Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: w00t!! Raikiri!!! Though i prefer the Yakuza Chidori <_< my personal version of the chidori (the fusion was of my own design, no i didnt learn that from kakashi i actually taught him that!! XD!) Raikiri=Lightning Edge and it is perfectly charged chakra. Next level is Surging Raikiri (Kakashi's word for it)

If you need help showing off, you should have asked lmao!


Naruto stood over Rayex with frightening red eyes of the nine tailed fox kyuubi. "Who the hell are you!?" roared the kyuubi Naruto as he fist came down. Rayex moved out of the way as his fist made a decently sized hole in the ground. "Too slow kid, Lightning speed jutsu!" cried Rayex as he raced down the street. Naruto seeing this fled after Rayex down the street and through the forest. "Heh, he's alot slower than i remember, mentally included." said Rayex mocking him. A claw of red chakra zoomed from behind him making a small cage! "Yeah right, my sensei taught me all about earth style escape jutusu." Rayex became engulfed in the sand he carried and disappeared into the ground. He then reappeared seing Naruto catch up to him.

On and on through the open area of the forest they ran. Finally coming to the KIA stone, Rayex stopped and looked at Naruto. "Toga Kage bushin no jutsu!" said Naruto as he performed the mass shadow replication jutsu creating nearly a thousand clones. "Damn, thats much better than i than you could last we met." said Rayex taking down his Konoha headband. "Your a Konoha Shinobi? So who are you!?" said Naruto still confused. "No, as of now consider among the hidden cloud village, from the Kunokai clan, the masters of all thunder based jutsu, even better than the famous copy ninja, Hatake Kakashi." said Rayex with a smile as the wore his father's headband proudly.

The Naruto clones all coverged on Rayex at the same time. He stood with his eyes closed as they began to come in closer and closer. The insides of his eye lids began to swirl a crimson color and dark increments began to form. Only their was something different about it this time, the level of sharingan began to meld into each other. As his eyes opened, an intense wave of chakra warped and the Charging Naruto remained petrified. Mangekyou Sharingan! Rayex jumped into the deepest confines of Naruto's mind and found his greatest weakness, only it had changed from the last he remembered Naruto speak of. "...Amazing...."

Hyuuga Hinata

Lavender Eyed Girl
Jul 25, 2006
sorryfor the late notice but there are a lot of things going in my life so this rp had to be discarded for me, though even if I had time to do this I'd quit anyways. This rp goes outragously outside the relms of Naruto andthus should not be under that name. If you dont know anything about Naruto thendont rp about it. And that wholedeal with soji haveing every Blimit and skil mentiond in Naru and claming not to be powerful is ****ing bull****.my char bearilymade ablip on theradar so I feel quitin is right


New member
Tripod wonder though the woods and made it to Konhoa. "Whew, this is what I get for carrying 1 ton weights in my boots. I'm tried from all this walking." Said Tripod as she walk though the streets of the village. Yoki glide next to Tripod. "I'm hungery, I think I'll stop by that Ranmen shack" Said Tripod as she headed to the Ranmen shack.

ooc: Sorry for the short.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: Soji having every jutusu down was clear godmodding, but he withdrew early on in >.<. To me, it was like we couldn't beat him no matter how hard we tired, which was really pushing it over the edge, sanin or not.

The moon was red and it overlooked Konha with a child standing out among the crowd. "Get away you monster! Just die already!" screamed a civilian. Sitting their staring at the ground was a young boy that had the appearance of a pre school kid with blond hair. He was being ridiculed by the towns people of the hidden leaf village. Rayex stared down at his shadow as it was flowing with kyuubi's chakra also being red. "Why...why to they hate me...I didn't do anything!" screamed the young Naruto as his face was covered in tears. They poured down his face as Rayex stood behind him and stared.

"I...I had no idea...being abandoned by my own stepfather...then meeting him years later on my first C-Rank mission that became an A-Rank mission. I had to kill him with my own hands as a genin, yet its nothing compared to what you had to endure." said Rayex as it faded and the true Naruto was standing in front of him. The sun faded and Rayex closed his eyes shutting off the Mangekyou and the Togarasu (spelled it wrong >.<). Around him stood all the clones just mere feet away from him, their eyes were beginning to calm. Rayex couldn't bring himself to attack Naruto at this point, the hidden cloud headband fell from his head and he fell to the ground.

His face was fully visible, his white hair and his distorted depiction of his eyes. One blue, and the other white. Naruto's eyes widened, he recognized the figure before him from his years as a genin. One of the few that actually acknowledge him even for what he truely was. His clones backed up for a moment as Naruto then stepped forward, "So...its you and all this time you were gone..." said Naruto clenching his fist. He then slammed it viciously into Rayex's face and he flew into the tree behind him as the clones moved out of the way. He hit the tree with impending force and slid downward. Naruto walked through the clones with his eyes a shady blue and smiled. "Thats for stealing my ramen all those years ago!!!" said Naruto with a smile. Rayex was moving, a smile appeared on his face as well. "So, you do remember me, heh to think i always thought you were as dense as the dirt we walk on." said Rayex ****ily as he was getting up. He looked Naruto eye to eye and their fist tapped each other lightly. "So what have you been up too for the last three to four years Naruto?" said Rayex with a curious look.

Naruto turned to the side as he head had a look of complication which wasn't like him at all. "Well, we got this mission, but its not finished yet." said Naruto in a maltone. "Mission? Also what do you mean unfinished?" said Rayex with a curious look. "Well, yesterday we set out to find a hidden village as requested by Granny Tsunade, and what we found was..." Naruto stopped for a moment. "What you found was a false village that you attacked and nearly destroyed...I'm right aren't I?" said Rayex feeling sure. Naruto stared, "You are, but how did you..." "Its that look in your eye, i could sense some guilt coming from you, you did something your not happy with and im sure it sucks." said Rayex. "That all of it either...we found the village, but...Their Kage is heading an assualt on Konoha!" cried Naruto. Rayex's eyes opened and he shook a bit. "Are you serious!!??" yelled Rayex clenching his fist as it surged with lightning. "Great, some bastards are trying to destroy our home..." "Well what can we do, their alot tougher than you think." "Don't talk like that Naruto!!! I always looked to you b/c you were always confident no matter what the situation! It looks grim, so what! These guys are going to get their asses handed to them, and by us!" said Rayex then throwing his fist into the air. " what have you been doing for the last three years is what i want to know, your mind was scattered last i saw you, you acted alot like Sasuke when he left us." said Naruto. "But your right, so you can believe we aren't going to loose to these guys, not now, not ever! Now you can Believe it!!!" Naruto's fist launched in the air alon with Rayex's.

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke laid on the ground, smoke rising from his body as his skin felt the electrifying after effects of the attack. Slowly, he sat up and looked at Kakashi, who didn't look phased at all. "Damn, that was intense, I need to learn that." 'I can show you, let's go and I'll begin the lesson.' Kakasni and Sasuke disappeared off of Hokage mountian. The fifth Hokage smiled from her office, having seen the whole thing. 'If I don't be careful, they could show me up in a second.' She smiled as she looked over at the thirds pipe, which hadn't been used for a while.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
The two of them faced one another now, the best thing they could do was train in preparation for the scheduled attack. "Ok, lets go through our basic jutsu and push our limits so we can exceed them." said Rayex to Naruto. The wind blew by as did their hair flickering in the light breeze. "Kage bushin no jutsu!" cried Naruto as he replicated four clones. "Shadow clones? Easy for my taijutsu i've been working on." said Rayex as he focused chakra into his feet. The clones ran towards Rayex and he leaped over them and headed for Naruto. As he approached Naruto two other clones hands sprang from the ground and grabbed Rayex's feet and he was beginning to fall.

"Didn't expect a head hunters jutsu did ya!" said Naruto as another clone emerged from the ground and uppercutted him with a mean left hook! The clones released his foot as he was going higher into the air. The original leaped high in the air and then slammed his leg into Rayex's face. "Uzumaki Barrage!" said Naruto sending Rayex into the ground. He landed and Rayex was trying to pick himself up from the ground, "Hurts doesn't it? I used that recently on some jerks with octagon headbands." said Naruto. "Yeah...i've seen that already...Lets see if you can handle my thunder jutsu Naruto." said Rayex finally getting to his feet. He was panting lightly, but it wasn't easy to recover from a direct shot.

"Kage bushin no jutsu!" said Rayex this time creating three clones in front of him. "You guys know the drill, lets show him my ninjutsu and taijutsu combination." The clones nodded and two stood together as Rayex and his other made a team stance. The replications rushed naruto and they vanished before they got to Naruto. Then reappearing under him highspeed taijustu style, "look familiar?" said the Rayex clone launching Naruto high into the air. Two of his clones follow Naruto in the air in front of him and launching their feet into his torso sending him higher. As they fell they did handsigns. Perfect synchronization of the chakra that they held in their hands, "Raikiri!" said both clones in unison as they fell holding electrified chakra in their hands. Rayex pushed off the ground and caught the melded Raikiri's from his clone in his hands. They whipped him off of them towards Naruto taking the chakra with him, "Let me show you something Kakashi picked up from studying me! Surging Raikiri!" Rayex shouted as his fist was coming to Naruto.

It seemed like a sure thing, but the entire time, Naruto had exhausted his blue chakra and it vanished. His red chakra surged into hand and he dumped it all out at one time. He compressed the chakra into his hand and retained it, though instead of its usual blue eloquence, it was a purple color. "Yeah, try this! Rasengan!" said Naruto turning his body and slamming his orb into the surging Raikiri with impending force. "AAAAHHHHH!!!" the both of them began to push each other to their breaking point. The light, from both attacks spread over Konoha looking like a reddish blue glare that didn't fade. "A..little...longer..." said Rayex as his chakra was beginning to waver. The attacks exploded and Naruto seperated from Rayex to opposite sides of th open area impacting the ground intensely.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
ooc: well ill put a template till i get an official answer from the rp host
Sano of the Sand (found out to be a lost Uchiha)
Age: 29
Appearance: Black hair with ponytail in the back(sorta like a samurai hairstyle)*when relaxing he lets his hair out which reveals the natural Uchiha hair style*
eyes are narrow like Saito Hajime (Rurouni Kenshin) never appears to smile,
he wears a black over shirt and black long pants and is about 6'2" tan skinned
Rank: Jounin

Sand Sheild
Dragons Balisk- a orb like charkra attack similiar to the Rasengan, after seeing what Jiraiya produced, Sano went after a strong move.
Earth Style; Dragon Missile Jutsu
Fire Style; Dragon Missile Jutsu
Water Style; Dragon Missile Jutsu
Sand Coffin
Sand Burial
Earth Style; Headhunter Jutsu
Chidori(Yakuza)- used in rare instances... adopted version from his favorite student. (aka- Rayex)
Sand Clone Jutsu
Dragon Summon- Summon dragons
Dragon King Summoning- Summons lord of all dragons Mageroth

Forbidden Jutsu: Lightning Speed Jutsu, Shadow Clone Jutsu, Controlled Chakra Abnomality
Weapons: Kunai, consealed blade(Katana)
BloodTrait: Sharingan, Mangkekyu
bio: His birth was quite unconventional. In one of the past exams one of the sensei's of the sand village had gotten to visit konohagure and fell deeply in love with the Uchiha, Kyoto Uchiha. The two had a child named Sano but were both killed due to bloodline trait being moved to a different village. Sano had managed to escape death at birth because he was passed to another Sand ninja for his own safety.
He had grown up in the village of the sand not knowing of his past. At the age of 6 he aquired the Sharingan. He did not know what this meant but that is the day he learned his first jutsu Sand shield while watching to ninjas training.
When he became a Jounin he decide to aventure off to the other villages to wander and learn more about the world and also see what other women are out there.( He's a Ladies man) Now he has come to a stop and with a few fiascos in his life he finally came to a rest w/ his womanizing for reasons only known to his students. (And it will be obvious in posts.) He now relax in hiding because of his bounty from agents and constant threats of mercanaries hunting him down.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex flew through the gtrees and impacted one blindingly with intense force. Naruto did something the same only he landed in the water. Rayex's body made an imprint in the tree as he slowly fell out of it and hit the ground. He was still conscious, but a little weakened. "Man...its times like this...i really wish sensei were back..." said rayex as his head fell down. He sighed as he was bearly moving at all now, having harldy any chakra left.

"I wish he were still here, any time i was like this he would loan me some of his chakra. The guy was a lecher like Jiraiya-sama but a cool role-model. I've become alot like him in such a short time, i miss him alot. My only living uncle at that, an Uchiha with the mangekyou sharingan, which im still new to using. Where the hell is Sanoske Uchiha!" screamed Rayex as his body ached. Their was a strain as he tried lifting him body without the help of his shukiri genkai. Fell back down, he was tapped on chakra of which their was no doubt. "Damn...i sure do you miss you sensei....i never needed your help anymore than i do now...."


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
" You lazy ass kid, I leave the village for a little while and you go and slump out like this!" Sano jumped in from the randomness of the area. " One question, why are you in a tree filled area." Sano began to kick the laying Rayex on his side. " Get the hell up kid we got some work to do and I have people to catch up with." He pick up Rayex and began to shake him vigorously. " You can't slump out like this now! After I kicked your butt in training so much....." Sano took a sit next to the tree Rayex slammed into to. " Hurry up... I have to get back to hiding, you out of all people know how much I'm hunted down." He looked up and the glare of the sun was vibrant. " What has happened in this time?" Sano obviously had been training in the meantime while he vanished. He was rather larger than what he last was.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex felt violent pelting against his tired body. He was unconscious when he was awoken by a familiar voice. He felt a sharp kick to his chest and he was being shaken violently! What the hell? Who is doing that... He looked up and saw a familiar face. His eyes shot open and his body sprang up from his chakra reserves going into effect. "SANO!" screamed Rayex as his voice echoed across the forest. He most likely shattered Sano's ear drum with his yell. He seemed to have a sense of urgency as he wanted to get the hell out of the woods so Rayex nodded. "Ok Sensei, good to see that your back, lets get out of here." said Rayex as he turned and he jump from his spot into Konoha. He was going to follow Sano when he got ahead of him.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano's appearance miracuously revitalized Rayex. " Ok...... we are gonna head to my place. Just next time don't my damn name out. There are eyes everywhere. " Quickly the both of them hurried.

They finally came to what Sano had refered to as his place. " You recognize this place of course." They walked up and went to open the door. Kurenai stood looking at a table with many pictures. She took one in particular and began to stare at it in deep thought of the past. As soon as that started she dropped it to realize someone opened the door. " Kurenai, I'm finally back...." Sano let Rayex in and quickly shut the door. He stared and realized she was in a nice silk, short night gown. She bent down and went to pick up the picture.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex approached the apartment, "Hey Kurenai lives here. I wonder how she's been." said Rayex as Sano was opening the door. To what he somewhat expected Kurenai had a shocked expression as Sano spoke. In this event she bent down to pick up the picture, Rayex couldn't help but, stare and a comment followed behind his actions. "Thats why she's yours." whisphered Rayex to Sano nudging him once. He had to say, that Sano rubbed off a little too well when he was a genin three years ago. He laughed as he took his intentions and thoughts with him to the hidden cloud village while training with his uncle Ichiru Kunokai. Rayex waited on Sano to say something, standing their like an idiot wasn't exactly his style so he stretched out and waited. Sano was quiet and way more alert than he once was. He didnt hug Kurenai as soon as he walked in like probably would've normally done. Sensei's a little on the uptight side, whats happened to him for the last 3 years anyway?


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
With the nudge from Rayex, Sano was quick to push his face into the ground.
" You're the perverted one now aren't you!" Sano went towards Kurenai and smiled. " It hasn't been that long has it..... I think your the only one i kept in touch with while I vanished." He grabbed Kurenai's hand and picked up the picture. " Haha, you managed to get a good picture of me, What a surprise!" He was in a more jolly mood now that he didn't have to worry about any rude attacks. " Let's eat, I have a rather irritating mood for some ramen." Automaticly, he went to the kitchen and began to brew a random meal, while in the meantime Kurenai had gone up to talk with Rayex. " So hows it going Rayex?" She smiled and looked him in the eyes.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex had a feeling that he was going to end up on the floor. His face met the floor and went through the wood of Kurenai's apartment. He heard Sano yell at him for acting like he himself used too. He sighed and picked himself off of the floor and dusted himself off. Sensei really has changed...weird to think of him without all his usual mingling. He couldn't help but wonder what was going through his sensei's mind at the time. Truthfully, Rayex could careless since he wears the pride of the hidden cloud shinobi. "Man, what the hell was that for!? Im not a little kid anymore, so don't baby me with that stuff." said Rayex.

Kurenai had approached Rayex in his befuddlement. His attention shifted and he calmed down a bit. She asked him of his condition, which was a gesture so he answered accordingly. "Not bad actually, i just got back from training with my uncle Ichiru Kunokai of the hidden cloud shinobi. I've been focusing on my thunder and earth style nin and taijutsu for the last three years. Still its good to be back, but i've already heard the worst of the current condition we have that demands immediate attention." said Rayex now taking a breath. Kurenai gave him a look of indifference, "What wrong Kurenai?" said Rayex now wondering what she was pondering. "Nothing Rayex, but the fifth Hokage is summoning all of Konoha's available Jounin to a council meeting today. Much like that time 3 years ago before the final exams with the dealings of Orohiamaru." said Kurenai.

Rayex stopped and his head turned from the two of them and for the door. "I'll leave you two to catch up. I wouldn't want to piss off sensei anymore than i have now. I'm out, peace." said Rayex before he walked out the door and closed it behind him. He stood on the ledge and in a blind leap soared over the rooftops. Something about sensei...seems different besides his acting. I feel like i cant talk to him anymore. Gathering his thoughts he leapt across the buildings and went further into Konoha than he ever did as a genin.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano quickly realized Rayex had left. " Kurenai, where did he go?" He walked out of the kitchen and asked her. " I don't know but he just ran out of here thinking." He took a second and thought about any possible reasons for him to leave. " What's wrong Sano?" She looked at him with caring eyes. " I expected him to want to hang out a little bit to catch up with old times." Kurenai smiled. " I guess you are a caring uncle after all, aren't you?" Sano smiled and nodded to her remark. " I'll be back promise." He came up to her, kissing her on the lips and rushed out of the house. She blushed and watched as Sano ran out.

Sano took a look while hopping the buidlings hoping no one could spot him. Is it possible Rayex has gone this far already? He kept his pace and followed along a straight path hoping this was the destinations Rayex had taken. Continuing on he realized it would take forever at this time just to catch up to him and he decided to use a short cut. " Thunder Style; Dragon Missile Jutsu!" He did many complex and signs and a loud crack from the air revealed a dragon made of pure electricity. He jumped on and focusing his chakra flew forward. Finally, he came upon Rayex. " Hey, wait up!"

Reiku Rinsagi

Angel of Darkness
Jun 25, 2006
In the shadows of your heart and the deepest darkn
Sasuke reappered after a long day training with Kakashi. Though he had learned it quicker, it was at least ten times harder on his body to learn the Rakiri(sp?) then it had been to learn the chidori in the first place. Hewalked into Konoha and just went to the ramen shop. "I'll have some chicken ramen for here." He looked outside at the town he had made his home to stay. 'Well even if I can't do it, then that knuckle head Naruto can." He said as he put his head down on the table. By the time the chef turned around, Sasuke was already fast asleep. The chef laughed and looked around, to see if his number one customer would come and take care of the shinobi that had came to his shop.

(just to put myself back in this)


New member
Tripod had just finished her third bowl of ranmen when Susake walked in, "Hmmm, I wonder what happen to him, oh well its none of my business." Said Tripod as she got up. Tripod glanced back to see Susake sleeping at the counter.

"I'll take care of him." Said Tripod as she walked up to Susake. "Yo, Susake, you sleepy head its time to wake up!" Said Tripod as she poped Susake on the head.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
((Guess i'll post......))

Hearing sound of swift thunder passing behind him, Rayex could feel the intensity. The wind carried the sound and amplified it as a dragon's sound roared after it. Eyes widening, the hidden cloud shinobi managed 4 swift handsigns and turned calling out the jutsu. "Katon! Shikaze no jutsu!" (Massive thunder blast) Rayex launched a stream of blue electricty from his mouth as he held the chakra in his cheeks which was unusual. The stream hit the thunder dragon with impending force unimaginable as the area quaked by the explosion. "Why can't he leave me be...I still have to complete my mission..." whispered Rayex then turning away and vanishing in a cloud of sand and reappearing outside a building on the otherside of Konoha. Finally here.