lol you mean shoutbox right?
Yeah that would be a good idea. I dunno if there's a hack to install it or if we gotta buy one. Either way I will look into it.
I'm thinking it doesn't really need to be done, it would be a nice add on and probably control some spam but overall i can't see it being a thing we really need, it blows for dial-up users don't it?
Personally I don't think we need it either its more for people who don't have a forum and just a site. Whats the point of a shoutbox if you have a forum? lol it's just waste of space and loading time from what I see.
lol you mean shoutbox right?
Yeah that would be a good idea. I dunno if there's a hack to install it or if we gotta buy one. Either way I will look into it.
Well I thi8nk MSN is a healthy option to choose, if you want to speak to others ask for there MSN or whatever they use. I think its just another thing the admins have to manage.
msn sucks...sometimes there isn't any ONE person you want to talk to, just the ones on the forum as a group, less of a hassle...look at the one Dark Essence uses it's ace