Of pain and sorrow


The King Of Bandits
hold it in,
it's what i've always done,
hold it in,
becuase i've always run,
hold it in,
with nothing to lose,
hold it in,
and they'll never know who's.

just keep it all in is my motto i say,
keeping it in lets me get day to day.
dont let anyone know,
or anyone find out,
cuase if they knew they'd only luagh and point their fingers out,
my feelings best kept inside,
my tears are all but barely dried,
looking at the broken sun ,
hoping i can hug someone,
crying myself to sleep at night,
hoping it will be alright,
and waking up the very next day,
and having the curage to barely say...

" She is my little sister.....and nothing could take that away from us."

Missing Temptation

beautiful desire
May 14, 2006
Oh that's sad Jing. I as well am sorry for whatever has happened. - -The poem is great though..! I'll be looking for your other works too.~