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  1. IBeatSephiroth

    Okay, now this is really hapining

    Okay, my internet got cut off a couple of days ago and now I'm at a crapy little libery (Cant spell >_<) computer and when I come back on I'll tell you if the inter net is back on. So, well uhh.. see you soon.. and stuff.. *huggles everyone* see ya!
  2. IBeatSephiroth

    Bye.. Dang Telstra..

    Umm.. guys, I'm not sure what will happen, but if I don't come on tomorrow, I might not be able to come back on till somewhat after christmas.. The broadband is going to be cut off tomorow (Like I said, don't know if it will or not) and.. hmm.. thats a long time not being here.. so.. bye to all...
  3. IBeatSephiroth

    An original RPG: The warriors (NEX)

    This RPG is called The Warriors for a reason. There will be warriors traveling over the world of Reage, trying to save Reage from the enemies called 'the Wara'. The warriors are countless and all have special talents (Strength, power, magic, ect) and will fight to save there world. They are all...
  4. IBeatSephiroth

    Meh, just my drawings..

    These are some of my drawing's. There not very good if you ask me, but you can rate them however you want. And don't be afraid to say they realy suck. These are some drawings of my RP character's: .:Jas:.
  5. IBeatSephiroth


    This is 'My Final Fantasy style sims'; a series made by my sister. I wanted to show everyone because they are really funny and random. There are four episodes & a music vid with O.W.A. Watch them plz ^_^ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Music vid She would like some feed-back ^_^
  6. IBeatSephiroth

    Some of my sigs & a wallpaper

    I'v been working hard on sigs and I have now made my first wallpaper. I hope you like! Wallpaper: Sigs: 1- 2-...
  7. IBeatSephiroth

    Bye Bye for now.

    Bye everyone. I have to be gone for one week. Stupid Telstra are cutting off the internet. I'll be gone for one week only because next week were getting broad band. I have a list of thing's i'll miss: .:Users:. 1) Roxasfan. 2) RPGirl. 3) Jing 4) Nitz 5) Cautsu .:The site stuff:. 1) Gamerz...
  8. IBeatSephiroth

    GP Family RPG

    This is a new RPG that my sister talked about. She said there was nealy all the member's off the site she's on and I thought I would make one. Now, all the member's off GP can join if they want. They all live in a big house. You can do anything! Just be plain random! Hope you have fun! And you...
  9. IBeatSephiroth

    "Dress up Vincent Valentine!"

    Ok, I didnt make this game, or find it (My sis did). I just think it's so fun! Dress little Vincent up in heaps of Clothes like: Mini skirts Hula stuff BAT PJS!! and some coloured toe socks! And his original clothes Hope you like your play on this game, I Love it! Here's the link: The Vinny...
  10. IBeatSephiroth

    A REALY crapy chebie...

    (Don't know how to spell chebie!) I tried to draw a Kairi chebie on paint...and it came out REEEAAALLLLYYYY crapy!Well,here it is: P.S:If you have any tip's on drawing chebie's...Please pm me!:sad
  11. IBeatSephiroth

    ~IBeats Sigs~

    Welcom to ~IBeats Sigs~ look at this>My sister helped a little bit.> Please Request.+ I am ten,So I hope you like my sigs! P.S: I DONT do moveing sig's and I don't have the program,just Photo Studio 5.5, If i could make them I would have one.I am sorry to the people that want one. P.S.S...
  12. IBeatSephiroth

    Will people join my clan?

    So,I want to make a clan called "KH Fan-Girls",But i'm not sure if any girls will actully join.So if you like kh and want to be in a clan & your a girl,plz tell me if you would be interested in joining.
  13. IBeatSephiroth

    Code 9

    A person of the Reunion Forums told me to tell as many peeps asposable about this,Yous it on Flash chat or Shout box: code 9 There is a new online code out, kinda like lol or brb. This one is a little different though. You all know how it feels when you're talking to someone online, and your...
  14. IBeatSephiroth

    Just some thing my sister calls sigs

    These are some siggys my big sister made.I did'nt wanna do this:cry But she annoyed me. She's evil!:evil 1: 2: 3...
  15. IBeatSephiroth

    Is CoM a good game?

    I'm gonna buy it,just i need to know if its good or bad. Can somone rate it like this: ?/10:wacko
  16. IBeatSephiroth

    Just some things that i call sigs

    Hello,Here are some things i made and i like to call them sigs 1: 2: 3:
  17. IBeatSephiroth

    My first blog (about my fan fic)

  18. IBeatSephiroth

    Lol, my new hobbie

  19. IBeatSephiroth

    Character Battles

  20. IBeatSephiroth

    My Fanfic