and the hilt itself is wrapped in blue fabric. The blade itself is brilliant silver, with a jagged carving extending from the hilt to approximately the middle of the blade, ending in a sharp point etched into the metal.

Name: Fighting Style (Shikinara)
Description of Weapon:
~Properties: Preferring to much rather use his fist than Requiem, Azh can make the once seemingly harmless fist into an intensified weapon. Training under many masters in his life, his techniques can be close to perfection. The etched symbols on his hands that change color make it so that when called upon, his fist can turn into different elements. Because of this ability, his fist can seem to hurt those that are immune to physical attacks, giving him the edge in light handed strikes.

~Description: The preferred style is that of his own creation, the Shikinara. Basing his attacks solely on light speed punches and hits, then returning into his stance for a defense counter. This style proves to be excessive to wear the opponent down before withdrawing his long sword.

Abilities: (Later)

Prophecies for-told of a lad who can save the dying world from a force that would soon come. This child would bear the mare of the ancients under his eye, and with his power could rid the world of this destruction. He would be born under the omega constellation and consist of the gift of the stars on each hand. This was the call sign of Azh, the one that was sent.

During the eve of the sacrificial to the overlord of Naglifar, the birth of the savior was born. Being born into the noble family beneath the moon, Azh received praise and gratitude by his high ranking father. Immediately, the father and mother held a celebration and feast for receiving the child that would bring justice to the suffocating lands of Naglifar. The feast was the biggest in the land, where thousands came just to see their savior. However, spies for the Overlord were also in the mixture, thus began relaying the messages back to him.

When the Overlord Raisikyu heard of this, he sent minions in order for the young child to be annihilated. 100,000 troops were deployed to the castle under the moon. When Azh’s father finally saw the oncoming army, it was too late. The Army seized the castle walls, killing those that were there to see the savior. Putting up a minor fight, the father tried to defend Azh and his mother from being slaughtered by the overwhelming army. In due time, the Father fell to his knees and was massacred in front of the newly born child. Soon, the leader of this so called army slit the throat of the mother as well, leaving only Azh as an infant to fend for himself. As the leader of the army raised his sword, a bright light emitted from Azh and engulfed the castle ground in a white miasma. Soon, when the light subsided, the skeletons of all the men were left. The 100,000 army were now a pile of raggedy bones. The leader that held the sword above Azh was disintegrated to dust itself leaving the iron sword to fall to the ground below him…..

Two months later, a traveling merchant was passing by as he heard the cries of an infant from the abandoned castle. As he inspected from where the cries were being heard, he found the beloved savior, Azh. It seemed the baby cocooned himself in the same white light as emitted two months earlier. Questioning how he stayed alive, the merchant took Azh back to his house and began to raise him like a son. In due time, the boy matured into the prophecy. Receiving the Requiem as a gift, he soon set out on the adventure to slay the Overlord Raisikyu. Acknowledging the training that he received the years past, he finally reached the gates of the Overlord…..

The battle was epic between the two, but it seemed Azh had the upper hand. His style was flawless as he laid down punch after punch to the midsection of the Overlord. As time came to pass, Azh wearied down the man to an extent of barely walking. Withdrawing his sword from the sheath, he decapitated the man right before his eyes. The world was saved thanks to the young prophecy…..

In his later years, Azh was forgotten and soon became a mere legend. However, he still knew of his roots and styles and relentlessly trained to become the best.

3 v. 1, shall we?

Blah Blah Blah, You can guess the abilities from the description of weapon. =P