Movies Untraceable


New member
Jul 9, 2007
*points to map* HERE!
YouTube - Untraceable Trailer (Link to the Trailer)

Plot Summary: Set in Portland, Oregon, the film involves a serial killer who rigs contraptions that kill his victims based on the number of hits received by a website ("") that features a live streaming video of the victim. Millions of people log on, hastening the victims' violent deaths. Lane plays the protagonist, a cybercop named Jennifer Marsh, who pieces the mystery together, at great risk to the personal well-being of herself and her family.

I bought this on DVD because I was interested in seeing it. I will admit that it was good but not the greatest. Some points in the movie were just too...predictable.

I also found that all the killing like with the acid and what not just a rip off of the Saw series. None of the 'traps' seemed all that creative.

Who else has seen it? any part that sticks out the most for you? I wish I didnt buy it on DVD but just rented it but maybe I'll give it another re-watch later.