Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


New member
Since Tripod was in her White mode she can't fight unless is refelx and for her reflex to kick in she had to get grabed or cornered. Tripod backed away from the fight and hid somewhere safe.
"Its times like this I wish Black was out insted of me." Whined Tripod as she hid behind a tree.

I can't switch unless I sneeze. But I don't think I need to worry Suskae and he's friends can hold him off. Plus Yoki will protected me to. Yoki, the Baby dragon Tripod Hatched, still staied on her shoulder ready to attck if anyone layed a finger on Tripod.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: i think i'll do Naruto and Rayex, seriously. I can do the best naruto canon rp'er on GP. >_> he is still a genin, so he is pissed that other made Jounin and Chunin before him.

Tsukasa- you said the same thing back in December...we never saw Gaara after that either o_O?

Rayex kept walking until he found a destroyed area that was practically flooded. "Stay close team..." Rayex felt unsure as he kept walking deeper into the area. Continuing on it looked as though it was nothing to worry about, Whats over here that made Naruto freak? I'm only worried about those ninja from earlier. He stopped walking and the area appeared to be safe for this moment in time. His eyes swept the area and they took a moment before moving on into the base camp of the hidden village. "Aren't we on the border of Konoha and the land of waves?" Kurama said making an observation. "You know, i think your right...thats weird, this area is unmarked though." Rayex said

The strolled further and eventually hit a bridge that connected to a small town. On the bride lay a number of people, "Sensei, who are those kids? The look about as old as you?" Ayumi said with an innocent tone. "I can't tell from this distance...stayback, im going to take all four of them out." Rayex said covering his face. His eyes filled with a crimson stare and three tomes were in both spinning rapidly. He approached them wearing a cloak and a hidden cloud headband pertruding about him. One of the was dressed in Orochimaru's attire bearing the Uchiha fan on his back, the other ina green jumpsuit, and the last was of course the only one he recognized. It was Naruto, still it didn't explain seeing an Uchiha with Orochimaru's legency based clothing. He stopped and stared at them in the somewhat dense mist as the wind blew.


Naruto's cheeks puffed at Sasuke's comment, he sucked it up fast as usual. His head turned to see a figure approaching them in slow motion so it seemed. "Hey! Who are you buddy!?" Naruto said getting on his feet and pointing. The ends of his headband were blowing in the wind as he was coming closer. Naruto took this as hostile and placed his fingers together, "Kage Bushin no Jutsu!" Naruto uttered making four clones of himself. They began to charge the guy all at the sametime, as Naruto attacked, he was being outsmarted as the man picked apart the clones and slammed Naruto into the side and told him to stay put. He groaned angered as his means to be casual in a sense, "You can't tell me what to do! Believe it!!" Naruto rose. He remembered Kakashi's training, he too was capable of using the Great Spiraling Sphere, or "Rasengan." Naruto also learned from Kakashi how to increase the power of it after the mission to save Gaara a while ago. He was preparing to attack the guy again, but he was heading for Sasuke.

"Sasuke! He is coming your way!" Naruto said frantically.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke had seen the guy long before Naruto had notice him before the man had come up to them. Sasuke took a step forward, his hand at the hilt of his blade. His eyes already filled with the legacy of his bloodline. sasuke recognized this chakra flow, but was unsure of who it was.

"If you don't mind, may I ask of you are" Sasuke crouched more, ready to draw his blade. Lee put a hand up to stop him though, them both knowing not to attack without information first.

"You come to start something, because we are in the middle of a battle right now."

At those words, the other ninja with blank headbands were remembered, they were still surrounding the group and were still trouble. Sasuke looked from them to the newcomer, wondering who would they have to worry about first. Just so happens, another group of ninja came up behind Tripod and surrounded her as well. "This is trouble" Sasuke thought as he drew his blade slowly.

((question, is that the grass blade Orochimaru used against Sarutobi?))


New member
OOC: He guys I'm gonna replace Tirpod with a new character, here she is.

Name: Miyatok

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Village: Village Hidden In The Leaves

Abilities: Dragon's Breath- A move that paralzese the Charkara Flow (Famous move by the Ryu Clan)
Earth Dragon Cannon
Water Dragon rain- Healing type of Justu
Fox Fire Inferno- fire attack by blue flames
(More to come)


Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: xD Sasuke can't do this! Its faster than Renge aka highspeed taijutsu. Im like Byakuya Kuchiki speed!! Actually more around daaku's speed =P (which is hella fast)

That blade is new, look at Sasuke in my sig. His katana black and has no guard on it.


Rayex noticed the likes of the same fools with no symbol on their headbands. Unlike these shinboi, their chakra element had appeared to be light. He had known this by the light coming out on the bridge and the fact that their headbands became visible. He could see Sasuke clearly, "Shun-poe..." (lightning steps) Rayex uttered warping his body faster than even the 3 tomed sharingan to detect his back was to Sasuke's. "Long time no see relative? You still working with Orochimaru?" Rayex drawing his piercingly sharp katana blade as well. Rayex was literaly taking two steps for each strike, since he was moving so fast he cut through the shinobi with ease only knocking them out cold. He was yet again behind his relative with his own katana to his neck.

"So whats the deal with you? Still seeking Itatchi? If this is true and you turn again...I won't hesitate to kill you..."

Rayex pulled his katana back, his student came running down the bridge to see most of the shinobi taken out. Kurama was amazed at the fact that he did this so fast, Raymen acted like it was nothing special and sucked his teeth. "Hey sensei, who are all these people?" Kurama asked curiously. He noticed Sasuke had the Uchiha fan on his back just like Rayex did under his cloak.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
"Reyax...showing off again I see. You always were the only one who could keep up with Itachi back then."

Sasuke, though he couldn't track the movements like he wanted to, knew who it was the second he appeared behind him. He didn't move as the katana went to his neck, though Lee jumped back in suprise. Sasuke sneered as the Katana went away. He sheathed his sword too, looking at the three or four ninja left. Lee rushed over and took out one.

"I'm not on that bastard Orochimaru's side any longer. I'll find power my own way."

Sasuke hands started charging with eletricity, both of them. The blank handbanded ninja steped back. He rised both hands and pushed them together, fusing he chidori and completing the attack. No chirp was heard from the chakra as he brought his hand back and rushed forward toward the ninja. "My own way to defeat my enemy."


Sasuke slammed the attack into the enemy, flinging him back into a tree. When the smoke cleared, the ninja was dead, with a large hole in his stomach. Sasuke stood straight, his eyes seemingly glowing witht he sharingan. Sasukle turned and headed toward the Hokage, who had seen the whole battle and was applauding their preformance.

'Good work, I couldn't have done it better myself, well maybe.'
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New member
Tripod Hid near behind the near by trees as the fight dragged out. Soon a fiuger appered behind Tripod and tapped her on the shoulder. "Gahhh!" Screamed Tripod as she kicked back. "Whoa!" Yelled a Rody girlsh voice as she jumpped out of the way.

It was Miyatok and she has a jewel in her hand. "Aye, there. ou almost hit me. Well any way I got that Item for you here." Siad Miyatok as she handed the jewel to Tripod.

Tripod smiled and took the jewel and with a flash of the jem Tripod disappered. "Whoa, I guess Sensai was right...Never talk to strangers." Siad Miyatok with her hands on her hip.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke stop when he saw the flash. Tripod disappeared and a new girl was stanidng there. He shifted his gaze toward her. Lee and the Hokage did as well.

"Who are you? Where'd Tripod go?"

He saw the leaf symbol on her headband, so there was no need to attack He was still wondering about the one he had been with this whole time.


New member
Miyatok looked over at Sasuke and the rest of them, "Um, Nihao heard the comtion and I came over to see whats up." Siad Miyatok as she screached her head. They're all looking at me, maybe I should slink away now.

"But I see you all have it under control bye." Said Miyatok as she ran off towards the village.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: >_> RPG...could you spell Sasuke's name right atleast doensnt even make sense now -.-"

Ayumi, Kurama, and Rayman stared at the likes of them. "Who are these guys...they look pretty weak." Ayumi said. "Thats Sasuke, he is a relative of mine from the Uchiha clan. I never really talked to him that much when i was a genin, it was only when he left Konoha that he pissed off alot of people. Sakura can't even look him in the eyes now...its really sad." Rayex said sighing. He sheathed his blade he had gotten from Sano and turned his attention to the otherside of the bridge.

"If you guys want to sit and chat, thats your problem, but we have a mission from the Raikage."

Rayex would like to reconnect with Sasuke, but unlike him he had a purpose now. He wanted to be the next Raikage and the only way for that to happen was to do for his village in its time of need. He strolled down the other side of the bride keeping his students nearby and they stopped as the mist was thicker still. Rayex grabbed Kurama's arm before he took another step. Apparently those shinobi had taken out a good chunk of the bridge. "Remember what i taught you at the valley of the end. Your chakra control you should be decent for a lengthy jump." Rayex said already leaping across the gaping hole. Ayumi, Kurama, and Raymen all did the same.

"Be on your guard for real this time, we are in unmarked territory in this portion." R

They kept walking until coming to that array of pushes that Naruto mentioned. The overlooked a civilization very well concealed not only by the mist, but in the shadows. The light came out and revealed many different buildings, "The hidden light only makes sense." Rayex said to his students. "Ok, you all were taught recon correct. Conceal yourselves and collect information. Raymen your with me, and Kurama with Ayumi. Make me proud team. Go." Rayex did a transformation along with Raymen and became birds while Ayumi and Kurama became a fox and a dog running down the hill into the village.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke quickly forgot the girl, who had more of Naruto's attitude. He turned to Rayex's retreating form and followed him over the bridge. The Hokage understood and with Lee on his tail they both followed the ninja to a hidden place with mist and shadow. "This must be the village." Sasuke just got to the place just as he saw Rayex and his team transform into animals. Sasuke knew which was which and he turned into a bird as well, following him carefully.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex having Kurama nearby landed outside an alley nearby. The two transformed back and their eyes shifted to the building with the mark of the kage on it. He must be the Byakage give or take the name. Rayex radio signaled Ayumi and Rayman, "Ok where are you two?" the fuzz from the transmission beeped. We are on the farside outside a cave. What do we do now? Rayman said with Ayumi next to him. "Conduct further instruction, Ayumi use your Burakkai to look ahead before proceeding." Rayex said. Right!

The transmission ended and Rayex and Kurama stood. Both of them dashed along the shadows spread by the buildings. They had to blend in with the shadows as the shinobi with octogon headbands were walking around as well as those with no headbands at all. The guard on the place was heavy, "Ok Kurama, im going to provide a decoy, then i want you to bolt for the building with your kekkai genkai. You can cloak yourself from sight right? Then do that." Rayex said placing his fingers together, "Kage Bushin no jutsu." he then created twenty clones. "Henge!" The twenty of them transformed into different shinobi wearing clothes like the ones of this village. Their headbands varied and they rushed out to attack those and distracted their attention.


New member
Miyatok walked thought the village with her hands behind her head. Man, today was strange...I wish I had something to do this is so low key.
Miyatok passed by the old Uchia Naghborhood, She glaced over at it while she pasted it.
Its sorta sad what happen to them, I heard only one servied I wonder who it was?

Miyatok was heading for the South Side of the Village, as she got there Miyatok entered a Dojo with the tag Ryuu near the entrance. Miyatok entered main room of the Dojo, sitting in the middle of the room was an old man with long black hair and deep blue eyes. "Hi there, Yosh-San." Siad Miyatok as she sit down in front of the man.

"Ah, Miyatok. How was your day?" Asked Yosh as he looked at Miyatok.
"Boring as every other day." Sighed Miyatok.
"Well, why don't you try and get some sleep, you've been up for the last three week stright." Siad Yosh.
"Now, you know that I never sleep, every time I do I get nightmears.... I'll think I go train in the back, okay." Siad Miyatok as she stood up.
"Okay, just do brake to many of the training equitment like last time." Siad Yosh as he watched Miyatok leave the room.

Miyatok gave him a wave as she left the room. Yosh grew silent as he sit there, "I wonder, her having these nioghtmeres, is it the doing of that 7 tail fox..." Siad Yosh to himself.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
((Ok, I'm completely out of it, so I'm gonna post this))

Sasuke followed Rayex to the ally and transformed around the corner. "Well, I guess I'll catch up to him and find out what's going on in this village." He didn't get the chance as he turned the corner and saw twenty Rayex's transform and attack the villagers. Sasuke ran out and looked around as the villagers all immidieate went into a defense. "Rayex, what are you thinking?" Then he saw the kid that was with Rayex look toward the Kage mansion and vanish. Sasuke smiled, "Alright, that's a little more strategy, for a minute I thought he was acting like Naruto." He jumped back as a nin jumped by him and hid in the shadows. "Well, if this Kage is heading the attacks on us, I'll find out why and see if I can change his mind on it." He leaped on top of the buildsing and dashed to the Kage mansion. He saw a flash of Green to his right and Rock Lee was next to him, having followed this whole time, but a little more carefully, being without ninjutsu.

'I'm backing you up Sasuke'

"Alright then, let's go."


New member
Miyatok was out back of the dojo, throwing Kunis at a dummy. Eache Kuni she threw was right on target, "Hm, I am getting bored with this." Siad Miyatok with a yawn.

Miyatok held up her last Kuni to aim at the dummy but then she stopped, "Man, I wish I can go on a misstion. Doing this all day is getting boring." Siad Miyatok as she put away her last kuni. Miyatok made her way over to the waighets, "Okay, lets see if I can impover my streanth." Said Miyatok.