Midnight's First Kiss


The King Of Bandits
yea.. so on vacation at least I did something productive. Please be honest with your comments... i know it sucks >.<


The gentle, cool winter wind brushed across the face of a young boy, staring into the sky in a trance, looking up as if searching for a star in the afternoon sky. As he glared up, his eye’s not seeming to move, the sky appeared to be taking an dark tone. The night’s frost had already began to set in, settling over even the young boy who lay motionless on the ground still. Only nights before had he been told of the danger posed in falling in love.

“ When you fall in love things happen, Bad things.”

“ …There will come a time in your life when you find that one special person you want to be with…. When that time comes, run”

Luca Polesca had always been a bright child, pulling ahead of his class during school and ending up two grades ahead of where he should have been. For him, things were different. He saw himself as different from others, and he was. But over the course of the last couple days he had been experiencing difficulties in things which had been ever so easy for him before. Simple activities now became complicated tasks. He was a changing boy. This year would be his twelfth birthday. In his eyes however it was something much greater. To him, It signified becoming a teenager. Something that most kids in his grade already were. To him it was huge. His feelings about issues however were beginning to change.
His thoughts had become accustomed to the hustle of the world. What once was thinking about getting good grades, was thinking about his inner feelings. Slowly but surely he was changing, as all children do. Friendships suddenly were becoming more to him, specially the ones which involved females. His thoughts towards girls in general were changing along with everything else. Things were different for him now.

“ Luca!” Someone was calling in the distance, most likely it was his mother calling him for dinner.

“ Coming mother” Luca replied to the voice calling his name. As he neared the house he noticed an additional body with his mother. It was a girl about his age, her long brown hair was beginning to blow along with the wind as the breeze picked up. It was only about Five in the afternoon from the looks of things, too early for dinner. Apparently there was a problem, he would only come to realize the seriousness of the problem after he entered the conversation between his mother and the cute young girl who stood to his right.
“ My mom told me to come and warn you guys about the–“ The young girl was cut off when Mrs. Polesca butted in with her normal cheery tone.

“Yes, yes I know. I am very aware of the storm forming to the north Kiera. Tell your mother I am glad she is so concerned about the well being of my family, and if things get bad we will surely head that way.” The tall slender women wore a smile on her face, oblivious to everything that the young girl, Kiera Nacros, had come to warn her of. Kiera smiled, nodding towards Mrs. Polesca and turning to Luca as his mother walked off. In the back of her mind she was amazed he had gotten that close to her. He had been different lately. She was also a little happy inside. He had been drifting away from her ever since he had started changing. She smiled, blushing a little bit. “ Hey Luca” She paused, looking shyly towards him “What’s up?” She tried to use a calm soothing tone, hoping it would make him feel a little more at ease about being around her.

“.. Oh, hi Kiera.” Luca began to lose himself almost as soon as she turned to him. It was amazing to him that he had stayed this long. He had been so afraid to talk to her about how he really felt, fearing she would not feel the same. He didn’t want to ruin what they already had, but he also wanted to be closer to her. His feelings had been competing with each other, weather he should tell her or not. The entire system in his mind seemed to immediately shut down every time she was around. He was left wondering about things after she left, every time. Was this what it was like to be in love with someone?

“Hello? Earth to Luca, you in there?” Luca quickly snapped back to reality, seeing Kiera waving her hands in front of his face, noticing he had zoned out apparently. He was embarrassed at the fact that he had lost himself in the middle of a conversation with her. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying thinking of his next move“Sorry… I think my mom is calling me for dinner, I got to go” Luca was so embarrassed; all he could think about was getting out of the conversation.

“Oh” Kiera was a little sad at how long she had gotten to talk to Luca. But she had believed his lie about being called for dinner, somehow managing to push out a smile despite her sadness.“ Well, hopefully I will see you tonight then. I’ll see you later Luca” Kiera leaned in, before Luca could run away from her, wrapping her arms around him and embracing him closely. She unwrapped her arm’s and turned away from him, waving as she ran off. She was blushing a lot now. Just hugging him once was so nice. It felt so good to her. It felt so right.
Luca was baffled, caught off guard by the hug and beginning to blush. His face was red, and his body warm. He had gotten a hug from her. But there was still a problem in deciphering what it meant. He had always read too much into things, which in the end created most of his problems for him. Had it been a hug of friendship, or a hug that meant she liked him? He quickly shot down the second idea, coming to terms with the fact that no one would ever like him no matter how much he liked them. They were friends, and as far as Luca was concerned, Kiera only wanted it to be that. In seconds he was nearly crying. A cold drop of water broke the dryness of his eyes, tears streaming down his face, like the water that was beginning to fall from the sky. Though it was winter, it was still warm enough to rain.
He closed his eyes, running to his room and shutting the door quietly. Slowly, he lay down on his bed, listening to the pattern of rain drops falling from the sky, pattering on the roof and ending their journey. For hours the boy cried, not stopping for extended periods of time. By seven that night his eyes were dry from all the crying, The rain drops outside seeming to pound the window harder with every passing second. Suddenly, Luca’s father burst into the room holding a flashlight and several rain coats, throwing one of which towards Luca. “ Hurry, we were going to the Nacros families house. The storm is only going to get worse from here on out.”
Luca grabbed his rain coat, throwing it on and dreading the thought of facing Kiera again. Even though she had no idea how he felt, it would still be Awkward for him. As he stepped out the door of his house, his mother and father behind him, he glanced out at the pouring rain around him. In the distance he could see a dark cloud growing closer to them. Behind the cloud were ever darker ones. It was obvious the storm was only going to digress from here. Steeping out into the cold rain, he was quickly drenched. His father pushed him forward a little bit, then looked down at him “ Don’t worry Luca, it’s going to be ok. Don’t be scared, It’s just the rain.”
The old mans words came as a godsend to Luca. Suddenly he really had a feeling things would be ok. Quickly the young boy placed one foot in front of the other, stepping quickly up the watery street, moving up hill towards higher ground, towards their safe haven.

Kiera had been sitting inside, alone in the darkness of her room. She was so afraid, but the power had been lost and she had been told to stay calm. The setting sun gave off just enough light for the objects around the room to be seen. The young girl stared at the ground, almost happy that it was beginning to storm bad. A knock at the door sent her running out of her room and down the stairs, knowing all to well who it would be. She placed her hand on the door, her depressing look starting to perk up. Upon the opening of the door she met the guest with a smile “ Come on in” She said with a smile and a soft tone. The family staggered into the house, taking off the coats and hanging them on a coat rack in the corner. As Luca’s mother and father made their way into the kitchen, the place where Kiera’s parents had been resting and drinking coffee, Kiera walked slowly over toward Luca, hugging him and smiling. “ I’m so glad I got to see you again..” She paused for a minute, putting her hands behind her back and looking down at the ground.
She wasn’t sure if she wanted to tell him or not. What if he didn’t feel the same? “Listen... Luca, for a while I have been thinking a lot” she blushed Luca looked up shyly. Maybe it had not been a friendship hug. Is it possible that it could have been more?
“Kiera... there are a couple things I need to tell you as well.”
Kiera took Luca’s hand in hers. Leading him over to a side room and sitting down on the wall, pulling him down with her. A flash of lightning lit up the room, exposing the true beauty of the girl sitting next to Luca, holding his hand. Kiera released his hand and placed hers on the ground next to it. “Listen… I know this may not be the best time…” She paused again. Luca decided he couldn’t hold it in anymore, whispering something to her.
“Kiera, I have feelings inside me that are telling me I want to be closer to you. I know you probably don’t like me, but I just couldn’t keep it from you any longer. I’m sorry I hid it...” The boy’s voice began to trail off as his face turned red and Kiera looked over at him. The Lightning flashed again and the lights in the house went out, a loud boom of thunder followed. The room was almost silent now, everything was silent save the constant pattering of the rain against the old rickety house. In the darkness of the room Luca heard a whisper. The voice was distinct, he had heard it many times before. The words however were soothing, and very gentle.
“…It’s ok Luca” The voice trailed off and the boy felt a peck on his cheek, “…Your not the only one who feels that way…” In the darkness of the room Luca felt relieved, a sense of warmth drifted over him. For the first time in his life he felt right.
So there he sit, in the dark cold room of the small suburban home, his back against the wall, and a beautiful girl asleep on his shoulder, her arm thrown across his stomach, and a smile on her face. The warm feeling that had been resting inside her was enough to keep her warm.
A crackle of thunder, another flash of lightning, illuminating the beautiful girl that lay next to Luca, asleep on his shoulder. It was truly a moment of peace for him, in that moment he knew for the first time in his life, he had fallen in love. Truth be told, he liked it.