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  1. Geer


    This Movie...SUCKS! It was horrible. To any one who hasn't seen it; don't.
  2. Geer

    A Movie They Should Make

    Has you read a book called Subteranian. It's one awsome book. A real page turner. I couldn't stop reading it. I recommend everybody who like action wierd creatures and the ocassional cussing then read it. I hope it would become a movie. The books about a team of people hired to explore and...
  3. Geer

    Movies coming soon or playing now

    Has anybody seen Descent yet. People have told me that critics loved it unlike the other horror movies but how good is it really. The parts that I have seen when I was an Usher working at the movie theater it looked pretty good.:laugh :D Another movie is World Trade Towers or World Trade...