5. UNO - Why? Classic card game. Get with the times homie.
4. Texas Hold Em - Why? Check above.
3. NHL 2007 - Why? It's hockey that's why.
2. Tomb Raider Legend - Why? The game itself is like one great puzzle, and Lara Croft just makes me hard.
1. Enchanted Arms - Why? Makoto is the sexiest beast in video game history, manlieness literally oozes off this guy. And plus the Ice Queen thing is interesting to follow. And the fact that Toya is like Atsuma's toy. Might I add I will spoil half of the game for you all here and say that Mystery Man is Makoto just for those of you who are about half way through the game, you don't need to wonder, or for those of you who will play it someday, there you go. Thank me later why don't ya?