Cat-sama, Ghost, iProd, Kazekage-Gaara, Re-L Mayer, Reiku the Fallen, RF-Kun, RikuReplica, RPGirl, The Legendary Saviour, Tsukasa, Tinkerbell, Serenity
You see that list up there? Thats the list of all the members who post in the forums regularly. i could make a list of all the people who don't come to the forums, but that'd take forever. A lot of people are looking around and saying, "Why is GP Dying?" or new members are complaining that there is no one ever on. The answer to this is simple. GP has become boring!. With a RP dying every day and new KHs or FFs not coming for a while, there is nothing to talk about. Most of the above people spend all their time playing forum games. They're fun and everything that i'm back at GP during its time of its death, i'm wondering why i ever came back. If anyone has any suggestions to how to save GP, post them here.
You see that list up there? Thats the list of all the members who post in the forums regularly. i could make a list of all the people who don't come to the forums, but that'd take forever. A lot of people are looking around and saying, "Why is GP Dying?" or new members are complaining that there is no one ever on. The answer to this is simple. GP has become boring!. With a RP dying every day and new KHs or FFs not coming for a while, there is nothing to talk about. Most of the above people spend all their time playing forum games. They're fun and everything that i'm back at GP during its time of its death, i'm wondering why i ever came back. If anyone has any suggestions to how to save GP, post them here.