some ppl say the snub is nub(its a catchy phrase see) but the truth is that a full clip can knock someone out of the game in multi. i once defeated a shotgun wielding friend at close range....he was very ashamed...
im a huge grenade fan, my freinds think i hack because i have extrodanary aim with the arc, but nothinh matches the satisfaction of a good ninja-stick "FUCK! WHAT HIT ME!? beep beep beep BOOM!
The graphics are amazing and the deaths just as much so. There is a nice variety of weapons for any occasion. It is very fun to play with other people. Many think it to be far better than Halo. I would say they are two heads of the same coin, just represented in different ways. Gears is third person, more cover-based, and a lot more down to Earth. Halo is a lot more Sci-Fi with the traditional first person shooter and "hunt them down" gameplay.
i think gears of war is better than halo cause halo is all about high tech grav drives, ppl in full armour, and practically no blood. while GOW is futuristic, it still has blood, still has street fighting, still has grit.
I don't know how you can use that controller. I tried out Perfect Dark Zero at a friend's place on his Xbox360, it's friggin' impossible. Give me my mouse+keyboard any day.
Gotta agree that GoW has some sleek graphics. Though, nothing Unreal Tournament 3 won't crap on, when it comes out later this year.