The shinobi, also known as the ninja, was one of the most feared warriors. They moved in stealth and shadow. A shinobi was fast and strong. With speed they could weave in and out of assults and with might they destroyed opponents with a single, fatal strike.
First off, members of this clan recieve a regular salary of 25000 a week. If you are a member of this clan and do not recieve this amount, PM me and I will check my records.
1. Anyone is allowed to join no matter what job and stat levels.
2. If you want to join, you can post in this thread your RPG name OR PM me your name and request to join.
3. Make sure that the image you want in the Clan's banner is one relating to Naruto.
4. You must STAY ACTIVE. That means both in the forums and the RPG.
5. You advance in rank when you reach different levels OR when I am PMed to take a look at your stats and feel otherwise. The ranks are as follows:
Level 0-5 = Genin
Level 6-15 = Chuunin
Level 16-25 = Anbu
Level 26-40 = Jounin
Level 41+ = Sennin
The degree of these ranks is based on the current average levels in the RPG. If too many people are reaching high levels, I could raise the standards. If this is a problem and most of the clan does not agree, it will not happen.
Those are all the rules for now. I would appreciate if you checked on them every now and then to make sure there are no changes. If there are, I will try to make them noticable.
I will randomly assign missions to members. Missions could be anywhere from "Raise your number of victories from 5 to 25." to "Challenge (Username) to a battle and win." If you are successful in these missions, you will recieve payment. (This is assuming the Donations are working which I am not altogether sure they are...)
That's all from me now. Remember, if you want to join, just post here or PM me with your RPG name and the picture you want in the banner.
Afraid of being led by a level 50? Just SCAN ME to see how powerful I am.
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