Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: Well, as of now im withdrawing as Naruto. I can't seem to stay in character...especially his 3 year future self at that o_o;; Mwuhahahaha, im using my character from my Naruto RP >D!! >_> also, he does know Naruto and the gang xD, though you wont recognize him.

Name: Rayex Kunokai

age: 15

Appearance: Standing to about 5'10'' Rayex is dressed in in black with red streams on the shoulders. Within the his jacket is an white under shirt, and lastly wearing black pants and black shinobi shoes. His face is procured with one hazel eye and one blue eye. His hair is white and pushed up into spikes like the 4th Hokage. Around his forehead is the forehead protector of Konoha and concealed beneath his right pant leg is the hidden cloud shinobi headband that belonged to his father Mukaro Kunokai.

Ninja Rank
: Jounin

Village: Konoha/Hidden Cloud

Chakra Element
: Lightning


Kage Bushin no Jutsu: A basic replication of ones self only the replications are real. This requires an even distribution of chakra into vassels that can move about on their own via the user's will. Effective in a number of situations, primarily used when outnumbered or facing an extremely formiddable opponent.

Chidori: The technique created by Hatake Kakashi often called "Rakiri." The chakra is focused into the user's palm and it fluxuates in a concentrated amount. The user has to have physical capabilities to initiate the thrusting movement, now becoming to meet the standards the chakra then becomes visible. It chirps violently like that of a thousand birds, but the chakra itself is charged into electricity.

Katon Gokakyuu no Jutsu: The flame jutsu belonging to that of the Uchiha clan, it was acquired by Rayex's sharingan seeing Sasuke use it once on his teamate Ryoku. The attack works by building up chakra in the chest chamber and releasing it all at one time to create a massive flame

Transformation no Jutsu: The basic academy level jutsu that allows the user to take on the form of another being whether they be enemy or friend. To see through this rouse depends on how well ones deceptive skills.

Substitution Jutsu: Basic enough, the user can replace his or her physical body with an inanimate object such as a log or sand. Perfect for taking an enemey shinobi by suprise, but often an easy tactic to read if used to frequently.

Bushido Tan no Jutsu
: A new lightning based jutsu Rayex developed one he acquired the Chidori. Its more of an alteration of the chidori thats not as powerful since its divided into a twin palm strike. Chakra is built up in both palms with furious pulsing chakra. Its more of a tactic to overpower an opponent, but it requires a dual thrust leaving one completely open to a retallating attack like the chidori's flaw.

Sand Wall/Guard
: Training with his sensei's best friend Sanosuke, he was slowly learning sand jutsu. This was increasingly difficult since his chakra element was lightning and earth style jutsu wasn't exactly his style. Managing to form a wall of sand to halt incoming attacks, Rayex lacked the stirdyness to gain control of the sand, but he is still developing it as best he can.

Sand Clone: From the sand wall came the sand clone justu, the sand morphs into the appearance of its user. Possessing the same properties of the sand wall, its used for defensive tactics and also attacks usually more direct. This jutsu still needs work much like the sand wall to be used to its full potential.

Sand Hand jutsu: The first technique of sand relation taught to Rayex by his sensei. The chakra is channeled into the sand and it is slowly formed into hand or fist. This being the only jutsu of sand Rayex mastered thus far, its used for a variety of different attacks, he has found a use for it when using replications and splitting the sand in combination with the stretching variety of the sand hand jutsu.

Tayu Kage Bushin no Jutsu: The upraded version of the Kage Bushin no Jutsu created a startling number of replictions that reach the mass hundereds. Often Rayex's commonly used jutsu much like that of Uzumaki Naruto. One amazing quality for its function serves to completly overwhelm an opponent and blindside them by confusing the clones from the real thing. Chakra consumed by this technique is quite alot seeing as its a jounin level techinique, but its compensated by chakra reserves Rayex has similar to his sensei's.

Shikaze no Jutsu
: A incredibly powerful lightning jutsu only known by one other shinobi, Ichiru Kunokai, Rayex's step-uncle. This technique unleashes a massive burst of lightning from the user's mouth. Chakra is used as a conductor to channel lightning through the chakra points on the body, careful in its guidance, it is stored in the stomach and channeled up the right side of the body. Its a dangerous jutsu, as the lightning is close to touch the user's heart. This style is somewhat like the Hyuuga clan's rotation being that chakra is released from 50% of the chakra points on the body, 32 to be exact.

Water Clone jutsu: Call it weird, but this is a rare jutsu only found in the village hidden in the mist and behind the waterfall. Its chakra divided into water and animating it upon the user's will. However the main flaw of this jutsu is that the water clone can't travel too far from the user's body and a pretty poor jutsu. This was frist learned by Rayex from his best friend Ditonke Hotsuke as he possess the Keke Genakai that manipulates water and ice which really doesn't have a specified name.

Tri-Kunokai: A taijutsu assualt consisting of two replications and Rayex himself. Kunai is clenched within their teeth and they fly past their opponents using the lightning speed jutsu. One by one each slice the enemy with a minor cut and weakening them for the final 3-way strike.

Lightning Speed Jutsu: The speed jutsu revamped by his sensei. It enchances the speed of the user ten-fold and they move so fast that the surroundings appear to be moving in slow motion in a sense. Yet another techinique that was learned from Sanosuke, but its still unknown to how he knew the jutsu in the first place.

Suiton Suikoudon no Jutsu
: The water shark missle jutsu that swirls water into the form of a shark and converges it on to a given target. It was copied from the water element specialist Ditonke Hotsuke, but never completly grasped.

Summoning Technique; Dragon Summon
: The summoning jutsu that requires the user to sign a blood contract that binds you to the summoning creature. Rayex entered this contract produced to him by his sensei, then capable of summoning Dragons.

Forbidden Jutsu:

Yakuza Chidor
i: The revamped chidori that belongs primarily to Rayex alone. Taking Kakashi Hatake's signature move and melding two together forming an even greater amount of chakra. One shot can take out an opponent right on the spot if they don't have an abosolute defense. For now Rayex can only do this attack once in a day, so far he can only use the chidori three times in a day unless its in combination with his chakra irregularity and sharingan consuming far too much chakra even with the short surplus.

Dancing Dragon Flame Jutsu
: The mighty twin dragon jutsu residing in purple flame first developed by Misha Kunokai, Rayex's mother. This explosive technique is used when completly overwhelmed and can blow back a mass number of enemy shinobi. Chakra is stored and built up in the chest and released all at once unleashing twin dragons of purple flame that wrap around an enemy.

Emotionless Exile
: An all out three way combination assualt requiring a mass number of replications to carry it out. A ground assualt to launch an opponent into the air, of the high speed style taught by Gai sensei propelling an enemy upward and a consisted barrage to reach an adequate altitude. Next comes the aerial assualt in which the replications cover the user in sand and slowly form a massive ball of sand covering the enemies body. The third step is the ground assualt firing off a series of powerful fire jutsu to heat the suspended ball of sand hardening it into glass from the intense heat. The final method delivering the final blow with an impending kick and shattering the glass and surely its trapped assosciate.

Okanuza no Jutsu
: The user's fingers are charged with intense amounts of chakra that flow through the fingers enough to be made visible but its charged slighly differently. In combination with fast physical reflexes the user repeatedly jabs the enemy in a similar motion as the Hyuugan clan only the attacks are a little more reckless and with the lack of byakuugan eyes the attacks won't be precise to match but perfect for stunning an enemy, but having a side effect of intense pain, paralysis and sometimes death. Not to mention the user feels a pretty sharp recoil from trying to maintain the chakra in sensitive spots such as the finger tips.

Youkai Giin: A one a day jutsu that requires 95% of the user's chakra. Chakra is accessed from every point of the body and gathered into one hand. It functions in different ways, at genin level and a certain chakra capacity, it explodes on the outer area of the flesh and ceases the excess chakra that doesn't fit the user's true chakra. When the chakra is much greater to say kage level, the orb of chakra becomes gray and five lights appear in the center. When thrusted into the flesh this time, the entire orb bonds with the flesh and sucks the chakra in along with it and the fingerprints left mark the Youkai Giin's seal.


Kunai Knives: The basic ninja tool for all shinobi, mostly introduced to young Genin. A sharp daggerlike weapon to carve up enemies and opponents.

Demon Wind Shuriken: A shuriken shaped into the form of a windmill, excellent for cutting through the air and through enemies. Its rotation is what makes it such an impressive ninja tool.

Katana Blade: Given to him by his sensei Sanosuke, its a black blade forged with nominal steel and quite deadly, the length is about adequate and can be used to slice through enemies, but is mainly for a one on one type of stand off.

Shuriken and Wire
: One of the starter ninja tools used in various combinations. Shuriken are the equivalent of darts to be thrown can more or less immobilize an opponent temporarily. With the wire attached it can pin an opponent to a tree or rock and launch a jutsu to follow.

Dojutsu (Blood Trait): Sharingan/Sebun Daido Chikara

Sharingan: The user's eyes become enhanced and filled with a scarlet iris with black pupils that sharpen to the maximum of three increments. Its is first activated when the weilder's body is in mortal danger and their eyes become more alert. Capapable of seeing of literally seeing through deception whether it be Ninjutsu or Genjutsu. The Sharingan is capable of breaking down a jutsu and copying it almost immediately. It consist of two main components, The Piercing Eye and the Hypnotic Eye. The Piercing eye possesses the capability to copy not only a jutsu, but the enemies movements like mirror. With this, the weilder can take full advantage of his/her opponent by mirroring them almost exactly. The Hypnotic eye is more of the illusional portion of the sharingan, with this the weilder is capable of infiltrating the enemies mind. In doing so they cause a sense of doubt and mass confusion, in combination with the piercing eye, its as though the enemy mistakes the wielder for his/herself and looses focus on what they originally concentrated on. This leaves the opponent wide open for an attack that they originally had planned but never finished. The final and most devastating portion of the sharingan is the Mangekyou which gives you full insight to the user's mind. It contains two main levels of power, the Tsukuyomi and the Amaterasu which isolate your worst fear and amplify it to levels unimaginable. The mangekyou can cause serious and even permanant mental damage to an opponent's mind.

Sebun Daido Chikara
: The shukiri gekke is a chakra irregularity found in extremely isolated portion of the Uchiha Clan. This was a mutation in the chakra system that fills it with seven colored chakra, the way it develops is by a mix of different emotions. The first stage of the Shukiri Gekke is that the body has the feeling of the second chakra and burns a mark in the form of a windmill on the user's arm. The first chakra to surface is yellow chakra, this is the first surplus and one of the most unstable, its triggered by great pain and struggle. The second chakra is the green chakra, it is the second phase as the windmill mark expands and engulfs the right arm of the user. It is triggered by jealousy and envy and consumes the weilder with unbridled emotion. The third stage is the release of purple chakra, the mark then spreads across the user's torso and emits the purple glow. It is triggered grief, the feeling that you have failed someone and a helpless thought remains. The fourth stage is the release crimson chakra, the mark receeds down the user's leg and emits a crimson glow. Its triggered by intense levels of anger to match its power. The fifth stage is the release of white chakra, in which the the mark receeds to cover the user's other leg. Triggered by a sense of calm, when the weilder can see the light within their distorted emotion. The sixth stage is the release of black chakra, as the user has felt the calm and seen the goodness inside, their is also a darkened desire connceting them to the evil within. The marks cover the right arm and then scale up the neck. The seventh and final stage is when their is a union with all the chakra, all with the initial blue that everyone has. As they combine the user capable of using them all at the same time in one final assualt dubbed the "Rokirigan" When all chakra stages have been reached and sucessfully unlocked, is user can go in and out of each stage of chakra by wil. Choosing to meld them together to create new

Bloodline Limit Jutsu:

Mangekyo Sharingan: The most powerful level of sharingan there is, but can only be reached by fufilling the special requirement. The only way to attain its full potential is by bringing the messenger of death to the user's best friend in order to grasp it. However this is another way around it, but that has yet to be discovered. It works differently for every user of it. Rayex's eyes (if he gets it) form a tri-gram of katana blades that have a line going around them in a circle. He has the power to take control over anyone who come into his gaze, with something this dangerous they are influenced by his will and do as he commands.

Baikudo: The user that is under the influence of the Mangekyo sharingan will come to a tendency. Upon uttering this powerful genjutsu, Rayex can collapse the controlled recipients mind. Wiping everything all at the same time, they drop to the ground powerless. Its the same as being dead only the feeling is alot more leniant and less vicious, like being reborn.

(Not learned yet): The combination of opening all the seven colored chakra at the same time. It possesses the qualities of the rasengan as it does require a rotation and a build up of 100% of the user's power. The difference being that unleashing such an unstable amount of energy all at the same time can destroy the user so a death rate is high. The Rokirigan can also be formed by one form of the the user's chakra, but its not as powerful as the complete potential.

Chikara Haze: Can spread the area with a haze fitting the current released chakra. Much like the hidden mist jutsu, it provides a zero visibility surrounding so only those with an eye based kekkei genkai can see, but the sea of chakra fools most of them to see just the same chakra released.


Born in Konoha, better known as The Village Hidden In The Leaves, Rayex was an Uchiha with much potential. His mother, Misha Uchiha was plagued with the chakra irregularity known as the Shukiri Gekke, shortly after Rayex's birth they had discovered this and she was isolated from the clan to prevent any spreading of the unknown disease. With this, his father whom Rayex never knew was left to part from his wife and only son.

As the Years passed Rayex began to grow fond of the world, his mother would encourage him and aid him whenever he needed it. Though he was still young, his mother met another man whom became Rayex's stepfather. He was a hidden cloud shinobi by the name of Mukaro Kunokai. His father at the time was a jounin, but his background was shakey and a bit shady. To Misha he was the father figure Rayex would follow, but Mukaro had a disdain for Rayex. To be burdened with a child to take care of became an irritant for Mukaro, but his mother managed to draw his attention. Rayex at the age of 4, began to watch his mother execute ninjutsu and he became fascinated with the site of it. He was eager to try it, but he didn't know how to control his chakra, just make the handsigns. From the shadows his stepfather would laugh at how pathetic Rayex seemed to be doing this underdeveloped. Rayex balled, and could never understnd why he was insulted so harshly. Eventually he began to cope with his idiotic remarks and it didn't bother him as much.

A year later, Rayex turned five and began to familiarize himself with chakra by reading books on how to control it. With many weeks of practicing and toiling he was able to release bits and pieces of his own chakra. He moved on to releasing it in jutsu his mother taught him and manage to be successful. His father felt an unusual anger that a mere child could enact ninjutsu at such a young age. It was like an unknown hate for such a trivial reason. He would go off and attack Rayex for no reason and leave him beaten mildly. Rayex would cry to his mother, but he would just give her nonchallant look like it was an accident and she let it slide almost every time.

One day came when Rayex was training in the forest doing a substitution jutsu when his father was watching him unknown to Rayex. A kunai came flying out of nowhere and almost hit Rayex if he hadn't used the substituion. He stared in confusion as his father stood over him with such a bold and blood lust look in his eyes. Rayex's body was vibrating violently, sensing his life could end at any given moment. As his fist came down he knocked Rayex into a tree and spoke, "Your just a hopeless little Uchiha who will never become anything...all you do is rely on your eyes and nothing else....your not fit to a Kunokai..." As hsi father finished his statement he charged Rayex with a drawn kunai and was set to stab Rayex as he was still fixated to the tree. An impulse happened within Rayex and his eyes filled with a scarlet colour with black increments, he could see his father clearly and pushed himself off the tree and glided into his chest with a fierce headbutt that knocked him back. Rayex stood over him with the sharingan eyes shaking violently that he attacked his step father. Mukaro then had a look of despise in his eyes and got up and left Rayex with a message, "One'll die by my hands....never forget that."

It was then the next day that Rayex came home to an empty house, he found a note left by his mother that said they went to shop for food. Rayex sat in the empty house all day, but no one came back. It was like that until he felt completely alone. His neighbors the Hotsuke's took notice this and reported it to the Hokage, he then set it up that they would serve to look over Rayex until he was old enough to attend the academy. Rayex met his first friend Ditonke Hotsuke, whom he grew up with and even went to the academy with. The years may have gone by, but Rayex still felt a sense of calm, but mourned that his mother never returned.

The years slowly slipped by as he grew up under the watch of the Hotsuke household and his bestfriend Ditonke. The two would fight non stop with each other, but Ditonke would always win. No suprise as he was developing his kekke genkai that didnt have a name, but he could little by little manipulate water making it nearly impossible to touch him in a body of water. Rayex could access the sharingan at the time, it only happened to come to him when his body was in danger. As he turned eight him and Ditonke stood atop the roof of their apartment complex and looked at another with fierce intensity. Each pulled out kunai and held it in their hands, the two lept off the ground and charged one another going back to back at the other with full force. They had learned weapon practice in a about their first year at the academy. Both still young it was a training excercise, but they took it seriously since they competed practically all the time.

Finally the last year of the academy had come about, Rayex was 12 years old and in the top three not far behind sasuke. With the graduation exams, he earned his right to call himself a Konoha shinobi. Assigned to to squad 5 Kurute Nagara, their jounin squad leader. He was among other things, obsessed with Anko, the 2nd proctor for the chunin exams and leader in a head division of the ANBU Black Ops. He worked his team that consisted of Ryoku Ryutaro and Marx Matok. One with an attitude fitting a certain Uchiha we all know, and the other was wel....a little odd with some qualities of Naruto. This became the twelve genin to actually be accept when it was usually the traditional nine. Still things only served to grow weirder for the squad.

Kurute sensei proved to be a bit of a hardass and made Rayex, Marx, and Ryoku work much harder than most genin. They would run laps through the forest...WITH WEIGHTS ON! Rayex would collapse after a good twenty while the other passed him by. He didn't feel like getting left in the dust so he got up and perservered pushing himself even past his limits. With their team came missions, more or less the usual low class D-Rank's that Lord Hokage would assign them. They finished them in practically half the time expected of normal genin. Until the day they had been assigned their first C-rank mission which was to escort a man and his daughter to the village hidden in the sand. They were originally from the Hidden Cloud village, but were being hunted down by assassins sent from there.

Through the mission, Rayex had an encounter with Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari. The cream of the crop genin of Suna's rookie's, Gaara who possessed a cold and devil like stare would gaze at him as though he were nothing. Ryoku having crossed path's with im seemed to have tension with his past that he mentioned to Rayex. Still that wasn't much less from distracting them from their mission. Kurute their sensei actually vanished for a while they were there, and they ran into an old rival of his. Sanoske Uchiha, he appeared to be a sand ninja that had a perverted vibe going on when Rayex saw him chasing girls while he was drinking ice tea. it was weird, but he had a burst to mess with him and caused him to loose the girl he was chasing. Pissed off, Rayex was feeling ****y at the time and challenged Sano, his lightning against his sand to see if he could bring Rayex down. To challenge a Jounin left him head up in the sand with the head hunter's jutsu. Lucky for Rayex, Ryoku came in to his aid and they eventually came to a calm. Rayex spoke of Kurute whom Sano recognized as his rival and called the squad weak. He was eager to train them not to be so reckless like they were now. Rayex at first didn't want to accept the training, because he had thoughts of his father whom had challenged the squad since he was to take the life of the travelers.

When the day had arrived, the squad ended up having to fight not only the band of assassins, but their commrad Marx who's sharingan was sealed and rendered useless. He was trapped within a genjutsu and his Chaos beast was set loose to destroy his teamates. Rayex had to fight his own father which nearly whiped him out. Father and son struggle went on as they matched each other with thunder jutsu, eventually Rayex overcame his father with the special kunai style the Kunokai's were renowned for and stabbed him below his heart and he dropped beginning to die slowly. He began to die slowly and speak to his son with words of regret, apologizing for the way he treated Rayex, but he was cruel for a reason. Telling him not to rely so heavily on his sharingan eyes as his sensei would soon tell him. Taking this to heart, he turned to his friend whom was still under the influence of the genjutsu and his chaos beast was freed. The Sebun Daido Chikara spun violently on his arm and he released stage one of his chakra building up enough to do the demon seal jutsu (Youkai Giin) he forcefully slammed it into Marx's chest, at genin level it was only enough to weaken the demon within, but it was enough to break the genjutsu on on Marx and Rayex collapsed not sure he would awake.

When he came too, Marx was gone and Ryoku too. Sano was over him as he told Rayex earlier something valuable that he didn't listen to. He arose to carry his father whom had finally fallen and bury him properly. Sano appeared behind him to ask him a question of his feelings toward his father. Though he despised rayex, that didn't stop him from caring for him. With that settled, Marx had vanished and his body was surely in the worst shape among all of them. Searching for it they found it, but his inner self was gone? Taking it to the hospital they came across a truely strange female that called herself Merin. Rayex and Sano could see that this was instantly Marx in a females body. His was beat up so he used the mind transfer jutsu to jump into another body temporarily. Later that day rayex finally accepted Sano's training, to prepare him for the Chunin exams. They soon returned to Konoha and commenced almost immediately and for the next 4 days, it was pretty much a living hell with Sano in the village. he met a young jounin that lead Hinata, Kiba, and Shino's squad. Kurenai, he was swooned and they started and increasingly weird relationship among Jounin.
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Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
After leaving Lee's place he diceded to check up on his guest. He went back to Uchiha manor to look for her. He couldn't find her in any of the rooms, but he still sensed her chakra within the mansion. "I wonder..." he thought with some feeling of urgency. He looked down into the private chambers to find one of the mats uncovered.

"That little idiot, she doesn't even know what she's gotten herself into." He said as he ran down the stairway, his eyes already turning red. For the dangers within the underground were not to be taken lightly.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
The wind was blowing at a steady pace through the forest as it echoed. Roaming through the trees was a shinobi protruding two headbands. One placed on his forehead for Konoha. The other around his neck for the hidden cloud village. Arriving at the gates of Konoha, Anko and her squad of Anbu Black ops confronted him and took notice to both headbands. "Identify yourself now!" screamed Anko. "You haven't changed a bit have you?" said the figure. "What are you talking about!?" said Anko angrily. "Its true, in three years time you do tend to forget, by the way, is your last name Nagura?" said the shinobi.

Anko stopped and then blushed for a moment, she drew back her anger and smiled. "Heh, i had a feeling that was you...Rayex Kunokai." said Anko identifying him. Rayex lifted headband from over his eye and smile widened across his face. "Aww thats no fun when you figure me out just like that. So...can i go through...please." said Rayex giving her the eyes. "Gah i must have gotten soft on you kids, go ahead." said Anko looking to the side. "Heh, thats why your sensei's favorite." said Rayex laughing as he walked through the main gates into Konoha. Its changed vastly since he last saw it, training with his uncle Ichiru for the last couple of years tooks its toll on his memory.

"Man, wheres Naruto and the others, they'll be suprise with all i've learned in just a few short years." said Rayex smiling. He vanished in a loft of sand teleporting much like Gaara does. Arriving infront of his old apartment he opened the door and put his traveling items down. "Maybe i should get a job as a squad leader or something, im so bored." said Rayex taking a deep sigh. He walked back outside and stood on the ledge pushing chakra into his feet. "Look who finally got back." said a Voice from atop the roof. Turning, it was no other than Kakashi Hatake. "Hey Kakashi sensei, long time no see? Still reading that god awful book and miraculously getting beat out by my sensei?" said Rayex with a swift comment. "Same old, same old. Say have you seen Sasuke? I need to teach him how to level up the chidori." said Kakashi. Rayex shrugged, "I've already learned how to do that, not to brag but i think i've gotten better than you." said Rayex again with a comment.

"You forget, im a special Jounin now. Little kids shouldn't boast when it can comeback to blow up in their face." said Kakashi. "You doubt me? Heh, lets go old man." said Rayex as the sharigan Lv 2 emerged in his eyes and he confronted Kakashi. Kakashi sighed and lifted the left eye that covered his mask. The two of them vanished and you could hear a loud echoe from the clash of kunai across Konoha. Through the roof tops, barely visible figures moved at high speed. "You copied my Lighting Speed Jutsu? I already knew that was coming." said Rayex staring at Kakashi from the roof top. The two of them began to initiate handsigns at the exact same time, doing the same ones mimicing the other. They stopped and chakra surged into their hands instantaneously. "Raikiri!" cried the both of them. The chakra didn't chirp like chidori since it was concentrated perfectly. Lunging for one another at the same time both Raikir met at the exact same timem. As even as you can get they each broke apart repelling the other. "Even!? So much for thinking i could be you with your own move." said Rayex laughing. Kakashi stood and smiled, the lowered his mask over his left eye. "Tell me if you see Sasuke ok?" said Kakashi before teleporting in a cloud of smoke.


New member
Tripod wonder down deeper though the under ground chamber, "Vigty(scary)" Said Yoki as he flew close to Tripod. Tripod held Yoki in her arm, "It okay, don't worry." Said Tripod as she continues.

Tripod foot slip on a swich, "Uh oh" Said Tripod as she looked back at the swich. There was a click sound and needles flew out towards her. "Poe Hammer!" Said Tripod as she quickly summoned her Poe Hammer. She blocked all the needles with her Poe Hammer. Tripod breath a sigh of releaf, she looked down at Yoki, he was startled but okay. Then She looked at the needles and nodiced that the needles were covered in posion.

There was another click, "Aw, crap!" Said Tripod as she began to run. Needles was shoot out of the wall from every directions. Tripod blocked all the needles with her Poe Hammer and kept running though the underground passage.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke ran down the tunnel, trying to catch up with the girl before she could get deeper into the dungen. It would have been easy to catch her, with his speed, but the twist and traps of the dungen were enough to keep anyone at a steady pace. He stopped as he heard a switch up ahead, and a lauching of a trap. "Uh Oh, she must have got down to there, better hurry." Sasuke speed down the tunnel, the sharigan helping him run through the needles percisely. As he got further down, a loud roar was heard. "Not that, the Karino Dragon. Even the fouth hokage couldn't beat that alone. "He picked up the pace as the roar was heard louder."


New member
Tripod was face to face with a dragon, "Um, hi there. Um....I'm from Avlear and I kno-" Said Tripod be fore she was intrupted by a roar. The Dragon swung is tail. Tripod quickly jumpped up and doged the tail, "Ah, you suck!" Yelled Tripod as she hit the Dragon's tail with her Poe Hammer.

The Dragon roared out in pain, "Good thing I train with the dragon's back at home." Said Tripod as she jumpped back. "Yoki, you and Me Dragon's Rage!" Said Tripod as she held up Yoki. The dragon Shoot falmes at Tripod She easly doged them, Yoki curled up and Tripod tossed him into the air. Tripod hit the Yoki ball with force with her Poe Hammmer, Yoki went flying straght at the dragon. The Dragon was hit on the head, hard. The Yoki ball bounced of the wall and back at Tripod.

Tripod continue her attack with Yoki, dodging the dragon's attacks and contering it's attacks with her own. Soon Tripod knocked out the dragon, The Dragon fell to the ground. The ground shoock as it hit the ground. Tripod was breathing hard, she grabed her side in pain. "I think It broked some of my ribs, no biggy I can walk this off." Said Tripod to herself. Yoki flew over and rested on Tripod's shoulder.

"You did great, Yoki. Let's keep going." Said Tripod as she walked past the Dragon's body and deeper into the under ground chamber.
Wow, a dragon like that down here. I really want to know what's down here.

The Dragon Tripod beat eye's shot open and it let out angry roar, "AH, CRAP!" Yelled Tripod as she ran away, while the dragon chased her.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex sighed as Kakashi now left him with nothing interesting to do. "So much for my entertainment, i wonder what else has been going on in my absense." said Rayex as he yawned. He walked across the roof and stared up at the Hokage's statue made for the four that came first. The fifth Hokage Tsunade-sama had yet to get her face up there. "Naruto's going to have to wait, b/c im going to be the next Hokage." said Rayex with a wide smile. He and Naruto were very much alike no matter how much he didn't want to believe it. "Now where the hell is Sasuke anyway?" said Rayex looking around.

"Finding one stubborn kid's chakra is harder than i thought." said Rayex as he looked down. The Uchiha portion of the town caught his interest, "You know, I too am an Uchiha, yet I haven't told Sasuke. I wonder what its like over there." said Rayex as he began to head for the Uchiha Manor. Stepping on the ground the Uchiha fan was everywhere on their premisis. Footprints lie in the dirt and headed onto the deck, Rayex eagerly followed them into a room with a mat that was uncovered on the floor. "Weird?" muttered Rayex as he walked slowly down the into the innermost chambers of the manor.

Noise could be heard coming from deeper down in the chamber. He wasn't so eager to get caught in any traps but their was something of interest. As Rayex walked he could see what appeared to be Sasuke and another female of whom he was unfamiliar with. "Is she even a shinobi?" whispered Rayex silently. She took down the dragon as Sasuke appeared to be watching intently. It wasn't long before the female walked off into the chambers even further leaving him in the dust. "Interesting...who are you?" whispered Rayex as he concealed himself from sight and supressed his chakra.

The dragon awoke so abruptly and it roared as it went after the girl. "Damnit!" said Rayex as he exposed himself and ran past sasuke. He held his hand to his face and focused the chakra to create a clone. "Kage bushin no jutsu!" cried Rayex as one clone appeared by his side running. The two of them began to do handsigns seconds after the clone was summoned. Both ignited with unfocused chakra illuminating violently. Clenching the others chakra infused hands, they span the other around melding the twin chidori together! "Yakuza Chidori!" said Rayex as his clone whipped him at the dragon and he slammed his dual enforced lightning edge into the dragon's jaw! The intensified chakra ran deeply through his body and it fell do the ground, Rayex's hand was bleed b/c that attack always has a recoil to it. He stood up and faced the girl holding his bleeding right hand, "You ok?" said Rayex to the stranger.
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New member
Tripod stopped running, "What the?" Said Tripod as she looked at this stranger. Tripod looked back at the dragon, and saw Susake. "Man, I'm worser than black." Said Tripod as she held her side. Tripod looked at the man, "Who are you and why did you save me?" Asked Tripod in a cool voice.
Tripod still held her side, these broken ribs hurt.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
OOC: I was running, I didn't even signal the dragon yet, w/e. This is on your heads

sasuke had just come up to see Tripod running from the rerising dragon. He was about to stop it when a flash went by him. He saw it use what seem to be his technique but stronger. "Who is th...wait, i think I know him." He saw him hit the dragon hard witht he attack and it falling to the ground hard. He was impressed at first, then remembered something about the dragon.

"Hey! I'm glad you feel your safe but you're not." He ran up to them, his sharigan acknowlegding the injuries on them both. "The Karino Dragon is deadly because there's never been a way found to kill it. We have to get out of here and reseal the cave before it..." He was cut off by a loud roar. he turned slowly to see the dragon had come back and was staring them down. Sasuke did a few hand signs and clasped his hands together.

"FIRE STYLE, DRAGONBLAZE JUTSU!!!" He breathed out as a dragon-like fire emerged from his mouth and collided withthe dragon. he looked back at the two of them and yelled out to them. "HURRY, WHILE I HAVE IT DISTRACTED, GET OUT OF HERE!" He crouched low and grasped his left wrist. a familier electric discharge was heard as he powered up his chidori. With his speed, he rushed forward and slammed the chidori straight into the dragon's heart. The Dragon roared as it fell, though Sasuke knew that one attack would last. He started to pound away at the dragon, lighting it a blaze, hoping he'd buy enough time.


New member
"Right." Said Tripod as she looked back at Susake. "See ya." Said Tripod to the stranger as she ran off to the exist, with Yoki still resting on her shoulder. Tripod rushed out if the exit of the passage, she looked around, it looks like she was in the midle of the woods.
"Oh" Said Tripod as saw a shack like house on the hill top. Tripod began to rush towards the house.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex could see Sasuke had yet to enhance his chidori to its fullest potential. By will, Rayex could use every form of the technique. Still he wanted to be a show off even at Jounin level of which he was sure he already obtained. "I may have one bleeding hand, but im not weak." said Rayex holding his right arm out as yellow marks traveled under his cloak and to his right hand. Using a medical jutsu to heal his right hand while the other were distracted. The girls fled to safety while Rayex stood to do one final attack before he would run.

"Katon! Gokakyuu no jutsu!!" shouted Rayex as he stored the chakra in his chest cavity and blew it at the dragon increasing the fire Sasuke already had on him. "Ok, lets go!" said Rayex as he turned and ran for the exit. To his dismay he found himself in the forest staring at the surroundings yet again. He slowly walked out and looked the surrounding forest and then at the gourd he kept on his back. "I should find Naruto, then again i need to tell Sasuke that Kakashi needs to see him." said Rayex with a sigh. He took a kunai and placed it on his hand, chakra infused in his hand and it began to spin on his hand.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke leap back from the Dragon as his fire was turned up another level. He looked back at the one who did the attack, and wonder what was up with him. He didn't have time as the Dragon would come back to life soon. He looked down at the ymbol that had originally held the dragon to this place. He created a wide series of hand symbols before slamming his hand into the ground. The seal ignited and wrapped around the dragon's resurrecting carcess, trapping it in that state. He ran out to see the guy with a Kunai in his hand.

"What was that?" was all he could say.


New member
Tripod is now out side the old shack, she fell to her knees in pain. "ah, okay. I can't walk off these broken ribs." Said Tripod as she held her side. Tripod quickly looked around, "Okay, Yoki don't tell anyone I can do this." Said Tripod to Yoki. "Time for some Mana Alchemey." Said Tripod as she held out a free hand.

"There's some air mana, not alot but It can do." Said Tripod as she drew an anicent arcaic symbol in the air. The symbol glowed for a bit and turned into a orb of light. Tripod grabed the orb of light and held it close to her ribs that are broken. Tripod's ribs were heal quickly and the orb of light disappeared.

Tripod jumpped up and moved around, "Wow, I knew that Faries' Light recapie would come in handy." Said Tripod as she walked into the shack. Yoki was still resting on her shoulder.
Inside the shack was a stone table with carvings on it, "Eh, is this is what that dragon was garuding." Said Tripod as she took a close look at the stone table, "I think I can read alittle of this." Said Tripod as she read the tablet.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex looked back as Sasuke finally came out of the cave that was hidden in the confines of the Uchiha Manor. "What flame, the Katon Gokakyuu no Jutsu or in English, Massive fireball. One of the most powerfull techniques developed by the Uchiha clan am I right?" said Rayex turning back at Sasuke. The hidden cloud village head band dangled around his neck and the leaf village headband nowhere but on his head of course. "Not sure if you remember Sasuke, i was an old classmate who used to get criticized by you alot...still remembering the looser comments." Rayex's brow was twitching as he spoke.

"Enough about that, Kakashi needs to see you Sasuke. Something about leveling up your chidori." said Rayex as he yawned. Man its been three years and he still hasn't perfected his chakra control to use Raikiri? Yet he called me a looser! Rayex snickered at the thought and looked off back into the buildings of Konoha, "Later, i'm going to find Naruto, chances are he's grown alot too." said Rayex as he teleported in a small rush of sand dispersed from the gourd on his back. He then emerged at the Ichikaru Ramen Shop, "YEAH!! I haven't been here in ages!" cried Rayex to the counter clerk. "The usual my good man, and do you have barbeque?" "Look like that guy who used to eat here with you, WE DON'T HAVE THAT!!" yelled the clerk. Sano was right, these guys never have the good stuff. -_-

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke was about to tell him that he knew of the technique and that he could now use it thanks to him. Instead he breathed low and teleported to find Kakashi. He knew that his Sharigan had it's limits and seeing into an advanced chidori was one of them. He found Kakashi at the top of Hokage Mountain (forgot it's real name) He landed behind him and waited for a moment before speaking.
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New member
Tripod walked out of the shack, "Wow, so thats what's up with Susake's eyes. Woo, that is a good secret." Said Tripod as she looked at Yoki. "Well, I guess I should head back to the mansion." Said Tripod as she walked back, "But..... How am I going to get back? I'm not taking the underground passage again." Said Tripod to herself.

Tripod was lost yet again, I think this is way I can never find my way home. Tripod made it to the end of the underground passage and and saw the hidden scerects of the Uchiha. But now, She's trying to find out how to get back to the Mantion.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex sprinkled sand on his ramen, like he an Ryoku used to do when they were younger. "Always taste better with the secret ingredient." said Rayex as he ate the ramen heartily. The jumbo sized he only began to eat after his sensei introduced him to it. He felt like Naruto eating his fill of the delicious ramen noodles. "Bleh! Excuse me, I havent had Ichikaru Ramen in so long. Takes me back." said Rayex smiling as he slid the bowl and cash across the counter. He then stood up and stretched his arms out, "Now to find Naruto...or Arashi for that matter." said Rayex as he jumped atop the roof.

Coming down from the forest raced kage bushin naruto. It was a good deal of about five ten of them and they seemed pissed for some reason. "Naruto!" cried Rayex excitedly as he persued after the lot of them. He dashed down the roof and changed his greeting into an assualt, while pulling out shuriken, he hurled them at the clones whom responded by throwing shuriken back. "Hey jerk! Who are you!?" said Naruto and his replications. Rayex didn't respond, level one of the sharingan emerged in his eys and he rushed passed the clones and sliced through three of them. "Your starting to piss me off, who are you!?" roared Naruto becoming infuriated. "If you can beat me, then i'll tell you." said Rayex holding out his hand like Sasuke did 3 years ago at the chunin exams.

"Fine, i'll beat it out of you!" said Naruto as he placed his hands together to focus his chakra. Doing so, the red chakra flowed from him and covered his body, he was using kyuubi's power but still conscious all his own. "Now thats what im talking about!" said Rayex as he did the same and focused his chakra. The difference was the shukiri genkai seeped out yellow chakra that fluxed around him. The both of them having charged their chakra, pushed forward and lunged for the other. As they met in the center, they jumped to the right and soared across the buildings at the same time. Rayex launched his left fist at naruto whom blocked it and the sent his right fist. Rayex caught his attack and slammed his leg into Naruto's chest. In doing so, he them jumped off on Naruto by pressing off his chest and sent upward. As Naruto was falling, he clenched his fist and launched his right hand upward from from chakra and it grabbed Rayex and slammed him to the ground face first. "I bet that hurts doesn't it!" said Naruto laughing as he was standing over Rayex.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
'So you finally made it here, took your time.' Kakashi was the first to speak though. He had known of Sasuke's presence since he got within 30 yds. of the mountian. Sasuke grinned for a minute and then got into a stance. "Let's skipped the formalities then." 'As you wish, but just try not to hurt yourself.' They Both Launched themselves into the air, their hands surging with lighting like chakra. Lightening Blade met with Chidori in a great flash of light, covering the entire village. Sasuke and Kakashi smiled as both their attacks canceled out in an explosion and they jumped back and resseted into stances.

'Well, I see you still got it, but now it's time to show you the next level.' Kakashi suddenly had the chidori, but in each hand. sasuke watch as he fused them together and that the electrical chirp that usually came with it stopped. Sasuke charged his chidori and prepared for the worst. When Kakashi lauched through the air, Sasuke wasn't sure if this would be a tie this time.
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