has anyone here ever been heart broken... mines ended about a week ago and it's been hard to get over it..
it was an online relationship.. we were to meet VERY soon.. and wham she says she found someone. She's 18 and knows the guy for 4-5 months and wants to marry the guy already... I really feel like I lost out...
i feel horrible.. and in some ways.. I hate to say it, but I really hope they break up.. I hope they don't get married... I still want my chance to meet her...
it was an online relationship.. we were to meet VERY soon.. and wham she says she found someone. She's 18 and knows the guy for 4-5 months and wants to marry the guy already... I really feel like I lost out...
i feel horrible.. and in some ways.. I hate to say it, but I really hope they break up.. I hope they don't get married... I still want my chance to meet her...