Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto looked back and noticed they began to walk back. The people seem to be fine as Soji had saved them, was this a village he had been so eager to go to? Boss, said it was merely an encampment, yet these were common people. "I think granny Tsunade screwed us up with this mission" said Naruto sighing as he walked towards the forest following the others. He began to wonder if their really was a village with new shinobi. He stopped and paused as he looked back at the people trying to regain a sense of normalcy. He walked through the village, still traveling past it into the forest he sat in a tree and began to think. So much for that unknown village... He sighed and didn't realize one key thing, to blind to even consider something so obvious in his face.


New member
Tripod grabed Luca's bag and cought up with Luca, "Wait, don't go!" Said Tripod as she stood in Luca's way. "If you quit now, all you're doing is runing away, from your past and your life." Said Tripod as she looked at Luca.
"Luca, just becouse some poeple are stronger than you doesn't mean you have to give up. If you can out smart them you can easily beat them." Said Tripod trying to encouge Luca.
"If you go off and died like this what would your son think of you?" Said Tripod in a low tone, hoping only Luca can hear.
Tripod stood right in Luca's way so he couldn't leave without given a good reson to her. But uknown to Tripod the egg she's hold is beganing to crack.


The King Of Bandits
Lucas eyes widend, hearing the comment about his son. This was exactly why he had not told anyone, becuase they would use it against him in the end." his name" he whispered. in his mind he slapped himself back into reality, coming back to the reason he was still here doing missions. Kosaki's last wish had been for Luca to become a shinobi again, the Hokage must have been informed about it. He looked down at the forehead protector in his hand, his wifes. Slowly he lifted it up to his head, replacing his empty forhead with the headband that Kosaki had been wearing on her last mission." Alright.." his voice was soft now. They really knew how to hit the hard points in his life.

Reguardless the fact that he still felt like the weakest of the group, he was the leader. as he tied the kosaki's head band around his forehead he sighed, pulling up a piece of cloth from the top of his shirt, another mask. " ..Lets go finish this mission.." For now he just wanted to go home and see his son, but they would have to complete the mission before they were able to even think of heading back to konoha. He turned from the two in front of him" ..Please dont take it personal.. But i dont exactly like you all, the simple fact of how young you all are and me thinking about how hard i worked to get to where i am now, only to be shown up by all of you pisses me off." with a quick jump he sprang forward, heading back towards the village. They had to complete the mission, Luca had to get home to Rokura.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke hung back for a moment. 'I guess I did Naruto's job this time. How is it that someone like him could have such an effect on me. If it wasn't for him, this curse would've already have me and I'd be Orochimaru's right-hand man I guess. I owe him a lot.' Sasuke walked back towards the village, wondering what's gonna happen next.

OOC: x__X teh shortness, I'll make up for it another time


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji walked upon the path calmly. He had no use for groups of people. He was a loner. He always had been. He had only met up and travelled with Tripod out of interrest. And now she had turned on him also. He had no one left. Why didn't he just go back to Akatsuki? How many times had they recommended his return? Wasn't there also the rumor that Sasori was dead?That would mean Deidara would be without a partner. Soji considered it for a moment and then decided on something even better... The Eight-Tailed Demon.


New member
Tripod smile warmly at Luca and laughed, If he only knew my real age.
Tripod's arm began to shake, "What the?" Said Tripod as she looked down at the egg in her arm. The egg was hatching, "Oh wow, I wonder if its aboy or girl." Said Tripod as she placed the egg down in front of her.

A cat-like creature with anglic wing popped out of the shell, the creature looked up at Luca, then at Sasuke, then it looked up at Tripod. Tripod tilted her head, "Bungur! (Mother)" Yelled the creater as it jumpped up and huged Tripod.
"Yoki!(Little one)" Said Tripod as she huged the creature. Tripod held the creature in her hands, "I call you Yoki...but what's a Draga-Bab doing in a place like this." Said Tripod as she looked at Yoki.
Yoki just looked at Tripod and smiled, and such a smart little one too, he can speak Avlearan and he just hatched.... I wish I knew what type of dragon he is...
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: I won't post as often because Soji is supposed to be on one of his sidequests right now. He is hunting for the Eight-Tailed Dragon so he can seal it inside himself. For those of you who don't know, there are Nine Tailed Demon. Each Demon has a different number of tails representing its power and intellegence. Sukaku is the weakest and dumbest Tailed Demon while Kyuubi is the strongest and wisest Tailed Demon. As it serves to reason, the Hachimata (Eight-Tailed Dragon) is the second strongest and second wisest of the Tailed Demons. Also, according to Japanese and Chinese mythology, the Hachimata is an earth and water elemental, just like Soji is.
(It is generally excepted that the Hachimata is going to be the Eight-Tailed Demon because the only other creature of Japenese mytholgy with eight of any part would be the Orochi, but the Orochi has eight heads instead of tails while the Hachimata has one head and eight tails.)
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Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
OOC: SORRY SORRY SORRY I GOT GROUNDED AND MISSED ALL THE GOOD STUFF >.<. And splatt Yamato can use wood cause he has the cells of the 1st hokage just to let ya know

:start of the fight:

"Hai luca sensei!"

Hinata jumped into the middle of the strife hitting every nin around her only aiming for a 5 hour knock out...she knew she had to kill on sight, but she didnt have it in her heart to kill, even if it was an enemy ninja...

She saw luce cut throught the mob with such agillity it amased her. But something caught her eye in the 7:00 clock was a ninja..with a octogon forhead protector with lines at each corner going into the middle (think umbrella symbol from RE cause i couldnt think of anything else) and he had a white cloak with golden rain drops every so often....he was smiling sadistically at the carnage.

'That man! his aura is radiating a dark bloodlust. I've never seen any of those symbols on anyone like that before.'

The strange nin suddenly locked eyesight with her..well the back of her head for him. And his smile grew bigger and more amused when he saw her. There was a challenging glint in his eye as if asking her to approch him so he can spill her blood.
She wasen't going to take it she jumped on the wooden roof where he was perched.

"W-who are you!"cursing at herself for trembling at an unknown factor.

The nin laughed. "Ha Ha what a shy and timid mouse we have here, nothing more that this would I expect from Konoha I say" he said mockingly

"Don't. Underestimate me. It will surely be your downfall." she said feircly

His eyes glinted. "Well then... lets see what Konoha has in store then." With a quick turn he ran off the opposite direction of where everyone else is. Hinata bit her lip and followed him into the forest.

After about a mile of running he stoped. "Well well well for such a timid mouse, you certainly have balls to accually follow me. Heh well then that at least deserves you knowing my name. Its Taoru, just Taoru, remember it so you can curse it for eternity in hell as the one that put you there" he laughed.

"Why are you here? what is your intentions?" she asked a little pissed off.

"Heh I'm from an organization called hisui hinode (Jade sunrise). And no, we are not related to the akatsuki, we have totally different objectives than them." taoru said
Hinata was confused" and your intentions are?"
"Total and utter chaos." he laughed again " we have no objective like akatsuki, only to throw the world into chaos for our delight" he said
"and your here because?" hinata spat.
"because, what better way for everyone to turn on konoha then for them to hear that they attacked such a weak and defenselless village" he said

The relization dawned on her "So that means!?"

"Yes" Taoru chuckled " this whole hidden village thing was a scandel by us. but now that I have reveald so much...i cant let you LIVE" before he even finished the sentance, Taoru chucked a oversized Halberd at her head.

She doged barely getting a cut on her cheek and some of her long hair cut off.If it wasent for her byakugan, her head would be rolling on the floor right now.... As she turned around she collected chakra into her hands and.."CHAKRA WHIP!!" she screamed as she launched the highly deadly chakra at Taoru as he flashed over to his weapon to retrieve it. He grabed his Halberd that was stuck in a tree and doged it as the whip when through 3 trees and 3 boulders and didnt stop untill she called the chakra back into her hand.

"Heh not bad, its such a shame to have to kill such a beautiful, graceful, and delectible being such as yourself" he said as he licked his lips.

Hinata thought of only one word. 'Sh*t!...

OOC: WHAT A TWIIIST XD lol I hope this makes up for the lack of post
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
There's more to Soji than meets the eye. It's how he became a Sanin so quickly and why he calls Orochimaru an "aquiantence".

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto stared absently at the ground for a while. He was drifting away in thought as he stared at the branches as well as hearing the wind blow. Destroying a village of innocents was a big mistake as he didn't do it intentionally. He often wondered why the demon fox kyuubi could be irrational come his moments of change. He sighed and stared at something to his right. Seems to be something hidden among the trees that no one even bothered to look. Jumping from the branches to get a closer look, Naruto squinted his eyes and could see something concealed in the trees down there. Whats down there, danger! Naruto's head sifting left than right like a scout of some sort he pondered who was down there and wanted to find out being so well hidden.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji passed silently. His movements were swift and calibrated. As he approached, his red eyes scanned down into the hole. There was no life in this hideout besides rats. Obviously, Orochimaru had already moved to his next hideout. Remembering the pattern, Soji turned and began to speed off in another direction. If Orochimaru wasn't at this hideout, he'd be at the hideout in the Land of Grass. Soji knew exactly where it was. He needed Orochimaru for some information. And he knew Orochimaru would need him for something else.


New member
Tripod continue to walk beside Luca, with Yoki resting on her shoulder, her mind thinking of the past.

Soji said he was a friend of Orochimaru, I wonder why.... all I know is that Orochimaru foght in the last bit of the Mana War. He foght for the side of the Mythical creatures....Or so we thought. He dubble crossed us at the last moments and created Dragonite. My goodness, I hope I never have to get near that stuff, just one shard of it in my body can easliy kill me... I herd its worser for dragons. I only met him once during the war. I was part of the ANBU that had to track him down, we met up with Orochimaru and he killed every one on the team excipt me, he knew that I was a mythical creature and he wanted to try out the Dragonite on me, it worked he almost killed me, but ..... I don't know, he said that I was too good of a subject to kill like that... That Orochimaru is a strange and eerie character....

Tripod shook her head to get her mind out of her past, she petted Yoki and continue to walk.
Tripod looked up and spotted Naruto staering at something, "I think Naruto found somthing." Said Tripod as she looked back down at everyone, trying not to bumb into any one too.
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Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
*sigh* "I suppose no one really wants me to stick with them then..." Luca began to walk down the same path again. There was so much damage around him, and it was just recent to. "Geeze, it's like a war just went through here..."

OOC: Shortness, but god, you people go so fast o_O im so close to just giving up since there's no actual place for me right now


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji had passed swiftly through the dense forests of the Land of Fire. It wasn't long until the trees began to thin out and he came upon huge acres of grassland. They seemed to stretch on into eternity. Soji fastened his cloak around himself tighter and took off. His feet didn't appear to be moving, mainly because they could not be seen. He travelled like a black ghost across the plains and didn't stop. Soji soon came to his destination.

A knook in the ground. He travelled deep into it and finally came to a wall that blocked his path. This was the entrance, he knew but there were no signs of life inside the base behind it. Worrying that he was missing something, Soji turned on his Henji. With the sparkle of his red eyes he caught sight of a peice of paper on the door. Soji took it down and looked at it. It read in a neat sprawl, "Currently out to lunch in Himarucha." Soji crumpled the paper with a smirk and thought to himself, Orochimaru, you arrogant bastard...


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
Kouta began walking through the damaged village now. His face showing some concern, and a little bone chill to. "Wow...this is almost half as bad as..." then he stopped talking. He kept walking and looked down, his mind in thought. This is almost half as bad as what i did. If there's anyone that could do at least half as much damage as me, then i guess I finally have some real competition. He couldn't stop thinking. It was like he was trapped in his own mind. He haven't even noticed that he passed an entry point for the village behind him...


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji had walked for little more than an hour when he finally came to the village. Himarucha was fairly large, but it still didn't have an established military nor kage. The city streets wound and wove, hundreds of people passing everywhere. Soji's eyes showed him on person in particular. This person possessed two souls and two minds.

Soji passed into the dark shop. Smoke covered the ceiling and brought on a strange purplish haze that would have effected Soji's sight had he been able to see. The shop keeper looked up at Soji for a moment and then looked back into a corner. In this corner sat a figure with five brilliant stars. A wicked smile was on his face and at his side stood a young boy with glasses. The boy pressed the glasses farther up his nose with a smirk and then looked down at his master. The pale-skinned man with two minds and souls spoke out, "Ah, Soji. You return to me. What do I owe this honor? Isn't it true you are considered a Sanin like myself now?"

Soji smiled coldly and approached the table. In an almost fluid motion he took his seat. He responded calmly, "Yes, it is true. I have achieved the Sanin rank now. Between training under you and Akatsuki, it was quite easy." Soji's smile slipped and his face became more businesslike. Not that it really matter in such a light, but he continued, "As for why I am here... I need a favor to ask you Orochimaru. I need to know where the Eight-Tails is. And don't give me any bull**** about saying you don't, because I know personally how close you keep tabs on Akatsuki's missions."

Orochimaru's own cruel smile left his face. He gave off a killer intent that would have shaken any other man but Soji. Even the boy in the glasses shifted uneasily. Then, Orochimaru calmed and humor was clearly heard in his voice. "Why, Soji. You know nothing comes from nothing. I'm going to need something done if you want to know where the Eight-Tails is presently. Because, in fact I do know where it is." Orochimaru snapped his hand and a small servant in the shadows came forth, holding something out. Orochimaru took it and held it out to Soji. "This is a detailed, chakra imprinted map. It's error-proof as long as you put chakra into it. The marker will move as the target moves. You have my friend, Kabuto to thank for that little detail." Soji turned his eyes on the youth for a moment and then looked back at Orochimaru who continued, "Now, about my payment..."


New member
An image of Soji popped up in Tripods head, Him I wonder what's that for, strange..... They say when Trigaters make a conation with someone who is key to them, they become conneted some how.... No, that can't be, I mean Soji is a very dear friend to me... but there's no way he can be the key... to.... free...

Tripod shoock her head, "Burgura?" Said Yoki with worry as he look at Tripod. "Oh, don't worry Yoki, Mama just daydreaming." Said Tripod with a smile.

Tripod looked back and saw Kouta, "Hey, Kouta want to come along." Said Tripod as she waved her hand to Kouta.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto looked down at this concealed area,Danger! He hopped down onto the ground and began to wander even further towards the area. He came to some bushes and began to look through them, he saw strange looking shinobi walking around with blank headbands. The clouds were clearing in the sky and as the light shined down, their headbands began to glow with a weird symbol on the top of each of them. "Are these the secret ninja they were talking about?" said Naruto under his breath. He never thought he would see unfamiliar shinobi, I can take the lot of them, i don't care how strong they are!