Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano got up after time had past, and looked to his side to notice Kurenai was still there. If it wasn't for that genin group, these 3 years would have never happened for me.... He was still sitting in the bed, sinking his hands into it because of the temperpetic makings. As he turned to get off, he barely leaned forward to realize he was being held down by his wrist. " Sano, where are you going...." Kurenai whispered, her eyes glowed with happiness and her face slightly being red. " I'll be back. No worries, just need something to eat." She let go and Sano headed out the bedroom door, after shortly putting on a robe.

He barely closed the door to realize there was some cracks in the front door, most likely from force of a punch or weapon. Opening it up there was a Kunai stuck to the door holding a note. It was from Rayex. As Sano read it, he tried to remember who would be a person worth going to in the mind of Rayex. With anger, he crumbled up the paper and threw it as far as he could. Not being able to figure it out made him edgy, so he sat down trying to sort things out, but he felt underneath his hands sand. Now it will be even harder to track him down, knowing he used the sand to teleport to somewhere else. " Damnit!" he roared and it echoed through the street.

He walked back into the apartment. In fustration, he slammed the door shut. He looked to see Kurenai looking through the corner of the bedroom door, wondering what happened. " Sano? What's going on?" She looked at him with question. " Rayex.... is gone....." He answered with a calm disbelief.


New member
Tripod gazed into the book.

My hunches about Gyki was right, he used this curse he learned from the Drak Shrine archives. The cruse is supoose to spilt appart the victums body, mind, spirit and heart. Gyki try to use it on Tripod, I stopped him but not in time, Her body wasn't spilt but her mind, heart and spirit were. I am now going to sigh up in the Mana War and hope to find a curte for her with the humans. I hope I can save my little sister.

Tripod closed the bok and sighed, she petted Yoki. "Man, I should have been more carful." Said Tripod to herself. Tripod soon grew tire and fell asleep.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Emerging on the outskirts of Konoha, Rayex's eyes widened as he dashed through the forest heading north east. Having no trace of second thoughts in his mind, he needed to complete his mission. Not only that, but pass the word of what he got from Naruto to their Kage. Hopefully retaliations would be in order to come to the aid of Konoha. Rayex didnt want to get his hopes up so he strayed from his thoughts a bit incase he was disappointed. Its getting dark outside. I cant see worth crap, guess i should stop for a moment. Catching his breath Rayex couldn't see anything that was in front of him. For all he knew, shinobi could be bouncing around from the hidden sound village.

"I don't like the vibe im getting from the woods at night." whispered Rayex in a cautious tone. The leaf ruffled at an intense speed and his eyes looked around, but didnt see anything. Getting ambushed would suck especially with the information he had. Nodding off now, while he could sense the presence of others. "I got a bad feeling about this..." whispered Rayex. "You should learn to be more discreet." said a voice that was above him. Shooken a bit, Rayex looked up and three sound shinobi stood hanging from the tree looking at him intensely.

God...kill me now.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano thought of what he could do now that Rayex had pretty much ran away, meanwhile both Kurenai and he ate dinner. " Sano, you want to go find him don't you?" Kurenai said, it was bothering her too obviously because she didn't even touch any of the food. " I.....just don't know." He got up and put on his clothes and headed out the door. " Wait, Sano.... Your not leaving me behind this time!" She looked at him, and he agreed.

They headed out of the village towards the forest. It was windy out and everything was blowing around to the point where it felt like the trees would rip right out of the ground. " We need to hurry, Kurenai, know how Rayex is now, he knows how to travel." The began to hop through the trees quicker than usual because of impatience. They landed, taking a rest to see if there was signs of people being out this way. " It seems.... your nephew did go this way." Kurenai looked at Sano, trying to help in anyway she could. " I don't know what is up with him. Ever since that mission...." They both turned from hearing the noise of tree leaves moving and the voices of others. Dashing towards the noise, they both came upon Rayex who was looking up at 3 Sound Shinobi. " Rayex.... we need to help him." Kurenai tried to jump out but Sano grabbed her and held her back down. " Let him deal with this himself. I want to see what he can do." He whispered and anticipated the first move.
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex could see them arc'd at three different angles. He was sitting on the branch and slowly tilting to right until he forced his body down and fell from the tree. Instantaneously the sound ninja reacted and rushed down the tree after him. Pushing chakra all the while he fell, he tapped the tree with his feet and pushed off as the trailed behind him through the night. "Running isn't going to work kid. So long as we can hear you, your dead." said one of them getting closer as Rayex was airborn. He armed himself with the mechanism similar to that of Dosu's one of Orochiamaru's genin agents from a late three years. He spun his arm airborn in an attempt to collect sound waves which flowed with is chakra. "Too easy." said Rayex spinning his left leg counterclockwise slamming into his chest. His right fist followed, then his right leg, and finished with his right arm armed with twin kunai slammed near his neck as the reached the ground. Each attack had a kunai nearby.

His legs displaced hidden kunai and his arms switched with three so a twin stab alternate was in place. The sound shinobi lie on the the ground with minor cuts, he would live, though moving would pose a problem, his sound wave ruptured Rayex's hearing a little. He could hear a somewhat loud beeping noise, but also the wind blowing. Damnit, only one ear to hear the rest of them. Rayex stood still and placed his hand on his back gripping the katana blade he had from recieved from Sano. The wind blew and the trees shook, the two that hid themselves were playing it smart with distance attacks massed by the sound of the wind. Throwing needles came as the wind blew, they sliced Rayex across the face, leg, and arms. These were minor, but he couldn't tell where they were coming from. "Fighting dirty i see, lets find you...even if my hearing is limitted." said Rayex as his eyes flooded with a scarlet glow. He glanced at trees and could see one blue fluxuation of chakra. Your dead... Rayex began his handsigns and needles began to rain from the sky. "Katon! Dokyuugagaron no Jutsu!" (Magnetic field) The needles flew all over the place and pushed back flying towards the trees! Rayex lept through the barrage, emerging infront of the of the one that he saw and launched him airborn with a rising kick. He soared airborn, for a few moments and Rayex hurled Kunai at him and they nailed him to a tree.

"Now only one left." said Rayex confidently. "Think again kid, we never travel in small groups." spoke the last voice. A banryu blade flew towards Rayex and he ducked as it nearly took off his head. The long weapon then an allied ninja with a Octagon headband standing on the end of ti. "Who the hell are you supposed to be." said Rayex unsheathing his katana blade and resting it to his right. "Your worst nightmare kid." spoke the enigma snapping his fingers and eyes appeared throught the forest.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Kurenai broke free of Sano and ran to Rayex pulling out two Kunais.
" Damnit....." he yelled and followed behind and felt the tear of something stabbing his leg 20 times. He looked to realize there was 10 needles stabbed into both of his legs. " See... what happens when you run out without thought." Around his legs appeared sand and when the sand fell off so did the needles. " Lucky, I'm ready for this stuff. " Worst Nightmare my ass. Only the weak hide behind others and attack young people." Sano walked foward and went for a stance to realize he left his katana at Kurenai's. He pulled out what ever he could now and that at the time was a Demon Wind Shuriken. " I can beat you with this. " He span the shuriken open, and at that moment more Kunai flew out from the forest. Sano's Sand shield rose and surrounded the tree like a dome. " Rayex, what is your next plan of thought?"


New member
Tripod was in a deep sleep as her three personality met in her mind.
It was a room of darkness.

Black Tripod was there with Gray and White Tripod looked to be sealed in a Ice like capsle. The room was dead silent.

"Yes, we know why she's in there." Said Gray with saddness. The room was quite.
"Can you please let her back out, I think she learned her lesson." Said Black as she try not to look at White.
The room was silent, both Gray and Black nodded there heads.

The ice capusle shaddered and White fell to the ground. She slowly stood up, "Hi guys, thank you for talking to Heart." Said White.
"I just wanted for Heart to let you out because I was getting tired of being out there." Said Gray in a cold way. Gray then soon disappered.

White looked at Black, "Don't look at me, I just don't like you. Anyway, we are finding new information about bro. See ya." Said Black as she faded away.

The room was silent. "Yesm Heart. I learned my leson. I want do it again." Said White as she disappered.

Tripod slowly woked up out of her deep sleep. Her eyes were a clear blue. "I'm glad to be out of there." Said Tripod to herself.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex was amazed to see that Sano went even outside Konoha's walls to find him. "Man, your one pain in the ass aren't you sensei? Heh, well it not like i don't come prepared." said Rayex to his Sano and Kurenai whom had joined him. He sound of a sword slammed against the sandshield with impending force. Sand poured from Rayex's gourd to add to Sano's. "You guys would probably need this more than me, they know im hidden cloud. No sense letting you two go down." said Rayex standing up. "I got the perfect taijutsu/ninjutsu combination to take them all down."

Rayex put his fingers together to what was an obvious jutsu. "Tayuu Bushin no jutsu!" (Mass shadow clone) cried Rayex as he expanded solid images of himself all over the place. "Lets go!" said the Rayex clones spreading into the trees and a series of them jumped the one in front of them. "Im not as weak as you claim!" said the unknown swinging his blade and a wave of what appeared to be chakra sliced through the clones making them disappear. (I saw Naruto Vs. Temujin XD!!) The chakra flowing from his blade was purple, seeing that it reminded him of tainted chakras like when Sasuke first used the curse seal. The forest was dark and became shrouded in smoke, the guy was left blind. Through the smoke came a ball of green chakra sifting in someones hand. "Rokirigan!" cried Rayex slamming into the flux of the purple chakra swiped at him from the unknown shinobi. They were but a few yards away from Sano and Kurenai as the branch branch broke and they fell down as both attacks gave way and created an explosion.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Both Sano and Kurenai watched as an explosion went before their eyes.
" What the hell was that?!" Sano said as it was a mix of green and purple.
" Sano, what did Rayex just do?" Kurenai asked. Sano didn't even answer, he didn't even know the move Rayex had just used. From the trees came out more sound ninja and they all surrounded them. " Come on! Is this all the people you have?!" He yelled and the ninja began to laugh. " Ha!!! You think you can push us around easily? Take this!" The sound ninja jumped in a punch at Sano but quickly, he knelt down and grabbed his arm by the elbow. He turned and through him at the tree. " Come on, I can take you all!!!" They laughed and went for Kurenai. " What?" Sano yelled and tried to jump in but was grabbed from behind by others.

Watching he noticed they couldn't get ahold of Kurenai. " Sano, you forget. I'm a jounin, too." She slashed 3 of them quickly with her kunai, and they fell on their knees. " Vital points....." Sano noticed as Kurenai was untouchable. The sound ninja holding Sano down stared in astonishment. " Impossible, she's a girl?!" Sano laughed and jumped up with them still holding him and kicked them in the face. Easily they both fell and Sano got up relieving his wrists. " Haha, good thing your on my side, Kurenai!" He smiled and looked at who was left. One huge guy who was actually stronger looking than Sano looked at him.
" Your the one who captured and nearly killed Orion! Your gonna pay!" Astonished by what the sound ninja said Sano went down and began to perform ceasless hand signs. " I guess I will have to end you then..... Yakuza Chidori." He cupped his hands and the noise starting showing a chidori that was 4x bigger than normal. " Now your finished!" He ran foward and went right through the man and the guy collasped. " Sano now lets see Rayex." The two went up to the now ending explosion.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex fell from the tree from the collision of his Rokirigan with the purple chakra emitting from the Shinobi's blade. Seems he is yet another one with an alliance to the hidden village. Rayex was lying on the ground staring up at the trees filled with smoke. He snapped out of his daze and popped back up and could see an illuminating purple blade launch an attack towards him. He rolled to his left, and hurled shuriken towards the enemy shinobi. To Rayex's assumption he held his blade to his defense deflecting the shuriken and Rayex dashed after him slamming his katana into the banryu.

He kept attacking him as he was backing up and holding his blade to protect himself. The enemy then turned and tried a quick motion thrust, noticing this change in pattern rayex evaded right downward and then pressed forward tackling the shinobi to the ground. Having him pinned, Rayex leapt upward and begun handsigns, "Katon! Gokakyuu no Jutsu!" Rayex echoed as a massive flame spewed from his mouth. To his dismay, the shinobi swiped his sword one good time and the attacks deflected back on one another. "Damnit!" yelled Rayex thinking fast as he braced for impact.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano stared as the attack flew back at Rayex. " Damnit, I'm gonna regret this!"
He jumped foward straight into the reflected fire and at that moment he tried a chakra release to help with the pain. " Of.... all times.... I need this reflux.... now!" Around Sano it exploded, his chakra was begining to overwhelm him and his shirt shredded off, revealing his flame mark on his back. It began to grow in size the longer he held the chakra. " Damnit...... Ahhrr....." The flame began to lapse around his chest and went up around like a vine around his chest. Finally, it became to much for him and the flame stopped. The chakra's intensity, blew up removing the attack that was doubled in power by the shinobi's reflection.
" Rayex..... stop using such big.... attacks." He hit the ground before the shinobi, and fell to his knees holding himself up by his arms. " Damnit....." Chakra seemed to caused burns on his body. There was steem rising from his back and arms. " Now...." He tried to get up but fell back into a tree on his bare back. " I got to stay.... up...." He smiled with one eye open and suddenly appeared to fall asleep. " Sano!" Kurenai ran up to Sano's aid.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Out of the blue came Sano came to defend Rayex from the attack when he already had a plan to avoid. The shinobi was standing mere feet away from were Sano was lying and Kurenai got into stance to combat him. "Let me do this Kurenai." said Rayex walking past her. He stood as his sharingan began to swirl and they melded together unleash the windmill stare in his eyes. Mangekyou sharingan. Togorasu! A cold sensation met the eyes of his foe adn he froze. Rayex walked closer and peered into his fears deeper and deeper. He isolated the darkest of them all and left the enemy shinobi in shock as he fell like a lifeless coarpse to the ground.

"He'll be out for a while, the rest are a piece of cake. Hey Kurenai, im leaving to check in with my kage, when Sano get up deliver him the message. I wish you could come, but Konoha needs to make its preparations." said Rayex turning and placing his hands together. Tayuu Kage Bushin no Jutsu! The mass replications of Rayex's clones spread through the trees and began to take out the likes of the hidden sound shinobi with no further problems. In the mass frenzy of fist, Rayex and four of his clones ran through the center towards the edge of the forest. Officially reaching the outskirts of Konoha and into the land of lightning's territory. They stared up at the large mountain and at the top lied the hidden cloud village, staying true to his name. "Its always a pain in the ass to climb...not to mention im a long ways away from the base of the mountain." said Rayex in a slump. He and his clones began to walk across the open field.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
As soon as Sano noticed Rayex go away, he woke up. " Haha.... he wants to go alone but we will surprise him." Kurenai stared at Sano with question but suddenly he jumped her and used the lightning speed jutsu. " Haha, now we can catch up to him with ease." Quickly he followed exactly were the clones went. It wasn't very hard since there was so many. He began to skid on the open plane that was part of the lightning territory and whiped around Rayex. " Haha, I have a lot more from that came from..." Sano smiled and put Kurenai down who was pretty much messed up from the quick experience. Again, quickly he ran up to Rayex and put him in a head lock and began to give him a nuggy. " Haha nephew!"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex's eyes widened as he turned after hearing a booming voice call him nephew. "Shhhh are you trying to get us killed. You haven't been to this part of the hidden land of lightning before. At night the assassins come out and swift kill, I wouldn't be suprised if they came after you." whispered Rayex to the both of them. He took a breath, "Sano, for someone who has had the sharingan and chakra irregularity way longer than me, i'm guessing you didn't figure every single detail out." said Rayex to his sensei. "Watch, stay close, and don't make one wrong move or you'll set off this entire field." Placing his hand to the ground he scaled it for a specific spot in which he was to studying to activate. "Damnit they always move it." said Rayex getting frustrated. Finally coming across the spot, Rayex moved the grass aside and revealed a small pedastol with the engravment of the hidden cloud.

"Ok, we never tell any outsiders this, but when i was a genin and left Konoha for a bit with Ichiru, he took me here the first night. The reason is because this entire field is were the most abushes have been said to occur, not to mention its an old battleground with many working explosives." said Rayex. He removed his fathers headband from his head and placed it to match with the pedastol and turned it. A sheet of the earth moved to reveal a set of incredibly concealed stairs. "Alright the shortcut is open, also just to let you know, theirs alot of strict test down here for outsiders traveling with hidden cloud shinobi. Hope your prepared." said Rayex walking down the steps doing handsigns. "Rakiri." his hand illuminated with a flow of electricty being rid of the chirping sound and it lit up the downstairs path.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Stares as the stair case suddenly appears infront of him. " What the @#$%!"
He stared at it and wondered what type of technology this village would hold.
" Kurenai lets go." He picked her up and walked in. " Sano, I could really get use to this?" They followed behind Rayex wondering what could happen next.
Looking in every corner it was another maze. " See, what the hell do you get yourself into?"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"More than you know Sano." said Rayex walking down the walls following to the right. He knew they change this place all the time, so it usually gets harder everytime they passed through. "Sano, just a request, you might want to use sharingan, their is a genjutsu they use to fool shinobi making them walk around here forever. Scaling the walls Rayex could see he was going on the right path as his raikiri revealed a switch on the wall. "Ok, this is either going to open the door to the second side of the labyrinth...or......" Rayex fell silent.

"Or what Rayex?" said Kurenai interested to know. "Or they release something unspeakable, i can't seem to recall what the hell it was." said Rayex as his hand was shaking over the switch. He sighed and pushed it into the wall, their was a sound of a gate rising all the way until a loud clang was heard. "Sh**! Run!" said Rayex now know what was going to happen. Red eyes were staring at them from beyond a massive gate being held back with a seal, it was rupturing until it severed in two and the gate fully opened. Rayex was standing in the front of both of them staring at the one known as Goguratenku. The demon of the hidden cloud Shinobi roared and the fumes from his breath spread through the labyrinth spreading a toxic gas. "Thats it!" yelled Rayex channeling an uneven amount of chakra into his hand and the raikiri chirped like the chidori and expanded. He rushed through the fumes as they clinged to his clothing as he jumped and slammed his fist into the Demons face.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano glares at what is in front of him suddenly escaping and put Kurenai down.
" Rayex, why should I run.. this thing is puny." He stared it straight in the eyes as it began to run out at them. " Rayex, give me the katana I gave you a long time ago, I can use it right now." Sano's body began to surround itself with red chakra once more. " Damnit Rayex, don't be an idiot and hurl yourself at it. You obviously skipped something in your mind to do something so fruitless." The chakra again was reacting to his emotions so it only got darker red. " Damnit!" Looking at the demon, Sano put together his random handsigns once more. At full force a Fire Style; Dragon Missile jutsu flew at the demon giving it a shock so Sano could talk to Rayex and formulate a quick strategy." Now obviously you have been down here before, explain to me what the hell you have a demon here for?!"
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Ooc: man...Perv that was completely taking advantage of my character. o_O wtf kind of power-playing is that?

Sano's attack stopped Rayex from persuing his as he moved out of the way when it hit the beast. Three tails it had flickered wildly, it was out for a moment in its petty distraction. Rayex cancelled his Raikiri and dashed to Sano's side. He had already made a mention about what the hell a demon was doing in the labyrinth. "Simple Sano. Six years ago the Kage of the Hidden Cloud village came across the three tailed demon, he was one of the legendary nine, like kyuubi. Well, he attacked the village and the jounin, anbu and other all fought back. Our Kage then used the demon seal jutsu, the same one my mother uses and weakened him substantially and finished it off by sealing him behind that large gate." said Rayex in a longwinded speech.

"When i was a genin, i came here with Ichiru and accidentally released him for the first time. The way he was sealed was we had to push him back into the cage, and i applied the seal, but it was weaker than the first and still it held together. Now that i've gained my composure, i can release the new skill i've been perfecting." said Rayex to Sano. "The two of us as a team can push him back into the cage with our chakra reserves, though unlike you mines has changed." I bet he was freaking out when he saw that green chakra collide with the the other guys purple chakra. Rayex turned and released a gentle waft of air and placed his fingers together, he gathered his blue chakra and the shukiri genkkai transfred down his limbs resinating colors, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Black, White. They gathered around his body violently, spinning on his back like a windmill at intense speed. (Blood Limit jutsu: Shukiri Colour Rendan!)
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Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano looked to his side to realize he was doing the odd chakra formation again.
" You really need to stop doing that." The chakra around him began to turn into a bluish color, meaning he was in a normal state of mind. He eyes began to turn red and signs of the Sharingan began to appear. It molded into the 3 state.
Wings made of Chakra seeped out from behind him and he stood ready for the up coming battle. " A demon seal......" He started the handsigns of the chidori with a slight difference. " Yakuza Chidori, twofold!" Sano raised his hands revealing he had a chidori in both hands. " Oh and I have been working on my chakra as well. This right here is easy for me to pull off." He flew foward leaving a stream of chakra and went head on to the demon. In rage, the beast threw it's paw towards Sano. " Exactly, what I wanted!" He went straight for the paw and hit it with both chidoris at once. A howl was let out from the Demon and Sano went back a few paces. " Rayex, If you have to join the fight but for now I need you to work on the sealing....." A tail came whipping by and barely Sano dodged. " Haha, Vorpal orb!" Sano began to throw a blaze of vorpal orbs at the Demon and it stood blocking the blows.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex hearing Sano out, began to take it in that being reckless was only going to get him killed. Stop the pety complications and think things through calmly, but thats not what he learned from his first sensei before Ichiru and Sano. Kurute, though he with his squad for but a short time, he did learn something from him. You can work all you want, but thats not going to do you any good. Similar to Lee's outcome, which is what he really wanted to avoid. Rayex thought of his mother as an image of her face appeared in his mind, she stroked his head once a smiled as she always did.

Opening his eyes, he finally moved past his sense of idiocy and confusion. All he could see now was his uncle, Kurenai, and the legadary three-tailed. "I've been so reckless...even becoming a jounin out of necessity thinking i could resume the kage position of the hidden cloud village..." whispered Rayex. He rose his head, his eyes flooded with the scarlet lust and dark increments in which to read chakra. The second level of sharingan, as the three dots appeared around his pupil he could truely see it all unwraveling. His sensei launchin advanced chidori surpassing his own that Rayex developed as a genin when they trained.

Gathering his cool, Rayex began to form hand seals in the specified order. From his memory when it was performed on the three tailed. Dragon, sheep, bull, sun, moon, earth, fire, wind, sea, sheep, rooster. Gathering chakra and repetively repeating the signs. This jutsu was only successive for those carrying the trait as his mother passed to him, though it was life threatening. "Secret jutsu. Demonic Seal." Rayex spoke as he placed his hands in front of him forming a swirling orb of mixed chakra colour in front of him. It takes a good deal of time to store enough that would prove to be effective, but Sano seemed to have no problem with distracting the three tailed. "Kurenai, this may take some time, could you help out sensei?" said Rayex fixating his chakra.