Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto sighed a little to himself. I never understand anything they talk about, unless it concerns food or a fight. He began to walk forward and could sense a faint or concealed chakra ruffling in the bushes. He reacted in a rash manner and threw a kunai into the tree in a blink of an eye. This startled the group at such a reckless act, the tree stopped moving a flying squirrel fell from it nearly having a heart attack. "Ahh! I'm sorry i thought you were an enemy!?" said Naruto running over the animal. Then again, maybe their was someone their, he was just blind by concern to see it.


New member
Tripod lower her voice so that Soji can only hear her, "I know what you mean, I keep on getting that vibe from them. Maybe it was my mistake to think that The Leaf Village Ninjas would be a little nicer than others, but its better to travel in groups just incase we run up aganst something that's to big for us."
Then Tripod sinced something, "Soji, I think some one is following us, you might want to get your gaurd up, you know I can't fight when I'm like this." Whisppered Tripod to Soji.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: wait..aren't ninja attacking Gaara at the moment? *ish confused* and I'm a Jounin as well if you didn't notiice me saying

Sasuke looked up ready to answert Gaara's question, when two nin appeared behind him, ready to take Gaara out quickly. Sasuke leaped in front of him and scissor kicked the two nin, cheaking (I'llfinish later)

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara was to far ahead of the group for them to notice that he was being attacked by no less than 3 ninja. He was unsure of how many there were because they moved to fast for even him to count. but he knew that they were definately chuunin. If they were any higher then he would have been dead or atleast wouldn't have realized they were there. Gaara knew he was outnumbered, and he liked it that way.

"Sand Shadow Shuriken Jutsu!" Gaara said. Three shurikens of sand appeared before him. They were exactely 12 inches from his body and they hovered in place waiting for their masters orders. Gaara relaxed and concentrated on the enemies. 5, 4, 3, 2, SHUCK!!! The shurikens all hit there targets, but there was still one nin left. Startled that his three comrades had been slain, his speed dropped. It was Gaara's opportunity to strick. SHICK!!! A kunai knife protruded from the gut of his attacker. Gaara put his hands on the ninjas head and used a jutsu he had created.

"Inner Sand Eruption Jutsu!" The enemy's head was blown apart instantly. "Well then. Lets get alittle more familar with our assailants, shall we?"

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006

after being moved a little, Hinata was starting to wake up, because its a known fact that a heavy sleeping ninja was soon to meet thier death.

She woke up feeling...warm, secure, and safe. She never wanted to leave the safe haven she woke up so blissfully
"mmm a few more minutes" she said half asleep.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto wanted to partake in the fight, but he was distracted by his mistake. He got up and only watched Gaara go and over do it. Man this takes me back to my A-rank mission to the land of waves. He could see that they had all the bases covered and he watched them waste chakra on chunin ninja. They were at jounin level, so worrying seemed pretty stupid, plus those others that were traveling with them could have stopped them instantly. "Talk about being reckless, i thought i was bad." said Naruto watching as Gaara finished them. It gave him a rush as he did want to fight him and Sasuke a second time, but for now he really was excited to see this new village. "Alright! Now lets go!" cried Naruto throwing his fist into the air and running forward to about a little infront Gaara.

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara finished of the last ninja and started to examine them. He didn't recognize any of the markings on their ninja gear. It puzzelled him at first. Naruto ran past and that was when Gaara saw it. The sign of the Hexagon.

"Naruto, wait. These guys always travel in 6 groups of 6. We only killed 3! You are running into an ambush!"


New member
Tripod Heard what Gaara said, but by time she heard that a kuni was thrown at her. Tripod body reacted, she quickly turn and cought the kuni and threw it back. Tripod was never goood at throwing kunis plus her super streanth seem to make it more difficlute for her to aim. So the kuni she threw tear though 5 trees before it stopped into the 6th tree.
The trees Tripod hit came crashing down, right on top of 3 Ninjas with Hexagons on there headband.
"Oops, sorry. My body reached." Said Tripod scraching her head and smiled.

Awaiting Icarus

New member
May 16, 2006
In the skies far away from you all.
Gaara pulled out several shuriken and started hacking down ninja.

"This can't be all they sent. These nin are to low level. Where are the real baddies?" Gaara question was answered when he saw a group of six jounin level nin forming a jutsu cirlce. ((OOC: That is where they form the points of a star and they all look towards the middle and raise there hands together and perform one super powerful jutsu. These ninja are usually extremely powerful in Genjutsu)) IC: There was no way that he could stop their attack he was to far away and they had probably already reinforced themselves with defense jutsus. Gaara took out some more chuunin and ponder what he should do. Finally he said something.

"Luca, I need your help!"


The King Of Bandits
Luca heard a call from behind him, it was gaara. In the distance in front of the boy be saw 6 nin forming a jutsu circle and one word slipped from his mouth" ...****" Luca rushed passed gaara, throwing a bag into his hands and continuing on to the others who were preforming the jutsu. At the moment there was only one technique that would have even a chance of stopping all of them at once. Lucky for him it was the first one he had learned. He would have to use up a lot of chakra to make the area wide enough for them all to be reached. Luca jumped quickly into the air, seeing something starting to form in the middle of the jutsu circle. Pointing his fist down, he dead weighted himself. Sending him straight to the ground in the middle of all of the jounin. There in a split second he called his technique and preformed it, cutting it close and taking the dangerous route to defeat them, but getting it done non the less. " Polesca Ninjutsu!"

Luca's fist slammed into the ground, creating a shockwave that echoed through the earth, a crater forming under the circle of jounin, each of them extremly close to the edge. Suddenly a stream of chakra began moving through the cratered area, lighting it up and incinerating the enemy jounin. Within the blink of an eye they were down, burns over their entire body, Luca kneeling down in the middle of the crater and standing up, fixing his forehead protector and jumping into a small group of chuunin Nin. he felt a little bit less burdened now, knowing that the jutsu circle might have been the last thing any of them had ever saw. Knowing it was taken down made him a little bit relieved as he slammed his fist into another chuunin and sighed, looking around waiting for another enemy to attack him.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji stood there calmly during the fight. Such brawls were below him. Foolish Ninja and their pride and honor. Children these days. He calmly made a strong wall of his own bone behind him to ensure that Hinata was safe. There was no point waking the sleeping for such a small matter. After that was done he watched, rather bored. Nothing special happened. Gaara's technique woke him up just enough to comment on how stupid and reckless it was to blow up the most useful bit of your opponents, but other than that he rested. It was quite boring to him. He would have fought but he didn't think they needed anymore help than Tripod's. She was a very good ninja and could easily have surpassed even Luca if she'd just believe in herself. Soji had been trying to teach her on their travels, but the girl was a little too shy.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji turned and grabbed her, sitting her down next to him. "Come, Tri. Good seats for a fight like this. I know it's a little below our usual spectacle but it will sufice." Soji smiled at her warmly and pulled from his bag some sweets that he had saved. They were little sugary crystals. He didn't know much about them since they were quite knew, but he got them from their inventor because he saved him from a rogue Ninja. He handed Tripod a few and then put the sweets away, exchanging it for a large bottle of some strange liquid. He took a swig of it and sighed, slight red marks appearing on his cheeks.


The King Of Bandits
The fighting seemed to die down a little bit now, ever since he killed those jounin he had been taking it easy. suddenly a shuriken came flying at him from what seemed like out of nowhere, giving him a milisecond to dodge. It barely missed him, ripping his bag which he had taken back from gaara after killing the chuunins. Most of his things spilled out on to the ground, a picture of a Luca and a Girl falling out lastly, into the mud below the bag face down. He dropped his bag for a second, looking over at a lone ninja, obviously a jounin. The man made a mad dash at Luca, throwing several kunai and shurikens at him and forming a few seals. All the shurikens hit Luca directly with exploding tags attached to them, cuasing him to fall to the ground and disappear into a cloud of smoke. A Log lay on the ground with the kunai and shurikens sticking out of it. Luca then reached placed a kunai in front of the ninjas neck, giving him little time to react.

The shinobi spun around, kicking the kunai away and jumping away from Luca. " Dreg nasinine jutsu!" This was a very un familiar move, not just to luca but probably the ones around him. It was obviously something he had made up himself. Luca came running at the man, an ice spike stuck into him quickly. It had came from the mans hand. Out of the corner of his eye, the man spotted Luca running at him yet again.His eyes widened as he turned, barely being able to stick a spike of pure ice into Luca. Both the previous attacks had been useless as the replications Luca had created disappeared. The man began forming a seal but was stopped when blood started dripping from his mouth. Several kunai were stuck in his back, exploding tags attached to them. The real luca had throw them when the man was distracted. There was an explosion and the mans body was blown to pieces, blood splattering all over the ground where he had been at. Luca stepped out of the tree line and into the opening where they had all been fighting, spotting no other ninja's. " Is that all of them?" he spoke to the others, keeping his guard up. and closing his eyes. He was trying to sense if there was any other enemies around them now by listening close and making his senses go numb almost, pushing them to their limits.


New member
"Thank You." Said Tripod as she munched on the candy. Tripod love sweet things and hated anything sour. Tripod spotted the pic that fell out of Luca bag, "Hm, I'll be back." Said Tripod as she looked at the pic on the ground. Tripod disappear and then reappear back in the tree with the pic in hand.
"This girl is pretty." Said Tripod as she slipped the pic in her pokect.

Tripod then looked up at Soji, "Soji, you know I hate drinking."


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji smiled at her calmly. "Yes, I know you do, but you also know my condition. Besides, you know I won't drink more than I have to. This sake is frightfully spicy and strong stuff. One would be stupid to try to consume too much." Soji corked the bottled and slid it back into his cloak, out of view. Soji's medical condition required that he drink strong sake every now and then to ensure that the virus in his brain didn't begin to spread. This virus was almost one of a kind and seemed to effect members of the Kaguya clan often. Sure enough, the red marks on Soji's cheeks began to fade quickly as the virus turned on the alcohol, eating it up faster than Tripod ate sweets.


New member
"Well, yeah I know... let's just hope that Black never get her hands on it." Sighed Tripod as she kicked her legs. At that moment one of Tripod boots were loose, the boot flew off backwards and hit an enemy ninja that was behind them. Tripod train with waghts in her boot and each of her boots waigh 1ton, lest to say that ninja was out cold.
"Oh wow, sorry about that. Didn't see you there." Said Tripod as she look back at the ninja.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji snapped his fingers and a bandage flew from his back and caught up the boot off of the man's crushed face. Despite its weight, the bandage lifted and held. He brought it over to Tripod and gave it to her. "Don't worry about it. Scum like him deserve it. And who's to say Black has never gotten some of my sake before? She seems to like to drink it and can get very wild when she's drunk." He sighed slightly and muttered, "Very very wild..."