
New member
Apr 19, 2006
Alright, I saw a few problems with the topic "WWE, Remade" I will not go into detail but, since it was so out of order I decided to make one myself. Alright, here it is.

1.) Me! Alright, I am in no way shape or form going to be involved in the roleplay. I am what you could call the "Watcher" of the Roleplay.

2.) Prestige The only way you are going to be able to compete for titles is if you gain prestige. The way to do that is to PM me and write out a wrestling roleplay part of a match. (Not a whole match just part of it) Everytime you go 3 days without posting in here or PMing me a roleplay post. You will lose 3 prestige. Every post you give you will gain 0-5 prestige. Everybody starts with 20 prestige.

3.) Matches Matches, will be posted between 24-48 hours. The matches will give you a detailed description of the match, but if you do not want to read it, then just scroll down to the bold letters of who won.

4.) Need an edge? Alright, now just because you have 30 prestige and the Cruiserweight Champion has 50 doesn't mean if you challenge him you'll lose. Having a partner could most definetely turn the match in your favor. Of course if you have 30 and the World Heavy Weight has something around 90, your going to lose partner or not so, don't even try it. Being a Face or Heel may also help gain the edge.

5.) Deciding the champions Okay! This was a hard thing to figure out but, I think I got it. Once we have enough people joined, I am going to decide champions and post them up. Well, the only fair way to do this is to ask someone thats not me. So, I will take everybody who joined and I will put them in a hat at my home. Then I will make my brother draw one. Here is how the order goes...

1st name drawn: World Heavyweight Champion
2nd name drawn: WWE Champion
3rd name drawn: Intercontinental Champion
4th name drawn: U.S. Champion
5th name drawn: Cruiserweight Champion
6th name drawn (And whoever he wants as his partner as long as its NOT a champion): Tag Team Champions
First Woman to join the RP: Women's Champion

Don't worry if your name doesn't get drawn. If your a better roleplayer then the other man then you'll have it in no time.

6.) Match ups Alright! As you know, Im not going to be able to write 60 matches in 2 nights. I do have a life off this! So, I will make 5 or 6 matches between people who, have requested them. The higher prestige the more of a chance you'll be in a match. If your prestige is 1 your never going to see the ring.

7.) I want to know my Prestige! Well, if you want to know your prestige number just PM me and ask me about it. I will not tell you in the thread for everybody will know. The prestige is basically just for me. If you do a 2 line part of a match. You know your not going to have high prestige, so don't try and challenge.

8.) WWE Please, do not be any superstars from WWE. You are supposed create your own character which is the fun of this roleplay.

9.) Talking You may express your opinions about up coming matches all you want in this thread. You may talk about anything, you can even brag if you want to =D. Just don't take it too far. Discuss Matches in this thread until the results are posted. But, REMEMBER Guideline 10!

10.) Other This is for everything else to tell you. DO NOT whine to me if you lose your title. You lost, because they even had an edge over you or they had higher prestige. And besides you'll have a rematch clause to use whenever you want. (As long as its in a months time).

The Champs!

World Heavyweight Champion: VACANT
WWE Champion: VACANT
Intercontinental Champion: VACANT
U.S. Champion: VACANT
Cruiserweight Champion: VACANT
Tag Team Champions: BOTH VACANT
Women's Champion: VACANT

The Outline!

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Face or Heel: (A face is a Clean guy much like John Cena he doesn't fight dirty, A Heel is a cocky and dirty guy much like Edge)
Attire: (Clothing you wear in the ring)

Once we get 8 people if possible! If not, then we'll make do with the people that have joined then I will begin work on the matches. But, that doesn't stop you from PMing me a wrestling post and gaining the edge over everybody else by being one of the first to join!

Let the Games begin!
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Prince Kadaj
Apr 17, 2006
Name: Kadaj
Age: 23
Hair Color: Black spiky hair
Eye Color: Blue
Face or Heel: Dirty
Attire: No shirt, but shorts jeans like john cena wears
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New member
Apr 19, 2006
Kadaj said:
I wanna be world tag team champion :D

Name: Kane
Age: 32
Hair Color: No hair lol
Eye Color: Blue
Face or Heel: Dirty
Attire: No shirt, but wears black and red pants or tights w/e

Oh damn! I forgot something! Haha, you can't be a WWE superstar that already exsists. Please, change. It was my fault but, could you please.

As for the Tag Team Champion thing... Read the rules and you'll figure out how you can.


New member
Jan 14, 2006
well since u have decided to scrap mine out of the blue.. and take over i guess i will join.

Age: 20
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: BROWN
Face or Heel: FACE


New member
Apr 19, 2006
Roxas said:
well since u have decided to scrap mine out of the blue.. and take over i guess i will join.

Age: 20
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: BROWN
Face or Heel: FACE

Im sorry, really I am. I just thought I would make one myself that is a bit more organazied, and Im sure you'll like it. Remember, how to gain prestige and enjoy :)

We still need AT LEAST 2 more people before I can start the first week. Remember, to read the prestige guideline to see who will get the first title shot this week.

Everybody! Add a finisher move to you guideline!

Alright, we got 2 people. Im going to post a match between these two to show everybody what matches are like. There prestige is exactly the same so, no prestige will be earned for the winner of this match. Here we go..

Test Match Kadaj vs Geotista

Right, as Kadaj enters the ring he begins to hammer fists into Geotista until he was pinned back against the ropes. Kadaj grabs his arm and throws him against the ropes attempting to lift him over his head but, Geotista counters with a DDT into the ring canvas.
Geotista rolls up the leg 1... 2.. kick out at 2! Geotista then grabs Kadaj's hard lifting him to his feet before throwing him into the turn buckle. Geotista runs at him and slams an elbow into his heart forcing Kadaj to his knees. Geotista beckons toward the crowd before climbing up the turn buckle nearest to Kadaj raising his hands in the air and attempted a drop kick but, came up short Kadaj rolling out of the ring.
Geotista screams in pain and falls back onto the canvis. Kadaj grabs his hair and pulls his head under the bottom rope delivering a elbow to his neck. Kadaj rolled under the bottom rope and ran against the ropes delivering a heavy leg drop to Geotista.
Geotista shot up for a minute but, was shot back down by a baseball slide by Kadaj. Kadaj rolls up the leg raising his other arm into the air. 1... 2... and a kick out after 2! Kadaj can't belive it he quickly turning to the ref and arguing with him counting the one two three. Geotista while Kadaj had his back turned quickly delivered a possum pin to Kadaj's surprise. 1... 2... 3! The match is over! Geotista raises his arms in the air when he is half-way down the ramp. Kadaj can't belive what just happened and walked around the ring cussing.

Winner: Geotista

The matches most likely will be longer then that. But, that is just to show you what it will be like
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