Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
Hinata frowned and stood up, this subject was one thing she wouldn't stutter in. "I never follow the main house and the branch house rules." She said determindly " those rules have been hurting and tearing the family up for to long, making rifts and grudges with everyone....I know that from experiance..." she said the last part softly. "And if I'm made Head, I will try my damnness to abolish all that divides us! I treat every one equally and judge them on how they act instead of what house their in."
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Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
Kaze kept his hands up and shifted his feet alittle ouot of guard, he knew this would make her feel alittle less uneasy, she still wasn't in his eyesight and she could be gone by now, so he put his hands down and kept walking the way she came from, probobly towards an encampment.


The King Of Bandits
ooc: *goes to delete all the useless posts and warn several users* I dont care who started that, dont do it again.

Ic: Luca picked up his feet and began walking, the mud from the rain earlier made a sloshing sound with every step he took, leaving footprints in the direction he was walking. the wind had picked up a little making for a cold walk back to the camp site from where the others had been. He noticed almost absolutly no one on his way back, it was as if he was in some kind of daze. The thought of his missing picture still sit at the back of his mind, someone had picked it up apparently, and while it was close to him he would rather not think about it or ask about for. For the simple resaon that he would rather keep his past life in the past then have all the others ask about it. His arms and legs were blazing with with pain from today. He had not done so much work in quite a while, even if it was just a little bit. this was his first mission back as a shinobi again, he was going to have to readjust to the lifestyle he had taken up. Everything around him made him seem calm, laid back and nothing seemed to be troubling him, this was the way he chose to hide his feelings from everyone.

Finaly on in the near distance, he spotted the camp site. Soji's shelter sticking out from the surroundings like a an oasis in a desert. It was not a bad thing however. It was good, it gave everyone who had camped out with them a landmark so that they would know where the camp was. In the back of his mind the distance they had come today was a little bit disapointing, but they had a least gotten across the border, and that was all that mattered. Slowly he sat down near a tree near soji's shelter and sighed, realizing hinata was still in there. It was a bit distubring to him how soji had taken an intrest in her all of a sudden, even if she was from the head family. Obviously there was something he had missed. In the distance he could hear the crickets chirping a subtle lullaby. A sure sign that it was peaceful now. A smile glanced his face, Luca had realized how fortunate he was to have such members in his group, even if he had Quarls with a few of them.

In the silence of the night he closed his eyes, knowing he was safe for now, and drifted off into a light but comforting sleep. It was the best sleep he had gotten in a while.
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Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
He walked a bit forward on the thick, uncutten forest grass, his blck sandals almost disappearing in the lush. "My name, is Kaze Animaru," he said, removing his hand, which had a black glove that matched his sandals, from his back pocket, it contained a few medical needles, he used them for poison, and other perposes. He looked over the girl, slowly blinking and making sure she was no threat, this was to early in his mission to slip up, but if she was acting, he was ready, one hand is all he needs.

The girl had no distinquishing features, but she couldn't be out here alone, there would be no way to survive, this place is as bad as the 44th training ground. His feet finally began to tire and he proped against a tree."So, you can't be out here alone, were are your friends," he said hoping to get an answer instead of a smart remark. Those kind of answers angered him for they have no meaning and just wasted time, something that is very limited.
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New member
Tripod gave him a warm smile, and saw him remove his hand from his back pokect.
"Hello Kaze its nice to meet you, and don't worry about me attacking you." Said Tripod as she looked him in the eyes.
"I can't fight, but if you did threw those needles at me. Well, we couldn't be friends." Said Tripod.
A thought popped into Tripods head, Uh-oh I was gone from the camp for a while Soji might be worry..
"Well, I got to go. I hope we can meet again." Said Tripod as she ran back into the woods.

Tripod raced though the wood loveing the sent of rain that blast past her and she ran with the breeze. Tripod arrived at the camp site every thing seemed okay. Tripod noticed Luca sleeping. I should tell him about his Picture, that I got...But I guess I shouldn't wake him...
Tripod walked over to Luca and sat down beside him, Maybe I should wake him, this piture could be important to him...
"Luca, can you wake up please?" Said Tripod in a soft voice while pokeing his head.


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
Kaze smiled devlishly, she had led him right to were he needed to be. He went to a tree and put his hand up, a large moth landed on his hand, he nodded and the moth went in the direction the girl went, it was moving very fast so he had to run to keep up, the moth darted up into a large evergreen, perfect for hiding, he focused his chakra in his feet and ran up, meeting the moth at the top, it landed on his shoulder and then flew away."Thank you." Kaze wispered. He looked down upon the small encampment. There was one tent that stood out, with someone ditting up against a tree next to it, probobly resting, he looked like his eyes were closed but Kaze wasn't paying that much attention, he had all night in this tree, even if they did sense him, there would be no way to find him, the best shinobi, espesially a sound shinobi, knows how to trick his enemies, there wan't much Kaze would have to do to get away, or kill whomever was after him, but one thing was for sure, he had to make sure that girl dide not tell were he was, he should have hid, and he thinks about his mistake carefully, thinking of a plan to stop her if he needed to, at worst they would go looking for him, but it didn't matter.

Kaze just watched over the camp, like a colony of warrior ants before they attack. He wanted to learn as much about them before he moved on, this might be the group he's looking for, not much to be done, a hostile attack could leave them all dead, and he would gain nothing, but if he stuck it for a while and learned their techniques and what they were doing, he might also learn alittle about the hidden village Orochimaru, the thought of him made Kaze's neck burn, he reached to the scar and put his hand on it. Damn him, I never wanted this curse, damnit. Kaze continued to watch then he spotted the girl, she was near another shinobi, and she had a picture. He closed his eyes the opened his hand, a fly was there and he let it go, it flew for the picture and Kaze noticed it was nothinf but a friendly, mabey family, photo, it meant nothing to him. KNowing nothing else would probobly go down, Kaze constructed a small platform on the branch out of leaves and a rope he had in his pack, and relaxed against the tree, if something went down though, he would sping back to action, thats supposing something will.


The King Of Bandits
Luca's eyes shot open, both his hands grabbing kunai as rolled away from the person poking him. He sat on one knee, noticing it was bon bon. He had been a little on edge, even if the area was safe. After all it was his first mission back. He looked at her, she had just been poking him. He was still alive also. That was a good sign, It meant he had a little bit more trust in them then he had before. Putting his kunai away he slowly walked back over and sat down, wondering why she had awakened him. Was something wrong? His first thoughts were that gaara, sasuke, or naruto had gotten into a fight with one another. His next was that someone was dead. A common reaction with someone who had lost so many close to him. He rubbed his eyes and glanced over at her, a sad but calm look in his eyes. That same look that had been there ever since that night. The night he lost her.

" What seems to be the problem Tri?" His voice came as a calm and soothing wind, still wondering what was on her mind, still thinking about the picture of his lost loved one. He had been smiling in it, something he had stopped doing long ago. He was nearly a broken man, being held together by only himself, and the want to protect Konoha.


New member
Tripod pull out Luca's Picture from her pokect and handed to him, "Um, you drop this during battle....I think it means alot to you" Said Tripod as she placed the picture on his lap. Tripod was still nevrse around people but she sinced that Luca has a kind heart.
"That girl in the picture she looks nice." Said Tripod as she stared up at the nigt sky. Tripod was just about to slip into a daydream until she sinced something. Tripod quickly looked up at a tree that had a pice of rope hanging from it. It feels like Kaze..... Is he an enemy?...Aw, I hope not he seems like a nice guy..
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Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
The quick movements almost startled Kaze as he moved to look at what happened, and then, he knew he had made a mistake, the right part of hiis leavy platform fell and hit the ground, he knew he wsa in for it, so he went furhter up the tree, readied a kunai, and tied an apparatus to his right leg, when he moved it, it would make vibrations, strong ones. . .

((i really couldn't think of anything, im still trying to get used to this setting, im used to a village type setting from other rps, sorry, mabey once i get used to this i can post 3-4 paragraphs, but yea, its late also, sorry ))


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
She's fast. Kaze bent down. "I was camping out in the tree, and when my platform broke, i drew my weopon, anything could be out here you know." It was a good lie, it couldnt be proven wrong also so he went with it, he still didn't think she was a threat but kept his right leg ready to kick at a moments notice.


The King Of Bandits
Luca looked downat the picture in his lap, thinking about how many times he had dwelled over the thought of the girl in it. Tripod, the outsider who he had trust least along with soji, had returned his very keepsake to him, and for that he was happy. he sighed, thinking about the situation. He trusted them now, barely, but he did. Everyone in his group was trusted now. It had not been a bad sigh, but a good sigh. A sigh of relief in knowing he could trust them all. He stood up leaning on the tree, ignoring everything going on around him and staring at the picture for a second. It meant a lot for him, and it had been returned without anyone asking any questions. That was a good thing. Closing his eyes, he let his bag slip into the mud where he had been sitting. He grabbed it quickly and jump upwards, landing on a tree branch and sitting down. He closed his eyes again and luaghed a little" I guess i can trust them huh?"

At a moments notice he snapped his look in the direction of a sound. There was someone out there, but he felt sure that Tripod could handle it, he had faith in her.
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Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji felt something travel into his eyesight. Even through the strong walls of his tent he could see three stars moving into a tree near him. He glanced back at Hinata before saying, "That's great Hinata-sama, but I need you to get down. Lower your center of gravity." Soji then vanished in a puff of black feathers. Seconds later, his jutsu carried him next to Tripod, black feathers falling from his shoulders as he appeared.

Soji glanced at Tripod and then glared down at the boy in front of him. He couldn't see perfectly, but the mind definitely belonged to a boys. There was something else there though. Some form of infection. Strange... Sasuke has the same... Soji's eyes widened with realization. He wasn't stupid. He could recognize seals almost better than anyone else on the planet. He gripped Tripod's shoulder and whispered, "He's Orochimaru. He's fine with me. Orochimaru and I are something of aquaintinces, but the Konoha and Sunagakure might not like him as much."

OOC: Sorry, this post was made before I saw RPGirl's. Imagine he appeared in the tree with Kaze then.


New member
Tripod's eyes widen when she hear the name Orochimaru, Tripod was silent for awhile.
"So, you're telling me that Kaze has the seal on him." Whisppered Tripod to Soji.

Tripod remeber legends from the war that there was this human that can summons snakes, Tripod only met him once, those eyes of his burned deep with in her memories.


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
Kaze untied the device from his leg and jumped down from the tree, he then wlked over and passed the girl and the other shinobi, his body sloly diappeared in the darkness, it was a good thing the girl found him, how else would he been able to get a tracker on her, and not just a tracker, but a female flea, the best, he walked to a secluded area and made camp, but not without laying trip wires everywere, it would be a long night and a even longer day tommarow.

((i might be on later but for now im going to watch Naruto, peace out, you guys can try to kidnapp me or we/, just dont make my character do stuff ok, well later))
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