Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
OOC: Wow. That tracker bug won't work you know. Soji's eyes will see it. It has both a heart and a mind. It will confuse Soji and he'll get rid of it. He won't know what it really is though.

Soji looked over at Tripod. He patted her on the shoulder. "It's ok. Orochimaru and I are on agreeable terms. I saved his life once. Or one of his lives." Soji then noticed some small creature on Tripod. He picked it up and its signature belonged to that of a flea. A female one too. Soji frowned and killed it before tossing it away. "Geez, Tri. You should really take a bath. You're attracting fleas." He laughed kindly at her and then messed up her hair before returning to the tent and giving Hinata the all clear.



New member
ooc: trackers can't work on Tripod, not with the rank she's in

Tripod smiled and giggled, I wonder when Soji's going to ask me what rank that I'm in...
Tripod began to think about what Soji said about him helping Orochimaru. He was the one that created it..... but it was partly my fult too...
Tripod shook her head trying to forget, then looked up at the stary sky above her.
"I wonder what father is doing." Whisppered Tripod to herself.


Kanji of Heaven
Apr 30, 2006
Over the Rainbow
Soji sat in the tent for a while, looking over some notes. They were all about Tripod. He had been keeping them to aid him with keeping track of her many sides. They were very interresting. He had never seen a mind as complex as Tripod's. Many times he had thought about entering her using his Henji, but decided against it. She was too dear of a friend to him to use like that. She wasn't just another one of his science experiments.


The King Of Bandits
Luca found himself sitting in the tree thinking about his life. Again. There was no one around so he had had nothing better to do then think. having a family at 19 was nice, it was a little work, but it was nice. Thinking of his little boy made him happy for a moment. holding that little boy in his arms gave him a little bit of a reason to stay alive as well. He had lost the one he loved, but in return had gained someone to watch over and protect. He would not ditch his son as Luca's parents had done to him.

Something suddenly slipped into his mind, tearing it away from the thought at hand. What if he didn't make it back? What would his son do then?. He couldn't just put it on someone else. His fist clenched and his back firmed a little bit, he was going to stay alive no matter what. This mission was going to be hard enough for him, there is no way he could keep all of his team alive. Suddenly he punched himself in the face in his mind. Bringing him back around. of course he was going to stay alive, and he was going to bring the others back alive too.


New member
Tripod was stearing upn at the stars in the sky. Thinking about Avlear her home, She was remebering when she was little how she use to train nonstop and always say, 'I'm going to carry on my families Dojo!'. She also remeber the smile her father got when she said that.
Tripod looked down out of saddness and reached her hand in her pokect. She pulled out a letter that she got father.

Dear, Tripod

I am so proud, I heard you took down another enemy base camp. Brovo, teach thoses humans. Your mother would have been pourd if she could live to see this. You just turn 17,000 this year and that means you're a women. When you get back we shall have a party and also I have found some young men that will be happy to carry the Family Dojo's name. Hopefully when you come back one of them will make a loving husband for you.

Very Porud Father

"This was the last letter I got from you, before the war was over...... Please be waiting for me." Said Tripod as she put away her latter into her pokect.


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California

Kaze found that he couldn't sleep. Ha, i bet they think im a bug tamer, but really all i can do is talk to them telepathically, hahahaha Kaze laughed inside, people were always thinking he was.

Kaze got up and put back his supplies, disarming his traps and walking back towards the other encampment, the one with Tripod living in it.

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
Hinata was a little frazzled, the house conflicts were a tender area for her and she was proud of her belief, but the way he dismissed it so easily was a little hurtful. She gave him the benifit of the doubt and thought he was unframilar with the hyuuga lifestyle.

She heard the commotion but figured soji and tri were enough to handel it.

She was getting doubtful of the mission so she decided to go see naruto, he always made her feel better she thought with a smile.
And as her luck would have it he was sleeping...

Hinata sat right across from Naruto, careful not to disturb him.
His face was so peaceful when he slept, she noted as she looked at him affectionitly.
"and handsome too..."
...Did she just say that aloud!? 'Oh no I have to be careful! Sasuke could of heard! I have to get out of here!'
And with that she got up in a heated frenzy, but when she got up the worst happend.... She tripped... and landed right on top of him!
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: leaving me in the dust? I think not xD.

Naruto had been asleep for a good while now. In this act he wouldn't understand what was going on as all the higher ranks were out doing stuff. He rolled a little in his sleeping dreaming of surpassing Sasuke and becoming the 6th Hokage of Konoha. The thought of the third's death always reminded him to do this best and never die until he becomes the best in his village. The fourth Hokage was the bravest in his mind and he set an example of what kind of Hokage he wanted to be. Naruto was coming to as he felt something fall on him.

He was yawning and stretching his arms out. He began to whipe his face as it was shrouded in drowseyness. Finally opening them, he could see that everyone seemed scattered or in different places. Looking to his left he noticed Hinata had fallen on to his lap, "Hey Hinata, what happened?" said Naruto in a drowsy voice. Normally Sasuke would have been within site, but he wasn't. Gaara was also a no show too, he sighed and looked around in the trees for a moment. He spotted Luca sensei sitting idly in a tree to be what appeared to be thinking. "Hey Luca sensei, when are we moving on to see the hidden village." said Naruto in a mild tone. He looked back over at Hinata and smiled, folding his arms around his head he was ready to keep moving.

He noticed their was a figure coming into the camp they had set up. His eyes opened as he stared at this guy who looked about a year older than he was at best. "Hey who are you!" said Naruto pointing cautiously. He could make out that his headband was of the hidden sound village. "So your with Orochiamaru aren't you! As if his last lackies weren't bad enough!" Naruto wasn't going to haul off and randomly attack the stranger unless he showed signs of agression but he didn't...for the moment anyway.
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Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
OOC: edited both posts"

"WAA!! s-s-sorry Naruto-kun!!! I-I-I was going to get y-you up but I t-tripped over that t-tree root!!" she pointed to a root that was barely 5 cm out of the ground, and hardly a threat for tripping. "W-well now that y-your up i-i dont have to w-wake you heh heh heh" she said with a sweating and blushing face. "I'll just be over t-there ok?"

Setting: after the three posts after me XD

With that she jumped into the safe haven of the trees to catch her breath. She saw Tripod and Luca crowded around someone so she decided to stay where she was and watch the situation with her byakugan and see if she would be needed if something happend.
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Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
((OOC: Sorry for starting so late. Had a little confusion. Please let me know if im in the right spot here, and this will be short so i can get a good understanding where we are < P Also look at my profile!

Kouta was walking around in the dead of night, playing his guitar while balls of water float in a small trail behind him to make sure no one was following him. He looked up at the sky and wondered 'will anyone ever accept me? No one would really take me in the village of the mist, but people denying me in my own village?'

He saw all the stars and sighed "I wonder where im going?" He looked around and didn't notice to much. He took another quick look around and noticed something glowing. It was a faint light ahead of him. "A camp site?" He said outloud. He covered his mouth quickly and ran towards the glow quickly. "I wonder who would be out in the forrest this late?" he said as he got closer to the light.


The King Of Bandits
Luca sighed looking down at naruto pointing at the stranger. "Naruto its a forest... people are going to be passing by from time to time. You cant just run out and point at them like that." before he could say anything else his eyes widened, sensing comeone drawing closer and hearing the footsteps. quickly he lept off his perch and appeared in front of the man. In front of him was a man holding a guitar running towards the camp apparently. He held out his hand and smiled" might i ask who you would be?" he smiled realizing he had just done exactly what naruto had done." and what buissness you have with us?" Luca looked deep into the mans eyes, judging him quickly. They were eyes of hurt. He had seen those eyes before somewhere. They were much like narutos and his own. " please, come with me" Luca sighed leading the man into the camp and sitting down by the fire" You look like you could use a rest stranger, feel free to rest here. But i ask one question of you, what is your name, and what are you doing out here at this hour?" Luca stood looking at the man again, waiting for his question to be answered.


New member
Tripod shook her head trying to get her thoughts out of her memories, Tripod started to noticed that there were two poeple coming towards the camp site. One of them was Kaze she could tell by the way the figure walk. The other looked to carry a gutair. Tripod stood right up and then painc, "Aw, what so I many poeple.." Said Tripod to her self.
Tripod being the lay back and watch person, she jumpped into the near by trees and watch what is about to happen.


Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
As Kouta drew closer, he stopped. He saw someone come towards him from the camp. Kouta was wondering who the man was. He looked older then kouta, thats for sure, about nineteen at least. As the man approached kouta, kouta was preparing himself, just incase it was just some hotshot ninja wanting to take kouta on. Instead the man held his hand out in welcoming, and began to lead kouta to there campsite, without kouta getting a word in. The man led kouta into there campsite, and sat him down, immediately shooting questions at kouta afterwards.

He wasked what his name was, and what he was doing around here, so kouta decided to answer "My name is kouta. I"m from the waterfall village, and well..." He started to wander off in his mind, but snapped out of it quick "Im traveling alone i guess. I don't really have buisnees with you, whatever that means. I was just walking through these woods, and i saw your campsite here, and i decided to see what it was." Kouta looked around noticed that there was a girl and another boy here as well "And who might you two be? And you to." He said looking at the man.


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
Kaze knew he was attracting attention, good, he wouldn't have to sneak up on them, he prepared for the worse, but didn't grab any weopons, if he fought these skilled shinobi, he would have to beat them by skill, not brute force. Kaze didn't stray from his casual but tense walk and headed right for the camp and didn't show any signs of stopping.


The King Of Bandits
Luca stood up smiling." My name is Luca, I am a jounin from the hidden leaf village." He stopped, looking back Kouta" If you are from a hidden village, why might i ask are you traveling alone?" his question put him directly to the point. A lone nin, wondering the forest. was he a miss nin? Luca's eyes shot towards the outskirts of the camp as a bush rustled, it had only been the wind. he looked back to Kouta and sighed, sitting down next to him again. his look was stern now, staring the stranger directly in the eyes. If he was a missin nin, Luca wanted to find out about it. If the situation was diffrent however and people had thrown him out of the village, he would take him back to konoha after the mission was over, knowing he would be accepted there. His choice wasn't hard to make judging from the backgrounds of the nin in konoha. From the moment he say this ninja he knew something was weird, he just had yet to find out what it was.

Luca stared at the man, waiting to get an answer from him. Kouta seemed similar to the ninja Luca had worked with in the past. Laid back, calm. It was odd. He just felt this feeling about him, a calm feeling that told luca Kouta was a good guy inside. the muddy ground slid under luca's feet, cuasing him to stand up, to regain his balance. The rain had not helped their situation at all. The mud made it even worse trying to camp. In the distance Luca could see the darkness in the sky begining to draw back, in a few hours it would be daylight, he had still gotten almost no sleep.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Naruto saw that Luca had taken notice to him. He still had an untrusting vibe, but if his sensei found him to be decent he couldn't object to it in the least. Who does this guy think he is just walking in here like that! Naruto scrunched his face and grafted his arms giving the stranger a cold stare. "Don't get too comfortable pal! You do anything wrong or lie i'm going to kick your butt you got that!" yelled Naruto at the sound village ninja. He statements were going on assumption of who he was and who he was working for so he was still oblivous in his own way.


Aka Mattimeo
Jan 22, 2006
in a hole somewhere in California
OOC: Luca isnt talking to me, im still walking in the camp, just lmake sure you know

The loud voice rang through Kaze's head as he walked into the camp, and right past the one who shouted, he didn't care. Kaze stopped and servayed the area, he didn't care who was watching him.

ooc:ahhh writer's block
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Just a neko
Apr 22, 2006
locked in the dungeon
Kouta kept getting shot at with questions. He stared blankly at Luca, then back at the blond haired kid, who seemed to be yelling at kouta for some reason. "Excuse me?" He said "Were you talking to me?" he didn't know who the kid was talking to. The girl was just standing there, staring. Kouta's face began to turn a little red, embarrassed. "Well.." He said "I sorta decided to go on a journey by myself, because not many people would eccept from the waterfall village, which is where i was originally born. But during most of my life, i was raised by kind man in the hidden village of the mist, where my power didn't exactly compare to tothers in the village. So i decided to - huh?" kouta turned to the side and saw another man walk right into the camp. He didn't know who he was, but he was really starting to get confused with all of this..