Suicidal - Self-harm.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
I know the said reasons for people commiting suicide, and for people who cut their wrist, or other such stupid things

But what I don't understand is the utter stupidity in it.

Life is hard for everone, everyone has issues, and troubles, and problems, and hurdles we can't overcome, but you don't se us all harming ourselves, or killing ourselves.

In my opinion, it takes a very stupid and/or weak person to commit suicide or harm themselves.


New member
Jul 17, 2006
New York
I've known a few people who would like to commit suicide for various reasons. These people do not have very nice memories at home, or from what they've experienced in life. I believe there are two types of suicide - depressional and incapable mental suicide.

Depressional suicide is the type which comes up all of the sudden. Break up with your boyfriend? Oh hay, I'm going to go slash my wrists now, and show you what you've done to me. The type which people only do to grab attention. Most of the time, people actually slash their wrists with this one.

Then there is the incapable mental suicide. Some kids are forced to live with an abusive parent all the time since they were a baby, maybe they even get made fun of at school always. I think this is the kind of suicide that does not take place often, because the victim is so succumbed to the pain; that it would be pointless to kill themselves. If they had dealt with it all their lives, then they can take whatever hits them. But then there are the little things that come up, that may force an individual to try and kill themselves, but they're too weak in their mind to do it.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
its all about the mind.... people do crazy things... not that their weak or anything. There MIND doesn;t or isn't functioning like it SHOULD... either there stressed.. or something has overcome them.. in a way, where they can't control their mind anymore. It happens... but if ur strong enough you can make it way or another!!

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
They can control themselves. It's not like suicidal people are insane, they just 'can't' or don't want to live anylonger, to escape reality, to not feel any more pain, so in otherwords, take the easy way out.

There are some people who kill themselves so they don't get old, or they have a disease, and they kill themselves to make it easier, or they simply wanna see what there is after life.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
Zidarri said:
They can control themselves. It's not like suicidal people are insane, they just 'can't' or don't want to live anylonger, to escape reality, to not feel any more pain, so in otherwords, take the easy way out.

There are some people who kill themselves so they don't get old, or they have a disease, and they kill themselves to make it easier, or they simply wanna see what there is after life.
that = mental issues.... NORMAL people.. don't do that... so it means SOMETHING is wrong with them. If you use comman SENSE = using ur BRAIN.. you will understand.. its a STUPID thing to doo.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
Then everyone has mental issues. I mean, I've thought of some stupid and sick ****. It's just I'm strong willed enough to know that it stays in my mind, and does not come out.

It's not mental issues, it's a mental mindset that leads people to do such things as cut wrists, hit themselves. Blah.


Ultimate PWNage
Jun 1, 2006
It all depends on that persons point of view, to them pain or death may be the only way to escape their certain reality to them. For us lucky individuals who have people that care we know that there are other ways to deal with certain situations. We can just talk to one of the many who show affection for us. But it's harder for those others that don't.

Don't get me wrong I'm not encouraging these acts but I also have to look on the other side here, basically place yourself in their positions without having people to care for you.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
There is always someone who loves you. Always.

But, as you said, they can't always talk about thier problems, because they don't know whom has a place in their heart for them.

Some people have a mental disease that forces depression onto them, most people do not. Being depressed without the mental disease is stupid. I get depressed over some of the most stupid ****, but I never stay despressed for to long because it's is pointless.

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
You know what? I want to slap you right now....If I met you in real life I would beat the crap out of you....My best friend commited suicide last year...and he was by no means stupid or weak....He lived for 18 years with 2 different types of cancer....Both of which had gone into remission twice.....well he found out his leukimia had come back...and he was just tired of the fighting....the constant struggle.... So he ended his life.... but I would consider him a hero...To live that long with those types of difficulties....It is you who I would say Is the stupid and weak person....So next time you open your mouth and post what you have to say on the internet....think about the idiot who is typing it down.....It is people like you that sicken me

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006

A. My friend commited suicide too. He had HIV, and 'couldn't' tell his parents. So, he took the easy way out and killed himself. He had it for four years, but meh.

B. Your friend who had cancers fought hard, it seems, but killing yourself is a cowards way out as I see it, not a hero-like way because it shows that they have given up.

What is more cowardly then giving up? Nothing.

I'm sure I sound stupid to someone as bias as you are, but whatever. I have my opinions, and you have yours.


The King Of Bandits
And what about an unbiased oppinion such as mine? the way i see it, people just lose hope, Gp your friend was a hero, not neccesarily for the fact that he took his own life, but for the fact that he battled cancer and won twice. To me that makes him a hero.


I think however I might close this topic, for fear that is might bring out emotions in people that really should not be here. So to everyone who posts in this thread, please try and keep your comments about others to yourself, And your comments about other peoples lost friends to yourself. so Zidarri and Gp, leave your personal history at the door when you post in this topic next, suicide is a hard thing to talk about for people who have lost someone, so lets try not to get to into this, once again for fear that we would bring out emotions that have no place on this forum other then the RolePlay secton in a roleplay. We dont want anyone hurt here so if you are really thinking about saying somthing in response to the posts above about self harm/suicide, please consider first that you might be chewing someone out who is heartless and doesnt care ^_^. continue on with the discussion however.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
I'm only half heartless. ^_^

Suicide, no matter the situation, still looks like the easy way out to me.


The King Of Bandits
well im glad you have an oppinion, congradulations your human.

and i was not talking about you, so dont be so arogant.

Anyway, suicide many times looks like the easy way out becuase their minds are clouded by the world which seems to be falling down around them. Zidarri has a point when he says it looks like the easy way out, becuase for them it looks like an easy ticket to a world without pain, they just want to escape the constant stress and pain they have.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
Which is cowardly.

I have some real stress. I am the most stubborn person I know, and I have to get a job soon. I am scared ****less. I don't take orders very well. Gah! I feel so hopeless. ^_^

Suicide is a way out of reality, a shining hope for those to weak to deal with it, or those who have given up. So coward-like.


The King Of Bandits
no no, its not cowardly. it is a misjudgment. people are lead to believe that it is a way out. becuase it seems like it would be easier then trying to actualy deal with the problem. So if being a coward means you are lead to believe it is a good way out, then yes they are being cowardly. Although circumstances very from time to time so you can never really tell wether someone is misjudging the situation, or if they just want to die becuase there is so much on them.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
It is what they are led to believe? Yeah, by themselves. They give up because they are to weak, or cowardly to go on living. To deal with the problems they were lucky or unlucky to have. A misjudgment is me misjudging everyone as an idiot. A misjudgment is me saying that Coca-Cola is the same as Pepsi. No, suicide is a way to stop the pain, the stress, the suffering, or whatever. It's an excuse to get out of life. It IS cowardly. :/


The King Of Bandits
what are you three? Of course it's a misjudgment. even if it is by themselves, which is the only type of misjudgement i can think of, it' s not cowardly. You just have it out for those people for some reason dont you? you keep insisting that they are cowards and thats why they do it. You could not be further from the truth. People who kill themselves endure so much, they have so much going against them that they just dont have a way out. There is no end to the terrible problems they are having in there life, or so they think. People who commit suicide go through more pain and more stress then you probably have endured ever in your life, thats adding up everything you have went through and combining it together. These people go through so much, who are you to call them out to be cowards? especialy when you have no idea what they are going through?

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006
Now who is misjudging? ^_^

I deal with stress by ignoring it. It goes away fast that way. I've dealt with a lot more than most people think. Usually, it's because I made some really bad judgment calls in my life.

When I was 13, I tried to kill myself. I failed, blah blah. After my brother kicked my ass for it, I started thinking a lot about it.

It's not a misjudgment to kill yourself. Maybe the reasons behind it are, but wanting to kill yourself or actually doing it is cowardly. Those who do or want to have gone through a bunch of ****, sure, but they can't deal withit, so they turn to an alternate course of action. Albeit it works, it isn't right.

They are running away from life, from the fight to survive, because they have given up hope, and there by turn into cowards.

Everyone goes through a lot of ****. And the main reason for suicide, among teens, is because they feel no one loves them. And as I've said before, that is simply not true. But we can't always tell whom those are that love us or hate us.

They don't want to live cause it hurts. Yes, it does hurt to live. And it doesn't hurt to be dead. It's an escape. An escape from what the rest of us deal with every day. It is a cowardly act to kill yourself. Just die like normal people do, when something or someone kills you.


The King Of Bandits
you have to be one of the most arogant people i have ever met XD.

You bring up some good points though. Stil, it is not a cowardly act. actually being able to kill yourself means you have to have some guts, at least enough to actually plan out how you are going to die. Also most people feel unloved becuase of the many arogant people in this world, such as yourself ^_^. People who believe those people who would commit suicide are cowardly. They are not cowardly, thats the first point you need to shove into your tiny little brain. The coward is you. Anyone who calls others a coward becuase they are looking for an escape from this world is an idiot in the first place, and second you should try to help them rather then watch them die and put them down by calling them cowards. Show some compassion for people who are in a worse state then you. How about instead of condeming them by calling them a coward, you stop and look at it from their point of view. I dont care who you are, what you have gone through. If you were in their position you would do the exact same thing. Becuase your mind would be either one warped like theirs is, or two misled by the colapsing world around you.

Anyone who says they would not is an arogant moron who deserves to go crawl in a hole and die somewhere, becuase they have no idea what they are talking about. obviously, since you are not dead, you didn't have it to bad off, or you would have kept trying til you died. You need to suck up your pride, quit acting like the Prideful idiot you are, and stop calling people a coward, becuase after all If you label someone else a coward, then you are probably one too.

Daemon Sadi

New member
Jan 13, 2006

I WAS in their position. I tried to kill myself. I would have succeeded, except my brother intervened and kicked my ass.

And it is cowardly. No matter what you say, it is. Running away is the definition of cowardly.

I am not putting them down, or condeming them. I am just saying what they are. And I don't help idiots. If they want to die, then let them die. Compassion for those to weak to live? Yeah, next thing will be compassion for cows.

I have nothing against people who wanna commit suicide except for that fact that they are being stupid. Now, I'm not saying they're stupid, just that they're being stupid. said:
1. a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.

They are cowards, by definition.

Yes, I am arrogant, but not so much as to think myself better than everyone else.