My Story - Unnamed as of yet.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
I walked down the street, whistling softly in celebration. I had just recieved my first Sword, and Enchantment from passing my Second Testing. The Sword was a copy of a God-Sword, used for training purposses. It was already enchanted with the power of speed, so we trainees could get used to having more speed than we humans were gifted with.

The Enchantment was a very easy one, used to increase the amount of fire we create when we cast a spell.

The Second Testing was about ten times harder than First Testing, as we actually had to fight the other trainees. At 15, I was by far the youngest one there, but I was not the weakest. I had been given a Sword, and a sparring partner. I had to beat the person in front of me by cutting her ten times, and breaking her sword. Once the fight was started by the Master, I immediatly cast my strongest spell, Akh sol, Fury Fire. I felt the energy seep out of my body as the spell formed in front of me. A small wall of flames, yet shaped in the form of a very angry face. Each person had a different persona of spells, and mine were always faces. Controlling it with my mind, I loosed it upon my enemy. She easily dodged it's first passing, and begun to cast her own spell.

"Akh ji kodin," she spoke softly, loud enough to hear, though. That was a spell I was not prepared for, Flames of Justice, it meant. The form of it took on a huge hammer made of fire, ten feet above her head. It started spinning, and came at me. I could not deflect it with my Sword, as it was a magical thing, and my Sword reality, but the fear inside my bones caused me to try. It passed through my sword, cracking it with the heat. Oh boy, it was hot. I could feel the hair on my calves burning. I fell to the floor, dodging the spell by a narrow margin. I still had my spell formed, which obviously she didn't realize as it came up behind her, and pierced her body. She screamed a scream to make the dead feel pity. It wasn't over though. My spell wasn't strong enough to kill with just one hit. Getting to my feet in a flash of gleaming steel, and light, I ran over to her now still body, resting on her knees. I cut her arms six times before she had regained enough of herself to start deflecting my slashes. Getting to her feet was hard, obviously, as I was still slashing, and cutting at her, trying my best to get to her. My sword was cracked, so I wasn't swinging as hard as I could. I decided to try using a spell that would break her sword if she tried to stop it. Jumping away after one last final attempt to cut her, I began to cast it.

"Sahk do ji lakio," I shouted, feeling again the loss of energy as it formed. The Spears of Ice came into veiw, frezing everything around them. I kept adding spears, even though I knew I was running out of energy with each one. I formed sixteen spears, leaving me enough energy to jump, and swing, and that's about it. I launched one, two, three, and then a fourth one, hoping so those keep her distracted while I moved others into position to strike at her, making it impossible to dodge, so she would have to try to stop them with her sword. I had to concentrate fully on moving each Spear of Ice into the right area. Having all but two in correct postitions, I launched them. Releasing the hold I had on the first four, she suddenly found herself surround by ten Spears. She would have to deflect one, or two with her sword. Which of course she did. It snapped like a twig, and I immediatly released my spell, saving some energy I would have used to move more. I jumped at her, swinging wildly. She fell back, parrying my attacks with less than half of her sword had to be hard. Within five minutes, I had her cut the ten times needed. I was breathing hard, but she was prostrate on the floor, in sign of defeat.

"Kikon has won the first battle. He continues on." The Master said it in a loud, clear voice.

It continued on like that for a week. I would get a full days rest before my next battle.

I was the first person to pass the test out of two. My reward for passing was the Sword I was now walking down the street with, and the Enchantment I had memeorized. I was at my house without even realizing it. Walking inside, I decided to go show my sister and brother my accomplishment.

Calling out their names, they appeared quickyl. My sister, tall, with redish-gold hair, green-slate eyes, was three years older than me, and took care of my brother and I. My brother, short, with black hair, and black eyes, had a grin on his face. It was his normal expression. He was a trouble maker.

"Hey guys, I passed!" I exclaimed, worn out, but forcing eagerness into my voice.

"Let me see! Let me see!" My little brother screeched, beaming with pleasure. He had only seen my sisters Jokanh, Death Guard Sword, for his life, and he wanted to see mine. I showed it to him with no delay, letting him take it in hand, and play with it.

My sister, on the other hand, was more worried about any injuries I had recieved. Fussing over all my little marks and bruises, scratches and cuts, she exclaimed at the gash down my thigh that I had recieved in the final battle for passing.

"Kiko! How did you get this cut! It will never heal, and it probably stings like devilsroot!" Devilsroot is a posionus plant that if it touched any cut you have, it will make it sting a hundred-fold.

"Yeah, but I gave the guy who gave me it one hell of a loss. I had to cut one of his arms off because he wouldn't yield," I said solemly.

"Brother! Broth -"

"Not right now, Jodo, he needs a hot bath, a bowl of soup, and his bed. You go play with his sword, but you break it, and I will break you!" My sister was a scary girl.

"But sister! He is fine! I wanna play, you meanie," My brother screeched again, storming off in anger, and most likely dissapointment.

I hadn't even realized this before I was undressed, in the bath, with a bowl of soup in my hands, and my sister telling me exactly what I had to do. Women are way to fast for men.
Taking my sweet time in the bath, my sister started telling me about new spells she could now legally teach me. She was a captain in the military, and knew many spells. She helped my brother and I with our spells a lot, and me with the Sword. One spell caught my attention when she said the incantation for it, "Ahk ji ludoun." The Fires of Peninence. It was a high level spell, and as far as I knew, only a handful of people in our country knew how to work it.

"Sister, you must teach me as soon as I am out of the bath!" I said suddenly, making her jump. "I should be able to learn a spell before I pass out, we should try working on Ahk ji ludoun. I know I wont master it in just a few hours, but I have to try." Knowing that spell, and being able to preform it would help me emensely when I take my Third Testing.

She sighed, and nodded. Giving her my hand, she kissed it, and left the room, getting ready to train me, most likely. She didn't like my lust for knowledge as much as she used to, as it was starting to get me in trouble with my peers. Ever since I was allowed to learn magic, and the Sword, I had quickyl advanced beyond those of my age. I had always been smart, but I was even better at learning spells, and the Sword. Some kids my age hated me for it. They were still learning spells like Akh ki, Fire Ball, and Kakh haili, Fists of Earth. Those spells were the first you hard to learn before you could grab a Sword. And some weren't even capable of doing magic.

Finishing up in the tub quickly, I dried off using a towel my sister had left for me, went to my room and got dressed. I picked out a pair of cotton underpants, a pair of black breeches, and a nice black sleeveless shirt, with gold stitching. I looked quite handsom in the mirror. Laughing at myself for trying to look my best when I was about to get my ass handed to me. I was insane.

Drying my hair one last time, I headed down stairs to find my brother, grabbing my sword from him, and walking to the back yard, I saw my sister, ready, and looking determined. She was going to hand me my ass in a golden bowl tonight, it seemed. Walking out further into the yard, I started to pull on the gloves my sister was allowed to borrow. They protected the wearer from harm if you stopped a spell with them.

"Kiko, first we will spar, and if you don't at least mark me, you are not ready to learn The Fires of Peninence," my sister spoke with a grin on her face. I heard my brother gasp as he realized what I was learning. Or trying to, at least.

"Yeah, sure, I'll cut you," I dreamt. I had never been able to mark her, not even once.

She now had her Sword in hand, and I had mine. My brother was commanded to start the match, and he did. I lunged at my sister first, hoping to surprise her with the agility I had gained during my test.I had already formed the words on my tongue, but not the energy needed to form the spell. Striking at her again and again, hoping to penitrate her Sword to get through and mark her, which wasn't working. Not letting up, though, I formed the spell behind her. I only mouthed the words, so she didn't hear them. Lakh sofi hali solk. Eternal Scyth's of Air. She would hear it the second I stopped attacking, or feel it early. I couldn't allow that to happen, so I yelled out, "Akh sol." She was waiting for it, or so I thought. It never formed, and as my Scyth's were coming at her from behind, she suddenly flopped herself on the floor, and kicked my legs out from under me. I lost all the breathe in my body, but I knew I still had to move. Rolling away on the moist grass was odd, and a bit squishy. Jump up about ten feet away from her, I begun to cast another spell, but I decided against it. It would use most of my energy. I instead decided to cast my Enchantment on my sword.

"Alio kooido shajin loklar Akh jiio"

My Sword started to . . . pulse with energy. I now would have to use Fire spells, which hopefully would be good enough to damage her with the extra boost from the Enchantment. Running at her, I formed Akh ki on my lips, parched as they were, and used most of the energy in my body. I created several Fire Balls, not worrying about counting them. I ran head on, and jumped, shooting a Fire Ball at her from the left, and I attacked with my Sword on the left, while a Ball was flying as fast as I could make it go shot from the right. I know she would easily evade it, so I didn't stop attacking with the Fire Balls. One at a time, from every direction, than two in the same. She was destroying the Fire Balls with just a slash of her sword, but with how many, and how fast they were, she wasn't able to pay enough heed to me. I lunged at her leg, and scratched her before she jumped away. I saw the hair-thin line of blood ooze from her cut.

"I win," I panted. That Fire Ball spell used way to much energy. Letting it dissipate, I had a hard time catching my breath. I was completely wasted. At best I would be able to form a spell, if not control it. Good thing for me, though, was that I wouldn't be able to even form the spell I wanted to learn for a few weeks.

"So you do, so you do. Good job, Kiko, I wasn't excepting over a hundred Akh ki to be formed. You must be feeling like **** all of a sudden, right?" I nodded, which she bearly waited for as she continued. "Lay down, and clear your mind. Think of an axe. Picture it, feed it your feelings of justice. Once you can form an axe, one that has been fed all your feeling, it will catch fire, but it will be what you need. I want you to try this for an hour every day until you can form a fiery axe in your mind."

So I did. I lay on the grass for over an hour that night, trying to form it in my mind. AT one point I thought I had done it, but it was just me picturing a burning axe. After a while, my sister came out and pulled me back to reality, "Dinner's ready, Kikon. Go get washed up." I stayed down for a few more minutes, trying in vain to form it again. Giving up for the time being, I got up, and did as told. Dinner was just some beef, with a few green things my brother hated. I didn't care what I ate, as long as it helped me. After dinner, I helped my sister with the dishes, and then went up to bed. I decided to try again. I lay on my bed for hours, trying to form the axe my sister wanted.

I still wasn't even close when my sister came in, yelling about not getting up on time. I asked her what time it was, and gasped in shock. I had just tried for nine hours, and I was no closer than the first time I tried.

"Uhm . . . Sister? Can I stay home? I didn't sleep at all." Dreading her answer, I started to get ready for my every day training. I would have to skip training, and just study. I would pass out as soon as I got home, though.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
Once I was ready, I walked with my brother to the school. We studied magic, history, arithmatic, science, and physics. Well, I did, as I was an upper-classman. The school was everyones least favorite part of training. I myself loved it, as it helped me get smarter. But of course, I was an outcast for more than one reason. I walked my brother to his classroom, and then went onto mine.

My friend Aysuton hailed me from behind, and I spun around to meet him right before he tried to hide.

"Hey, Kikon! What's up with you lately? You've been late now for over a week." Aysu laughed at my expression, "You found yourself a girl?"

I had to laugh at that. He knew I was to self-abosorbed to have a girlfriend, "I wish, man, I wish. I passed my Second Testing." My chin rose as everyone who heard me looked in shock to me. I was expecting this, but not the anger some people had in their eyes.

Aysu had the same expression, except the anger, he had astonishment."You passed . . . You passed? Impossible! No one passed so young except your sister, and she is considered a prodigy!" He was bumbling like an idiot, and I couldn't help but laugh again.

"Yeah, and she is. I was actually able to mark her with my Sword last night," I sighed, remembering how hard it was just to make a tiny scratch on her. "She is teaching me," I spoke ever softer as I leaned in close, so I could whisper in his ear. "She is teaching me Akh ji ludoun."

"WHAT!" Aysu yelled so loud, I thought I was deaf for a moment. "Man, that spell is one of the hardest spells ever to have been created! I heard your sister had just learned it herself."

"Yeah, she did. But I need to learn it, Aysu. Anyways, let's get going to class, these bastards are gonna be starring at me for the next few weeks, I might was well be in class while they do it." I laughed when I finished speaking. Aysu did as well. I was hated, loved, and looked up to all of a sudden.

Aysuton and I went to our first class, which was Advanced Magic. The classroom was pitch black. The only light came from the teachers desk, which had a dozen candels on it. She was going to teach us a Fire spell today, it seemed. Aysu immediatly sprked up. His face shown with eagerness. He was only good with Fire magic, and his spells were lacking. I should teach him some of my spells, I thought, his face was so happy, it seemed wrong to laugh at his lack of ability.

The teacher started talking, "Today I am suppose to teach you an advanced Fire spell. It will be quite hard for a lot of you, and easy for some. But first I must congradulate Kikon for passing his Second Testing." She probably expected a hardcore response, but she was dissapointed. Everyone had already heard, so it wasn't that big of a reaction. She continued to tell us what spell we would be learning, "First, of course, you must know the incantation. Akh so ji sol. Balls of Hell's Flame. Now, form Akh sol in your mind, but this time, make them morningstars. They should be perfectly round, and spikey, like a morningstar."

This is one spell I had never even heard of, much less knew. I tried forming the image in my mind, but every time I got close, the fire was disformed. It was as if it was being mutilated with a knife. After several tries, I laid down on the floor. I don't know why, but I thought it might be easier to do it while lieing down. And it was, surprisingly. I had it formed in my mind on the third try while lieing down. I giggled, and kept it formed, but it was hard. I went to Aysuton, and told him it was eaiser when you lied down. He jumped up and ran to the floor. He started screaming in delight after a few minutes, saying, "I've got it! I've got it!"

I smiled. I had finally helped someone. I knew what to do next, but I'd probably get in trouble for it. I stood well away from everyone else in the class, and formed the spell so it took form in front myself. I only formed on Akh so ji sol, so it wasn't dangerously hard to control. The teacher was shocked at seeing me forming a spell without her direct permission. She came storming over, and half way to me, Aysu formed it himself. The teacher was outraged, but it was quite funny to see her storm back and forth as we let the spell go, and reformed it. She was trembling with anger.


Aysu stopped right away, of course. He was still a bit of a child when it came to fear. I just started forming more Akh so ji sol. The teacher started to do the same, and launched a few at me. They moved faster than I could have thought possible, but not so fast that I could not react accordingly. I used my own Akh so ji sol to break hers. I could only form so many, though, and I was running out of energy quickly. Her Akh so ji sol were not lethal, but they were strong enough to make a crakling noise when they hit my own. I could only keep this up for a few more seconds. So I stopped forming them, and let one of hers hit me in the arm. It hurt like hell, and probably gave me a nice scorch mark. The class was laughing, most likely at the teachers vibrant display of anger.

I was sent to be punished for fighting a teacher with magic, but I was still enjoying myself. Until, that is, I saw what form of punishment .I would recieve.


New member
Feb 11, 2006
you already know my take on your story man, i absolutely love it and cant wait until you write some more. i look forward to reading more of this, contact me when i have some more.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
I have edited part of my story, and here it is -

The teacher started talking, "Today I am suppose to teach you an advanced Fire spell. It will be quite hard for a lot of you, and easy for some. But first I must congradulate Kikon for passing his Second Testing." She probably expected a hardcore response, but she was dissapointed. Everyone had already heard, so it wasn't that big of a reaction. She continued to tell us what spell we would be learning, "First, of course, you must know the incantation. Akh so ji styl. Dance of Flaming Swords. Now, form Akh styl in your mind, but this time, make them so that the spin. They should spin as fast as you can make them."

This is one spell I had never even heard of, much less knew. I tried forming the image in my mind, but every time I got close, the fire was disformed. It was as if it was being mutilated with a knife. After several tries, I laid down on the floor. I don't know why, but I thought it might be easier to do it while lieing down. And it was, surprisingly. I had it formed in my mind on the third try while lieing down. I giggled, and kept it formed, but it was hard. I went to Aysuton, and told him it was eaiser when you lied down. He jumped up and ran to the floor. He started screaming in delight after a few minutes, saying, "I've got it! I've got it!"

I smiled. I had finally helped someone. I knew what to do next, but I'd probably get in trouble for it. I stood well away from everyone else in the class, and formed the spell so it took form in front myself. I only formed on Akh so ji sol, so it wasn't dangerously hard to control. The teacher was shocked at seeing me forming a spell without her direct permission. She came storming over, and half way to me, Aysu formed it himself. The teacher was outraged, but it was quite funny to see her storm back and forth as we let the spell go, and reformed it. She was trembling with anger.


Aysu stopped right away, of course. He was still a bit of a child when it came to fear. I just started forming more Akh so ji styl. The teacher started to do the same, and launched a few at me. They moved faster than I could have thought possible, but not so fast that I could not react accordingly. I used my own Akh so ji styl to break hers. I could only form so many, though, and I was running out of energy quickly. Her Akh so ji styl were not lethal, but they were strong enough to make a crakling noise when they hit my own. I could only keep this up for a few more seconds. So I stopped forming them, and let one of hers hit me in the arm. It hurt like hell, and probably gave me a nice scorch mark. The class was laughing, most likely at the teachers vibrant display of anger.

I edited the name of the spell in here, and how it looks.

I am gonna post every thing I have written, now.

I walked down the street, whistling softly in celebration. I had just recieved my first Sword, and Enchantment from passing my Second Testing. The Sword was a copy of a God-Sword, used for training purposses. It was already enchanted with the power of speed, so we trainees could get used to having more speed than we humans were gifted with.

The Enchantment was a very easy one, used to increase the amount of fire we create when we cast a spell.

The Second Testing was about ten times harder than First Testing, as we actually had to fight the other trainees. At 15, I was by far the youngest one there, but I was not the weakest. I had been given a Sword, and a sparring partner. I had to beat the person in front of me by cutting her ten times, and breaking her sword. Once the fight was started by the Master, I immediatly cast my strongest spell, Akh sol, Fury Fire. I felt the energy seep out of my body as the spell formed in front of me. A small wall of flames, yet shaped in the form of a very angry face. Each person had a different persona of spells, and mine were always faces. Controlling it with my mind, I loosed it upon my enemy. She easily dodged it's first passing, and begun to cast her own spell.

"Akh ji kodin," she spoke softly, loud enough to hear, though. That was a spell I was not prepared for, Flames of Justice, it meant. The form of it took on a huge hammer made of fire, ten feet above her head. It started spinning, and came at me. I could not deflect it with my Sword, as it was a magical thing, and my Sword reality, but the fear inside my bones caused me to try. It passed through my sword, cracking it with the heat. Oh boy, it was hot. I could feel the hair on my calves burning. I fell to the floor, dodging the spell by a narrow margin. I still had my spell formed, which obviously she didn't realize as it came up behind her, and pierced her body. She screamed a scream to make the dead feel pity. It wasn't over though. My spell wasn't strong enough to kill with just one hit. Getting to my feet in a flash of gleaming steel, and light, I ran over to her now still body, resting on her knees. I cut her arms six times before she had regained enough of herself to start deflecting my slashes. Getting to her feet was hard, obviously, as I was still slashing, and cutting at her, trying my best to get to her. My sword was cracked, so I wasn't swinging as hard as I could. I decided to try using a spell that would break her sword if she tried to stop it. Jumping away after one last final attempt to cut her, I began to cast it.

"Sahk do ji lakio," I shouted, feeling again the loss of energy as it formed. The Spears of Ice came into veiw, frezing everything around them. I kept adding spears, even though I knew I was running out of energy with each one. I formed sixteen spears, leaving me enough energy to jump, and swing, and that's about it. I launched one, two, three, and then a fourth one, hoping so those keep her distracted while I moved others into position to strike at her, making it impossible to dodge, so she would have to try to stop them with her sword. I had to concentrate fully on moving each Spear of Ice into the right area. Having all but two in correct postitions, I launched them. Releasing the hold I had on the first four, she suddenly found herself surround by ten Spears. She would have to deflect one, or two with her sword. Which of course she did. It snapped like a twig, and I immediatly released my spell, saving some energy I would have used to move more. I jumped at her, swinging wildly. She fell back, parrying my attacks with less than half of her sword had to be hard. Within five minutes, I had her cut the ten times needed. I was breathing hard, but she was prostrate on the floor, in sign of defeat.

"Kikon has won the first battle. He continues on." The Master said it in a loud, clear voice.

It continued on like that for a week. I would get a full days rest before my next battle.

I was the first person to pass the test out of two. My reward for passing was the Sword I was now walking down the street with, and the Enchantment I had memeorized. I was at my house without even realizing it. Walking inside, I decided to go show my sister and brother my accomplishment.

Calling out their names, they appeared quickyl. My sister, tall, with redish-gold hair, green-slate eyes, was three years older than me, and took care of my brother and I. My brother, short, with black hair, and black eyes, had a grin on his face. It was his normal expression. He was a trouble maker.

"Hey guys, I passed!" I exclaimed, worn out, but forcing eagerness into my voice.

"Let me see! Let me see!" My little brother screeched, beaming with pleasure. He had only seen my sisters Jokanh, Death Guard Sword, for his life, and he wanted to see mine. I showed it to him with no delay, letting him take it in hand, and play with it.

My sister, on the other hand, was more worried about any injuries I had recieved. Fussing over all my little marks and bruises, scratches and cuts, she exclaimed at the gash down my thigh that I had recieved in the final battle for passing.

"Kiko! How did you get this cut! It will never heal, and it probably stings like devilsroot!" Devilsroot is a posionus plant that if it touched any cut you have, it will make it sting a hundred-fold.

"Yeah, but I gave the guy who gave me it one hell of a loss. I had to cut one of his arms off because he wouldn't yield," I said solemly.

"Brother! Broth -"

"Not right now, Jodo, he needs a hot bath, a bowl of soup, and his bed. You go play with his sword, but you break it, and I will break you!" My sister was a scary girl.

"But sister! He is fine! I wanna play, you meanie," My brother screeched again, storming off in anger, and most likely dissapointment.

I hadn't even realized this before I was undressed, in the bath, with a bowl of soup in my hands, and my sister telling me exactly what I had to do. Women are way to fast for men.
Taking my sweet time in the bath, my sister started telling me about new spells she could now legally teach me. She was a captain in the military, and knew many spells. She helped my brother and I with our spells a lot, and me with the Sword. One spell caught my attention when she said the incantation for it, "Ahk ji ludoun." The Fires of Peninence. It was a high level spell, and as far as I knew, only a handful of people in our country knew how to work it.

"Sister, you must teach me as soon as I am out of the bath!" I said suddenly, making her jump. "I should be able to learn a spell before I pass out, we should try working on Ahk ji ludoun. I know I wont master it in just a few hours, but I have to try." Knowing that spell, and being able to preform it would help me emensely when I take my Third Testing.

She sighed, and nodded. Giving her my hand, she kissed it, and left the room, getting ready to train me, most likely. She didn't like my lust for knowledge as much as she used to, as it was starting to get me in trouble with my peers. Ever since I was allowed to learn magic, and the Sword, I had quickyl advanced beyond those of my age. I had always been smart, but I was even better at learning spells, and the Sword. Some kids my age hated me for it. They were still learning spells like Akh ki, Fire Ball, and Kakh haili, Fists of Earth. Those spells were the first you hard to learn before you could grab a Sword. And some weren't even capable of doing magic.

Finishing up in the tub quickly, I dried off using a towel my sister had left for me, went to my room and got dressed. I picked out a pair of cotton underpants, a pair of black breeches, and a nice black sleeveless shirt, with gold stitching. I looked quite handsom in the mirror. Laughing at myself for trying to look my best when I was about to get my ass handed to me. I was insane.

Drying my hair one last time, I headed down stairs to find my brother, grabbing my sword from him, and walking to the back yard, I saw my sister, ready, and looking determined. She was going to hand me my ass in a golden bowl tonight, it seemed. Walking out further into the yard, I started to pull on the gloves my sister was allowed to borrow. They protected the wearer from harm if you stopped a spell with them.

"Kiko, first we will spar, and if you don't at least mark me, you are not ready to learn The Fires of Peninence," my sister spoke with a grin on her face. I heard my brother gasp as he realized what I was learning. Or trying to, at least.

"Yeah, sure, I'll cut you," I dreamt. I had never been able to mark her, not even once.

She now had her Sword in hand, and I had mine. My brother was commanded to start the match, and he did. I lunged at my sister first, hoping to surprise her with the agility I had gained during my test.I had already formed the words on my tongue, but not the energy needed to form the spell. Striking at her again and again, hoping to penitrate her Sword to get through and mark her, which wasn't working. Not letting up, though, I formed the spell behind her. I only mouthed the words, so she didn't hear them. Lakh sofi hali solk. Eternal Scyth's of Air. She would hear it the second I stopped attacking, or feel it early. I couldn't allow that to happen, so I yelled out, "Akh sol." She was waiting for it, or so I thought. It never formed, and as my Scyth's were coming at her from behind, she suddenly flopped herself on the floor, and kicked my legs out from under me. I lost all the breathe in my body, but I knew I still had to move. Rolling away on the moist grass was odd, and a bit squishy. Jump up about ten feet away from her, I begun to cast another spell, but I decided against it. It would use most of my energy. I instead decided to cast my Enchantment on my sword.

"Alio kooido shajin loklar Akh jiio"

My Sword started to . . . pulse with energy. I now would have to use Fire spells, which hopefully would be good enough to damage her with the extra boost from the Enchantment. Running at her, I formed Akh ki on my lips, parched as they were, and used most of the energy in my body. I created several Fire Balls, not worrying about counting them. I ran head on, and jumped, shooting a Fire Ball at her from the left, and I attacked with my Sword on the left, while a Ball was flying as fast as I could make it go shot from the right. I know she would easily evade it, so I didn't stop attacking with the Fire Balls. One at a time, from every direction, than two in the same. She was destroying the Fire Balls with just a slash of her sword, but with how many, and how fast they were, she wasn't able to pay enough heed to me. I lunged at her leg, and scratched her before she jumped away. I saw the hair-thin line of blood ooze from her cut.

"I win," I panted. That Fire Ball spell used way to much energy. Letting it dissipate, I had a hard time catching my breath. I was completely wasted. At best I would be able to form a spell, if not control it. Good thing for me, though, was that I wouldn't be able to even form the spell I wanted to learn for a few weeks.

"So you do, so you do. Good job, Kiko, I wasn't excepting over a hundred Akh ki to be formed. You must be feeling like **** all of a sudden, right?" I nodded, which she bearly waited for as she continued. "Lay down, and clear your mind. Think of an axe. Picture it, feed it your feelings of justice. Once you can form an axe, one that has been fed all your feeling, it will catch fire, but it will be what you need. I want you to try this for an hour every day until you can form a fiery axe in your mind."

So I did. I lay on the grass for over an hour that night, trying to form it in my mind. AT one point I thought I had done it, but it was just me picturing a burning axe. After a while, my sister came out and pulled me back to reality, "Dinner's ready, Kikon. Go get washed up." I stayed down for a few more minutes, trying in vain to form it again. Giving up for the time being, I got up, and did as told. Dinner was just some beef, with a few green things my brother hated. I didn't care what I ate, as long as it helped me. After dinner, I helped my sister with the dishes, and then went up to bed. I decided to try again. I lay on my bed for hours, trying to form the axe my sister wanted.

I still wasn't even close when my sister came in, yelling about not getting up on time. I asked her what time it was, and gasped in shock. I had just tried for nine hours, and I was no closer than the first time I tried.

"Uhm . . . Sister? Can I stay home? I didn't sleep at all." Dreading her answer, I started to get ready for my every day training. I would have to skip training, and just study. I would pass out as soon as I got home, though.

Chapter Two

Once I was ready, I walked with my brother to the school. We studied magic, history, arithmatic, science, and physics. Well, I did, as I was an upper-classman. The school was everyones least favorite part of training. I myself loved it, as it helped me get smarter. But of course, I was an outcast for more than one reason. I walked my brother to his classroom, and then went onto mine.

My friend Aysuton hailed me from behind, and I spun around to meet him right before he tried to hide.

"Hey, Kikon! What's up with you lately? You've been late now for over a week." Aysu laughed at my expression, "You found yourself a girl?"

I had to laugh at that. He knew I was to self-abosorbed to have a girlfriend, "I wish, man, I wish. I passed my Second Testing." My chin rose as everyone who heard me looked in shock to me. I was expecting this, but not the anger some people had in their eyes.

Aysu had the same expression, except the anger, he had astonishment."You passed . . . You passed? Impossible! No one passed so young except your sister, and she is considered a prodigy!" He was bumbling like an idiot, and I couldn't help but laugh again.

"Yeah, and she is. I was actually able to mark her with my Sword last night," I sighed, remembering how hard it was just to make a tiny scratch on her. "She is teaching me," I spoke ever softer as I leaned in close, so I could whisper in his ear. "She is teaching me Akh ji ludoun."

"WHAT!" Aysu yelled so loud, I thought I was deaf for a moment. "Man, that spell is one of the hardest spells ever to have been created! I heard your sister had just learned it herself."

"Yeah, she did. But I need to learn it, Aysu. Anyways, let's get going to class, these bastards are gonna be starring at me for the next few weeks, I might was well be in class while they do it." I laughed when I finished speaking. Aysu did as well. I was hated, loved, and looked up to all of a sudden.

Aysuton and I went to our first class, which was Advanced Magic. The classroom was pitch black. The only light came from the teachers desk, which had a dozen candels on it. She was going to teach us a Fire spell today, it seemed. Aysu immediatly sprked up. His face shown with eagerness. He was only good with Fire magic, and his spells were lacking. I should teach him some of my spells, I thought, his face was so happy, it seemed wrong to laugh at his lack of ability.

The teacher started talking, "Today I am suppose to teach you an advanced Fire spell. It will be quite hard for a lot of you, and easy for some. But first I must congradulate Kikon for passing his Second Testing." She probably expected a hardcore response, but she was dissapointed. Everyone had already heard, so it wasn't that big of a reaction. She continued to tell us what spell we would be learning, "First, of course, you must know the incantation. Akh so ji styl. Dance of Flaming Swords. Now, form Akh styl in your mind, but this time, make them so that the spin. They should spin as fast as you can make them."

This is one spell I had never even heard of, much less knew. I tried forming the image in my mind, but every time I got close, the fire was disformed. It was as if it was being mutilated with a knife. After several tries, I laid down on the floor. I don't know why, but I thought it might be easier to do it while lieing down. And it was, surprisingly. I had it formed in my mind on the third try while lieing down. I giggled, and kept it formed, but it was hard. I went to Aysuton, and told him it was eaiser when you lied down. He jumped up and ran to the floor. He started screaming in delight after a few minutes, saying, "I've got it! I've got it!"

I smiled. I had finally helped someone. I knew what to do next, but I'd probably get in trouble for it. I stood well away from everyone else in the class, and formed the spell so it took form in front myself. I only formed on Akh so ji sol, so it wasn't dangerously hard to control. The teacher was shocked at seeing me forming a spell without her direct permission. She came storming over, and half way to me, Aysu formed it himself. The teacher was outraged, but it was quite funny to see her storm back and forth as we let the spell go, and reformed it. She was trembling with anger.


Aysu stopped right away, of course. He was still a bit of a child when it came to fear. I just started forming more Akh so ji styl. The teacher started to do the same, and launched a few at me. They moved faster than I could have thought possible, but not so fast that I could not react accordingly. I used my own Akh so ji styl to break hers. I could only form so many, though, and I was running out of energy quickly. Her Akh so ji styl were not lethal, but they were strong enough to make a crakling noise when they hit my own. I could only keep this up for a few more seconds. So I stopped forming them, and let one of hers hit me in the arm. It hurt like hell, and probably gave me a nice scorch mark. The class was laughing, most likely at the teachers vibrant display of anger.

I was sent to be punished for fighting a teacher with magic, but I was still enjoying myself. Until, that is, I saw what form of punishment I would recieve. I would be punished in the most vicious way the school allowed. Whipped by the Sho Kal, the owner of the school. He would use the spell Lakh ji fui, Lashings of Wind on me.

Everyone was outside in the yard, fighting for the best spot to watch. This was the first time in twenty some-odd years someone would recieve this form of punishment. From what I knew of it, it hurt like hell, and made it impossible to walk for days. I kept a smile on my face, hoping to hide my fear. What I really wanted to do was run like hell, and never look back.

But I was beind held by two teachers who were both stronger than me. I was placed in front of the Sho Kal, and he asked, "What is your crime, child?"

I was almost whimpering! I had to get some control over myself! "I attacked, disobeyed, and fought with a teacher with the magic she was teaching us," I said, surprised at how clear my voice was. I quickly added, "Sho Kal." Everyone who had not yet heard gasped in shock at my stupidity. I would probably be given ten minutes of the Lashings.

"You are to be Lashed for five minutes, and then sent home. Once you are able to walk again, you will recieve another five minutes. This is your punishment befitting your crime." I wanted to cry. At least it wasn't ten minutes at one time. I might be able to handle just five minutes.

I was then tied up-side down, my ankels wraped with wire. One of the teachers cut off my clothes, expecting me to feel weakened by embaressment. I wasn't of course. Nudity was a natural occurance, while clothes were unnatural. The other kids started laughing, or turning around, red rising in their cheeks.

"Are you ready, Kikon," Sho Kal asked, in a too-kind voice.

"Yes." Was my reply.

Without even a moments pause, I started feeling the lashing that I couldn't see. They stung, not badly, at first. They covered my entired body, then they started to hurt. I was turning red. The pain just kept increasing, and growing. I was trying my best not to scream out, or cry, so I just groaned around my clenched teeth.

My body was as red a beet, and in some places blood was flowing freely. The pain was so intense, that I could not help but cry out. I would not scream, though. I could not!

I heard a whisper, which meant it was a yell, but the blood pounding in my ears caused it to sound like a whisper. "First minute." Only one minute had passed? This was worse than I had imagined.

My body was going numb to al feeling but pain. I would lose conciousness in a moment, and hopefully that would stop the Sho Kal. My body was completely numb now, I couldn't feel the hits of the Wind any more, but I could still feel the pain that was already their. I was consumed by the pain, my body was torn, bleeding from more cuts, and gashed that I had ever seen on a living human. I was taking by blackness.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
Chapter Three​

Aisoa worried about her little brother, Kiko. She had had to protect him since he was only nine, when mom and dad went to fight in the war. No one believe a huge mass of the countrys army was at war, and it was kept quiet. But Kikon had heard all the rumors of his father, and wanted so badly to be as strong, or stronger than him, that he often went overboard, and got himself hurt. He had always been like that, no matter what she said. So she decided to just help him, and try to make his pains more tolerable.

She was in tears when two of the local teachers brought him home, unconscious, bloody all over. "What'd he do," she asked, trying to keep her voice level, and calm.

"He fought, using magic, aginst one of the other teachers. He recieved Lakh ji fui from the Sho Kal." One of the teachers said. They brough him up to his room as Aisoa directed, and placed him on his bed.

"Is he . . ." Aisoa couldn't form the words. They just wouldn't come to her tongue, "Is he bannished?"

"Not as far as I know. He did not harm anyone. Even in this case, he showed absolute control over a new spell. I would have to say he resembles you in that matter," The teacher at the room door said, smiling at her. Aisoa tried to smile back, but she could not force her lips to curve upwards into a smile.

A few more minutes of complimenting Kikon, and the teachers took their leave. Aisoa ran into the kitchen and grabed bandages and hot water bottles, disinfectent and herbs. She jumped up the stairs to Kikon's room, and immediatly took off the blanket the teachers had brought him in.She gasped when she saw all his wounds. He was bloody from head to toe. Literally. She set to work, cleaning the wounds, using the water, and some herbs as a paste to cover them with. Bandaging the worst the cuts, and gashes she set about cleaning all the lood that had smeared over his body. Kikon groaned in pain when she went over a bloody mark with the hot rag.

After cleaning him, she dressed him in some thin clothing, and covered him with his blankets. Aisoa went downstairs, and started cooking lunch for herself, and Jodo. She highly doubted Kikon was gonna be awake anytime today.

* * *​

I was surrounded by high ceilings, and distanct walls, all the color of night. My head hurt like nothing I had ever felt before, and I was freezing cold. I had been trained all these years not to show anything with my body, so shivering was out of the question. The worst part yet, I had no idea where I was, and could remember only bits a pieces of my life. I know that exactly one week ago, I turned ten. I could picture all the fun I had had chasing my friends with my wooden practice sword, and in turn being chased by them. I remembered my sisters face, so beautiful, but creased with worry of someone ten years older. She always stayed home on party nights, and never tried to meet a guy. I worried about my sister more than she worried about me, but I tried to be happy for her sake.

I had always been a brat, but I tried to make my sister smile as much as possible. She was put into this situation by mom and dad, who had left home telling her to wait for their return. My sister always told me they had gone to some distant country to try and keep the peace. They were both Captains in the military, and my father was credited to be the best swordsman in a century, while my mother had created spells of healing, which were rarely used. I knew she was lying, though. I hadn't yet found the truth, but I knew she was lying none the less.

My sister, known as a prodigy, had always been above natural ability with spells, and the Sword. She had become a Swordmaster, or she called it in jest, Sword-Mistress, when she was only fourteen. The youngest ever. She always helped me with my Sword practice, always making me practice. I had become much stronger. But I still wanted to know spells, but I couldn't learn those yet. At least not legally. My and my friend Aysu had been practicing spells on our own for several months. He was only good with Fire, and he lacked in that. He was so frustrated whenever I mastered a spell, and he had barely been able to form it.

Our teachers had explained magic to us, and according to my sister, very few understood it. I didn't understand that at all, as it made perfect sense to me. All magic came from the brain. You first had to form the image perfectly in your head, and then use energy from your own body to form it in reality. You had to maintain the image in your head, and control it subconciously, or else it dissapeared, and you had to try again. As you got better with spells, they were easier to maintain, and used up less energy. I could control a Fire Ball easily, and make it last for twelve hours before I passed out. It was a very basic spell, but considering I shouldn't even know how to form it at all, I thought it was pretty good.

Magic was formed into our brains, as we summoned it from the Gates of Eternity. The Gates of Eternity were filled with energy, and demons, and all sorts of wayward humans who tried to become stronger. I had heard a story of it once. Once you go into th Gates, you are never allowed out until you have mastered all the energy there, and could open the Gates yourself.

Whenever anyone used a spell, the energy used was sent to the Gates, and added to the supernatural powers. My teachers said there was a way to summon energy from the Gates, and was a never eneding supply of energy, but she had said she did not know how to herself, when I had asked how.

The Gates were often a discussion with us kids, always seeking knowledge. I thought it stupid. I was not an adventure. I just wanted to become stronger, make it so my sister didn't have to take care of me, or Jodo, my child brother. Once I had heared that you could summon the energy from the Gates, I had thought of ways to try it, but no matter, it never worked. I would find away, though.

Magic was an essence of our imaginitive powers entwined with energy from our very bodies. It was a mystery in of itself.

Groaning, and twisting, I found myself looking at a huge statue. The statue was well over a hundred feet high, carved intricatly. It was of a woman, holding an orb in one hand, and a sword in the other. The wall were now silver with black flowers painted on them.

I remembered everything now, and even knew my last was a dream. But this . . . This was much to real to be a dream. I could feel the wind, the biting cold. It hurt like hell. I was quite naked, and the cold wind had fangs of ice, that ignored my skin, and bit straight into my bones. I was weary from the beating I had recieved from school, and when I tried to speak, my voice was so hoarse, it hurt just to get a tiny sound out. As if my thoughts were being read, a tall glass, seeming a hundred pieces, but holding water without leaking anything. I picked it up, and took a sniff, to see if I smelled anyhing. I didn't of course. This had to be a dream . . . But it was so real.

"Lord Kikon, what do you wish from us?" A voice like ice rang out. I was so shocked, I nearly dropped the glass.

My voice shook, whether from fear, or shock, I was not sure, "Wh . . . o are you?" I choked on my words.

"We are the Lords of Agk Lokar, or in your human Tongue, Lords of Six Gates," The ice was warmed, as if it felt affection towards me. I was shocked. The Six Gates? The holes of our world, the holes that allowed us to use magic, summon beasts, and use power not heard of in the human race?

"Where am I?" I shouted, quite pleased how steady I could force my voice to become, "I am on my bed, at home, injured badly!"

"Indeed you are, young Lord Kikon," a womans voice? "This is the Realm of Trials, where one such as yourself can use our knowledge, and solve one question. If you get it wrong, you will simply wake up, and forget all about this. But if you succeed, we are required to beg your appearence at the entry to one of the Six Gates."

"But . . . Wait a second. How do you know my name? And why do you call my Lord? I am no thief, no coward who hides behind money." I was losing control of my voice, it had shook from fear, or maybe even cold.

"You are Kikon, son of Latoe, and Shianna, correct?" A new voice questioned.

"I am . . . But . . ."

"Then you are to inherit Lordship of one of the six gates, if you can kill one of us. Latoe, Lord of Soja, land of the savages, has ignorantly, as did his bloodline for the past hundreds of years, pass up the chance to become a Lord of said Gate. You have to most reputable honor of becoming a Gate Lord, if you can, though. Do not pass it up."

"Err . . . I can try, I guess, but thats it."

"Good boy. That was the first question. Now, answer this question, and find the Gate that is the answer. There is no time limit, as long you get there before you die your mortal death."

And I was awake, in my bed, in my house. The pain of my body came shooting into me, and I screamed. Jodo, sitting beside the bed, tears in his eyes, jumped up, and ran downstairs, screaming, "Aisoa!"

Seconds later, my sister was running into my room, worry etching her face into more years. "KIKON!" She yelped, and ran to my side, and started assualting me with kisses.

"Sis . . . Aiso . . . SISTER!" I finally got out, "Stop it, would you?"

"Are you hurt? In pain? It's been a week! Forgive me if I worried, you brat!" She smiled, and played with my hair, which took out all the viper in her tone, and words.

"Oh yeah, I hurt. I feel like crap. It's been a week, you say?" I asked, smiling myself. Worry disapeared from her face, and her smile made her beautiful again.

"Yeah, Aysuton came by every day, staying by your side for hours at a time. Thats a good friend you have, Kiko."

"I know, I know," I would have to get some energy back, and some food. "Sister, I am awfully hungry, please tell you have some huge meal ready?"

'Of course!" She was happier than I had seen her in years.

"Good. Please have it ready when I come down."

"Oh no you don't, Kiko, you are not getting out of bed!" She kissed my forehead, my cheeks, and my lips, and hurried out of the room.

"Hey Jodo, how you doing buddy?" I asked gently, he had a huge smile on his face, breaking his face into two, but tears still streamed down his sad eyes.

"Good1 I've been so worried, and so has sister. You have been moaning names I have never heard that past few days, and sister was shocked when she heard on. Gates, I think it was," he came over to me, and gave me a hug.

"It's okay, buddy, I am fine now. It was just a bad dream." Was it? I could still feel the enchantment placed on me, that would make me remember the question when it was time.

Aisoa came up the stairs with a tray piled with food. Baked potatos, rice, carrots and peas, steak, and other assorted meats, all topped with a delicious looking honey and peper sauce. I ate it so fast, and wanted more, my sister was grinning, so was Jodo, and me too.