The Elder Scrolls : Morrowind


High Prophet of Blue
Aug 4, 2006
In my own little world where I rule over all
This game is very addictive. If I play it when I havenothing to do and I don't really want to play it I end up getting into the game. I then can not stop playing that game!! The is a sure fire way to getrich at the very start of the game. Well at least rich for the first part of the game.

When you start a new game, go through the character making and info. In the room where you pick up the dagger and lock pick grab everything else too. When you then go outside drop everything except the paper you need to leave. After you talk to the guy go back to those items and pick them up. Walk through the rest of the building and over to the shop keeper. Sell the items and buy the weapon that you are most skilled at. Equip it and go to the Light house. Kill the woman and take EVERYTHING!! That includes the things that only cost 1. Go back to the seller and sell all the goods. He'll like you alot and give you 1 for 1. If you have a massive amount of Saltrice sell one at a time so you'll get 1 gold for 1 Saltrice. It may take a while but it's worth it. And go to other houses and pick the lock on the door and have a nice stealing spree.


My time is ticking away....
Staff member
Jan 12, 2006
Outworld, Canada
I seen this for xbox but never got it.. What type of game is it? Is like kinda like halo style? or ninja gaiden etc? 1st person? or like fable.. damn.. i haven't even played fable yet...

Demon_Eyes Kyo

He holds the triforce of power
May 22, 2006
in a little place called "my own little world"
IT's a first person RPG in which you can do pretty much anything you want. It's kinda like Oblivion for the 360 but its on a different island in the world.

And when i say you can do whatever you want, I mean you can do whatever you want. (except open up your own shop, tried, can't happen) You can go through the main story but there are also about 3 guilds and 7 other factions you can join, you can go duengeoun delving, you can become a vampire (or a werewolf if you have the Bloodmoon expansion pack, avalible by itself for the PC and Xbox, and comes in the game of the year edition on the Xbox), and you can just go around killing random people. there are also hundreds of miscellaneous quests that you can do for random people. You can resist aresst from the guards if your caught commiting a crime, or you can go to jail or pay a fine (if you have enough money.) This game rules and it is my favorite game for the original Xbox.

And i also have a money tip for anyone who has the game.

DO the first few steps of Horohoro's, but while you're in the room with the guy you have to show your papers too go behind the table he is standing infront of and look at the shelf thingie behind him. Look for the 'Warehouse key" on the second shelf and back up as far as you can while you can still see it, then take it. Immediately press back or B on the Xbox, or immediately right click on the PC, then drop the item (you have to do it before he talks to you or he'll take it from you). then you go back and get the things you dropped inbetween the two buildings and go out the door. GO to the shopkeeper and sell everything you don't need and not the warehouse key. Buy your weapon, and go do the lighthouse thing. then sell Everything except the warehouse key and your weapon. Go past the door that you came out of (the one that you got the key in) and look to your right. THere is the warehouse. Go in, kill all the guards (this might be a little hard considering your only level 1, you might want to level up to atleat lv 4 if your having trouble, or you can into options and put the game difficulty all the way down) then take everything inside and sell it. congradulation, you now have about 2000 gold.
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