Naruto : Quest For The Unknown Village


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Kurenai turned around and went up to the door opening it slowly. " Kurenai, so you explained a little bit to Rayex didn't you..." Sano whispered, still partially asleep. She smiled happy to see he wasn't knocked out to the point he wouldn't respond to her entrance. " It was ok for me to tell him right, he is getting more mature, he needed to know from the tone of his voice. I couldn't help myself." Sano had to admit, he probably wouldn't have told Rayex anything, he would have been to embarrased to admit such a big thing. " It's fine, we don't have to hide it from him..." He smiled, Kurenai came over lifting up the sheet Sano was under and layed next to him. " Sanoske...?" She asked. " What, what's the matter?" She smiled and put her arm over him. " I love you..." She kissed his cheek, and shut her eyes. " I love you as well Kurenai....." Sano rested, but stayed awake, awaiting for Rayex's return.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Walking up the stairs of the Kumokage's mansion Rayex passed down a long hallway. Various rooms were down here holding his guest and other important figures. He approached the door embedded with his symbol on it and knocked on the door for formalities. A sound was heared from within marking it as clearance to enter. Rayex slowly opened the door and the Kumokage was standing over by the window looking over the village. "Lord Kumokage-sama, i have returned from the mission. The A-rank missing nin has been disposed of as you wish." Rayex said walking over to his desk.

The kumokage turned with a means to make a faint smile, "Excellent progress, we can indeed count on you as Ichiru proclaimed three years ago." he said. Rayex handed him the scroll which marked out all the details of the mission. He began to go over them and Rayex clenched his fist. "Lord Kumokage-sama, i was wondering if I could inform you about my other finding in Konoha." Rayex said awaiting his response. The kumokage was viewing the scroll over with his reading glasses and he stopped and his head turned up showing he took some to little interest. "Well its like this, there is a hidden village located at the very edge of the nation of fire's border. Supposabley their are two different groups with unknown headbands. They are slowly growing and eventually will expand just as you saw with what became of Orochimaru. Their first target will be Konoha and then us if we are not careful, im asking you. Could we please lend some assistance! I know we have had our past problems with that Hyuuga incident, but thats in the past." Rayex pleaded.

The kumokage averted his eyes away from Rayex for a brief moment. "I understand your concern you one. Konoha is your true home and you don't wish its second shortcoming to be brought about. As you know all to well, we are small and still weakened from the instance of our S-rank missing nin Daaku Raito. Our intervention at this point would only cost more lives." The kumokage said. Rayex's fist clenched, "Then let me lead them, i have become on of the most exceptional jounin in the village, i could probably surpass the Anbu." Rayex said. "Young Rayex, you have much promise of that im sure, but its like you used to say your sensei said, you shouldn't be so reckless" the Kumokage stated. "Ok, but will you give it some thought atleast, they will attack in two days prior to today." Rayex stated. "Oh and speaking of my sensei, he has accompanied me along with a good friend of mine from Konoha, please don't view them as an enemy." The kumokage laughed, "You need not worry young one, you should really show them around as for your concerns, i will give them much thought. You are dismissed."

"Sir!" Rayex said saluting, before he vanished in a cloud of sand.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
A little time had past by and Sano was easily getting bored waiting for Rayex.
Kurenai layed next to him dozed off. He smiled and got up and walked into Rayex living room. He stared at all the odd things he had sitting around, from leftovers to magazines. He picked one up and the pages folded out. " Ha, This kid did become a major perv!" He tossed it behind, and went towards the fridge. When he opened it, there was a surprise just sitting in there. " Wow, this kid has every food you can think of in here!" He reached in and pulled out a chocolate cake and some donuts. " Sweet...." Sano dashed to the sink and pulled out a clean fork. He dove right into the cake and starting dipping the donuts into the chocolate icing. " Man, Rayex, you are rich out here."

He continued his feast, " Man, this kid has a barbeque inside the fridge as well, must be lazy and goes out to fast food places and saves it for later....." He sat down at the kitchen table and snacked on some sandwiches, with an empty cake container and empty box of donuts in front of him. " Wow, Rayex might be a little mad at me..."

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex was leaping across the roof top when he ended up getting distracted by his new found rivals in the hidden cloud village. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Lord Kumokage-sama's golden boy. Rayex Kunokai of the kunokai clan, didn't expect to see us again since the arena now did you?" one said. "Thats because being beaten by an ex-Konoha should be enough of an embarrasment." Rayex said not really caring. He began to walk past them on the rooftop and they clenched their fist while gritting their teeth. "Die bastard!" one launched a kunai towards Rayex and his head moved right with a shadow image following showing his speed reflected.

One began doing handsigns in a fast motion, "Shuriken Raikokai no jutsu!" He threw shuriken that became electrified. Rayex turned drawing a kunai and began to circle his body jumping through the shuriken in what appeared to be in slow motion. He levitated a spinning kunai in his chakra filled hand and pinned one of the three shinobi to the ground. He followed up with the lightning speed jutsu and took both of the others by chopping their necks with amazing speed. "Now, could you please let me be, i know you mad that you lost but repeating this transaction isn't helping you. Oh and your two buddies are out cold, they should wake up in about an hour or so. Later." Rayex said taking off.

Rayex arrived back at home and he unlocked his door and walked in. He noticed Kurenai wasn't sitting on the couch, "I wonder where Kurenai went?" Rayex said shifting his attention to his side table. Someone had ruffled his magazines, he poked his head in teh guest room and saw Kurenai but no Sano. "Oh hell no, don't tell me he.." Rayex walked into the kitchen to find most of his food gone. "You bastard!! You ate just about everything i had in the fridge! WTF!?" Rayex shouted at Sano. "Ah damnit!"


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
"You bastard!! You ate just about everything i had in the fridge! WTF!?" Rayex shouted at Sano. "Ah damnit!"

Sano turned to a yelling Rayex, and his face was red with anger. " Yo, cool your jets.... I just ate because i was hungry. Don't get so mad." He got up and reached in and grabbed a drink labeled " Refresco". He jumped over to the couch and picked up one of the magazines and drank while he read. " So what's up with the mega perv magazines, lil man." He turned the magazine vertically and smiled. " Haha kid, I can't believe you changed so much. Your practically a grown up now..."
OOC: Iprod you know I'm in. Daaku makes a comeback!!!!!!!!!

Name: Daaku Raito

Age: 27

Appearance: Toki no Naka de01034.jpg

Ninja Rank: S-rank Missing-nin/jounin

Chakra Element: Light

Personality: Daaku has a very carefree attitude that can seem ****y if you don't know him. His outlook on life is that each day is a new mission and that one must do all they can to complete their mission, otherwise they fail at life. Though Daaku is very reckless he does look at a situation with the greatest care before acting on impulse. At times though he can seem very distant and cold to others, even those he cares about, but that is just the way he is............Daaku tends to fear his own power and tries to hide it at all costs.


1. Rasengan Howaido- The Rasengan is a jutsu that requires no hand seals to perform, instead relying entirely on the chakra control of the user. Once the user creates a stable Spiraling Sphere it becomes self-sustaining, so the user does not need to provide any more chakra after forming it. The force of the spinning chakra grinds into whatever it touches causing major damage. The user can also release the spinning chakra, creating a violent explosive force at the point of contact that goes in multiple directions. To make creating this attack easier, Daaku can make the use of light clones though he does not do so often. Also because of him combining light into the jutsu this rasengan has a whitish yellow appearance. *A-rank*(used)

2. One Thousand Birds Drop- This jutsu channels a large amount of chakra into the user's arm. The amount of chakra is so great that it becomes visible to the naked eye. The technique actually alters the nature of the user's chakra, effectively converting it into electricity. Once the technique is completed, the user charges and stabs their enemy with it. The amount of thrust combined with the large concentration of chakra allows the user to stab through almost anything. Daaku never rushes at an opponent straight on with this attack, but always uses it from the air. Also the Burakkuai negates the tunnel vision effect this attack causes for the user. *A-rank*

3. Rasengan Nirentotsu- First Daaku makes 2 clones of himself. The clones each form a Spiraling Sphere of two different colors in both of Daaku's hands (one white from the Daaku's light based chakra, the other yellow from the clones not having as much control over light as he does.). A clone takes each of Daaku's hands to finish the spiraling spheres. How the 2 rasengans are used depends on the situation. *A-rank*

4. Ryuujin Combination- A powerful taijutsu that requires 4 light clones to perform. Daaku hits his opponent with a series of kicks that end with a heavy uppercut. 2 light clones kick the opponent up into the air, where 2 more unleash flying kicks that crush the opponent from both sides. Lastly the 4 clones grab a limb and slam the opponent onto the ground, so Daaku can use a spinning heel kick on their stomach. *A-rank*(used)

5. Bunshin Youso Daibakuha- This jutsu is used in combination with Light Clone Jutsu to create a clone that will blow up on command. The blast created is quite considerable and could potentially kill an attacker engaged in hand to hand combat. *A-rank*

6. Ranshinshō- By converting condensed light into electricity and striking an opponents brain stem, Daaku is able to disrupt the flow of signals in the brain in a target to other parts of the body. (IE: right arm moves when they try to move their left leg.) *A-rank*

7. Meisaigakure no Jutsu- This jutsu makes the user invisible. It also masks the user's scent to some degree, making it more difficult to locate them. While normal people can't see through it, those with abilities such as the Sharingan and the Byakugan can. Additionally, creatures with enhanced senses of smell (insects or dogs) can pick up on the user's reduced scent. *A-rank*(used)

8. Multi Light Clone Jutsu- Same as Light Clone Jutsu but lots more clones. Uses more chakra though. *A-rank*

9. Kotai: Insei no jutsu- Daaku rushes the opponent and slams his knee into their stomach. He then somersault kicks them high into the air. A split second later Daaku appears behind them kicks the opponent back down......onto a hardened field of chakra. *B-rank*

10. Light Style: Lunar Blade Dance - Daaku creates 3 light clones that attack in a complicated sword technique to confuse the opponent. Daaku finishes this jutsu by cutting the opponent down from behind. *B-rank*

11. Kyuutai Gokusha no Jutsu- After trapping an enemy in a sphere of light, Daaku uses his speed to kick the sphere around with his opponent trapped inside it. When he is done Daaku places his hand on the sphere and absorbs chakra from it. It bursts open casuing even more damage to the person trapped inside. *B-rank*(used)

12. Youso no Tatsumaki- Gathering light using his swords, Daaku spins around very quickly, forming the light into a likeness of a dragon's head. Once Daaku gathers enough light chakra, a tornado of light will cover the area in front of him, temporarily trapping his opponents in a painful vortex. *B-rank*(used)

13. Youso Gyoukou: Aatukou no Jutsu- Daaku creates an arc of bright chakra that emits a flash of light. This light intensifies and does continuous damage for a brief period of time. *B-rank*

14. Light Style: White Dragon Outburst Jutsu- Same as Light Style: White Dragon jutsu, but there are 5 dragons this time. Daaku twists 4 of the dragons around the opponent in a squeeze that is almost inescapable, while the last dragon collides head on with the enemy. *B-rank*

15. Light Style: Corona Flare jutsu- This jutsu emits a flash so bright it can blind all opponents in the area even if their eyes are closed. If their eyes are open this light will cause permenant damage to their targets eyes. *B-rank*

16. Enhenkou Nagashi- This releases chakra outside of Daaku's body that wraps him in a protective shield. He can also transfer this power to his weapons or use it to power up his attacks. This jutsu uses a lot of chakra to keep it active. *B-rank*(used)

17. Kamehameha- Chakra is gathered into the space between the cupped hands, the hands are drawn back to a user's side where they gather chakra into the space between the hands. The cupped hands and touching wrists are thrust forward, expelling an explosive wave of bluish white energy.(This attack can be charged making it much more powerful. Also their are many variations of the way this attack can be used.) *B-rank*(used)

18. Light Style: Firefly Drill- A spinning palm attack that is thrown from above. *C-rank*(used)

19. Illusion Mist Jutsu - A sparkling mist is shot from Daaku's mouth that envelopes the opponent. While inside this mist sight is next to zero and the opponent gets buffeted around by the moving chakra in the mist. This is a good starter for damaging attacks. *C-rank*(used)

20. Light Clone Jutsu- This jutsu creates clones of light that are able to perform jutsu, but unlike normal shadow clones these will not disperse, but explode when hit to many times. The clones look like Daaku(obviously), but have a translucent appearance. *C-rank*(used)

21. Light Style: White Dragon jutsu- Daaku manipulates shadows in a localized area to convert back into light. They collect into a white dragon appearance that rushes towards an opponent. This jutsu has little accuracy. *D-rank*

22. Kokoro Sabage no Jutsu- By rushing forward and thrusting his chakra coated hand against an opponent's forehead, they get caught in a genjutsu and collapse on the ground. In their head they are trying to fight off Daaku. In reality they are just bashing their head against the ground over and over again. This is really a jutsu for laughs, but banging your head against the ground can be damaging.......... *D-rank*

23. Kaikou Shunshin no jutsu- This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short distances at an almost untraceable speed. This version uses a flash of wavering light to cover Daaku's tracks. *D-rank*(used)

24. Angel Disk Jutsu- A spinning disk of chakra that is thrown at an opponent. It can be controlled remotely. *D-rank*(used)

Forbidden Jutsu

1. Celestial Gate Release- By releasing 90% of the chakra in his body, Daaku is granted access to dragonfly-like wings on his back and access to extremely large amounts of chakra. Daaku can fly and even teleport during this time.*unknown-rank*

2. Genki Dama- Daaku focuses and communes with the life around him, asking for its latent chakra and turns it into a massive, growing, bright sphere of incredible destructive power. The chakra takes the visual form of sparkling, glittering wisps when adding to the mass. This process takes some time, but Daaku usually uses this jutsu in combination with the Celestial Gate Release to quickly gain chakra. Once he has enough energy, he hurls the Genki Dama toward the foe, hopefully obliterating him, her, or it with it. This attack can be dozens of feet in diameter, depending on the amount of chakra gathered. This is Daaku's most destructive attack and could actually destroy a planet.............but why would he want to do that?? *S-rank*

3. Omega Spiraling Sphere- Daaku makes a large Rasengan that has a greenish tint to it, then closes his hand around it. The spiraling sphere shrinks to the size of a pebble. Instead of rushing at an opponent as typical with a Rasengan, Daaku throws the condensed rasengan at the enemy. The attack is near impossible to see at this stage and will cause cataclysmic damage if it hits.......or if it doesn't. (The dense power of the Omega Spiraling Sphere may cause gravitational effects) *S-rank*

4. Far Plane Jutsu- A series 7 of glowing black orbs are fromed and fired one after another an an enemy, or enemies. After a set time the orbs begin flying back and forth across the oppoments zapping them with a beam of charged particles that get bigger and more powerful. Finally the orbs harden and shatter cauing an explosion that is filled with teh seven colored chakra. *S-rank*

5. Light style: Starlit Chaos- A of light shines down from either the sun during the day, or the moon at night and touches and enemy. At first it simply sparkles on them, but the ray gets more and more powerful as it burns the enemy and gets wider. causing horrific damage. Daaku then lifts his oppoment up into teh beam where they are incinertaed, or catch on fire and get blown away from the heat. *S-rank*

6. Light Style: Atomic burst Jutsu - Daaku extends his arm, opens his palm, and turns his hand up at a 90 degree angle (as if to signal "Stop") and starts to charge up massive amounts of chakra. He then fires a sphere of chakra, a large energy ball or comet-like energy projectile. This attack is either yellow, light blue, or white in color and creates an enormous mushroom cloud explosion upon contact.(hence the name he gave it) *S-rank*(used)

7. Howaido Raikiri Issen- The Raikiri is charged with much more power than usual that gives it a bright white appearance that will blind anyone that looks at it. Daaku then rushes past the enemy seemingly missing the opponent. They are blasted away and their body falls to the ground. The left over energy is used to plow the opponent into the ground with a regular chidori attack. *S-rank*

8. Gamma Eruption- Daaku sends out a burst of charged light that is invisble due to it being higher on the spectrum tha visible light. This light chases down the opponet and slams into their body causing damage. After this takes place Daaku reveals the full spectrum and the enemy is hit with light on each wavelength * S-rank*

9. Final Impact- With his increased speed Daaku counters an enemy attack by knocking them into the air and continuously punches, kicks and blasts them around before they can hit the ground. When they finally do fall Daaku is already waiting for them and blasts them away with a concussive blast of chakra laced with so much solar power that it can actually vaporize them instantly. * S-rank*(used)

10. Cataclysm Jutsu- Daaku puts both of his hands in front of him, palms open, hands turned up at a 90 degree angle and releases a massive amount of chakra from his body. This energy fuses together with the light his body emits and forms a blue energy ball the size of Daaku. This energy ball emits an intensely powerful, shockwave-like beam that fires outward in a fan type patteren. *S-rank*

Kekkei Genkai

Burakkuai- This is a special genetic trait passed down through the Raito clan. The users have dark purple eyes with a black pupil. When the Burakkuai is activated it is characterized by the eyes turning pitch black with no iris, or pupil.

When the Burakkuai is activated the user can detect the slightest movement from right next to them, to a radius of about 400 meters. The Burakkuai also gives the user the ability to see through basically any matter over extremely long distances. This seems to be a combination of x-ray and thermographic vision.

It also grants Daaku incredible clarity of perception, allowing him to track fast-moving objects with great clarity and even predict the subsequent movements of those objects. This perception also is great enough to see through genjutsu and has the ability to observe the movement and flow of chakra, but not to the same extent or clarity as a Kekkei Genkai such as the Byakugan. Additionally, the Burakkuai grants the user exceptional analytical powers, allowing them to instinctively pick up on various visual clues with little difficulty.

Other than these abilities by using the Burakkuai Daaku has increased speed and his control over light is increased 10 fold as to where he can seemingly make light appear out of nowhere.(used)

Suukou Burakkuai- This advanced form of Daaku's blood trait is recognized by glowing green eyes and longer hair that illuminates white and flows behind him. In this state Daaku's body absorbs massive amounts of light and he is able to move at speeds that even Sharingan and Byakugan type Kekkei Genkai users find difficult to track. It is also used to create a localized inter-dimensional space-time warp, allowing him to target any object and send it to another dimension where they are destroyed. Daaku is only able to activate this blood trait once a day as it reverses his chakra flow near it's end. When in this form Daaku's body emits a constant bright white aura of chakra because of his accelerated light output.

Cursed Seal of Heaven Stage 1- This seal consists of three tomoe, not unlike the Sharingan. It is the counterpart to the Cursed Seal of Earth, and the two seals are the strongest of all the cursed seals that Orochimaru uses. The seal consists of three tomoe, like the Sharingan, and spreads over the user's body like flame when activated. The seal works by forcibly drawing chakra from the user's body, giving the user a chakra capacity beyond what they would normally be capable of when active, as well as increased physical performance as a result of the increased chakra capacity.(this is not actually a kekkei genkai, but fits into the category)(used)

Cursed Seal of Heaven Stage 2- The second and final level of the seal causes the black marks to completely envelop the user. This is followed by an unnatural alteration of the user's body. When in this level, the seal eats away at the user's personality, driving them to madness if used too long. It also takes quite a toll on their body, since they are being mutated by the seal. When using stage 2 Daaku's skin color changes to a pale blue along with him sprouting extremely long hair and growing 3 spikes out of each arm.(this is not actually a kekkei genkai, but fits into the category)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu

1. Secret art: Interdimesional Warp- This creates a localized inter-dimensional space-time warp, allowing Daaku to target any object and send it to another dimension.(The realm that the victum is sent to is unnamed, but it is most likely the place that summonings dwell.) This jutsu can be used to trap an opponent in this dimension and destroy them because a person can sustain their existance in such a place.

Also if a particularly powerful jutsu is used Daaku can use this to counter and neutralize it, or instead of warping an entire person just send apart of their body into the warp. Massive amounts of chakra are needed to use this jutsu, and Daaku can only use this jutsu once or twice a day.(Sukkou Burakkuai required )

2. Secret Art: Turappu Urutora no jutsu - By sending out powerful brain waves from his body, Daaku can use this genjutsu on an opponents in wide range simply by pointing a finger, or looking at them. This genjutsu is completely irresistible, so much that only knocking a person out cold has any chance of awakening them from it.

All kinds of horrible things can happen in such a genjutsu whether it be the victums seeing their death, being attacked by 1000's of ninja or even seeing the future over and over again. When the genjutsu is over(only takes about 10 seconds in real time, but may seem like weeks have passed.) The Opponents will be in such a traumatic state that their body starts to shut down.

Furthermore, the genjutsu is so powerful that it literally convinces the brain to copy anything that happens to the victim within the genjutsu on the persons body(wounds, markings, ect.) making it possible for the Daaku to kill his opponents with it. This genjutsu is arguably one of the most powerful in existance along with the Tsukuyomi and Dakini genjutsu of the Uchiha clan.(Sukkou Burakkuai required )


Inenn- A katana made of onyx that once belonged to his mother. It holds the power of light contained in a diamond in the handle. This blade absorbs chakra to power the blade.

Hinun- A Katana made of diamond that once belonged to his father. It holds the power of darkness in an onyx contained in the handle. This blade can cut through almost any substance and has extreme value.


Daaku was born in in Konoha to the head of the Raito clan Masahiro Raito and his wife Fuu Raito. He always looked up to his father who was the master of the Burrakuai. Daaku loved his parents dearly and wanted to be a great ninja like his father who was respected by many and feared by some. Daaku trained hard so he could one day have the recognition of the Hokage, for Masahiro was very good friends with the 4th.

By age 6 Daaku had learned jutsu that took others years to master. He graduated at the top of his class from the ninja academy and had all but mastered the Burakkuai at age 7. He was already a chunin before he turned 10. 2 years later however all hell broke lose. Not only did his mother fall ill and die from a terrible sickness that boiled her flesh, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox attacked Konohagakure soon after. Many fought bravely, but it was all no use.

Daaku had expected his father to help save the land he loved, but instead in the dead of night during an attack Masahiro tried to flee to the Village Hidden in the Clouds. He was crushed by a part of a falling building and died as however(karma!!!!). Not being able to face what he thought would be a village of hatred because of his coward father, he fled like his father tried to and set out for the Village Hidden in the clouds. He got sidetracked however.

Daaku met Orochimaru before he got to the village and along with nine others, including Anko they were branded with Orochimaru's first ten Cursed Seals of Heaven. Of the ten, Anko and Daaku were the only ones to survive. Orochimaru rejected them as subordinates, believing Daaku and Anko did not have the lust for power or vengeance needed to fuel the Cursed Seal ,and Anko's receded, thus the 10% chance of surviving the seal. However for unknown reasons Orochimaru let them both live and Daaku finally made it to the Village Hidden in the Clouds.

Daaku continued to train in light element jutsu and master his ninja skills, but made sure not to use the Cursed Seal often, so he didn't become prone on it's power. By showing mastery in his chakra element and showing extreme ability and leadership in every mission givin to him Jounin status was awarded to Daaku at age 14. Daaku was the youngest jounin squad leader in the village.....ever.

Years went by but, When he was 21 Daaku found his three star pupils; Akina, Heishro, and Tokishe, but during an S-rank mission 2 years ago they were faced by a ninja with unimaginable power. He killed all three Genin. Daaku fought with his Burakkuai and Cusred Seal pushed as far as they would go and it still wasn't enough. All of his genin had appeared dead, but when Akina rose up to fight determined to complete her mission and fulfill her duty as a kunoichi Daaku was shocked. Sadly the ninja killed her by cutting her in half..........

Daaku's anger exploded and the Sukkou Burakkuai awakened within him. He released stage 2 of his seal and with this new power he went after the ninja with new valor and determination than ever. However the ninja vanished without a trace and left him there with his bright green eyes glowing in the full moon lit sky...........and his body in monstrous appearance.

Ironically backup arrived just at that moment and he was standing over his squad's slain bodies covered in blood, swords still in hand. Though he was grieving a maniacal grin had spread across his face. They ninja who had arrived didn't know what to think. There was blood every where and his pupils were dead, with no enemies to be seen. On top of that Daaku didn't even look human. Due to these circumstances Akina, Heishro, and Tokishe's deaths were blamed on him.

Back at the Village Hidden in the Clouds many investigations were done to confirm if what Daaku said was true. He felt betrayed that he village would do this to him and after just a few months the whole village hated him and attempted assassinations weren't uncommon. One day he was attacked by all of the jounin in the village and ended up killing all of them with no show of mercy. It was a massacre He escaped the village marked as an S-class fugitive, but the chases soon stopped and he and returned to Konoha for a brief period of time to check out the ninja that he would return for and set his sights of 2 of them.

For 3 years Daaku once again devoted himself fully and trained in obscurity on a secluded mountain. He developed new improved jutsu such as the Genki Dama and Cataclysm Jutsu that use chakra in it's purest form that can and will destroy everything in their path.(this includes more than half of the mountain range Daaku was living on......o_O) Such forbidden techniques in the world of the ninja attract those who seek power............and other things.

On his way back to Konoha he is attacked by none other than Orochimaru, who seemingly is in need of a new body and ninja who hate the Leaf Village. The battle is fierce , but Orochimaru doesn't finish the fight. He admits that Daaku Raito's growing power would make it impossible for him to acquire his body and thus he will go after much weakner ninja instead. He tells Daaku that he was wrong about him many years before, but he has become like another ninja he once tried to acquire......Itachi Uchiha.

Orochimaru also mentions that the time for Konoha's destruction is at hand, so it would be unwise for Daaku to return to Konoha, if he doesn't want to get dragged into things. With this in mind Daaku arrives in Konoha with thinking about three things: The first being two genin ninja that have enormous potential, the second his missing-nin status, the third and most terrible of all being those ridiculously powerful sand style jutsu that the ninja had used to kill his pupils. It had stayed with him all these years.

After many adventures in Konoha and meeting all kinds of people he eventually left and went into hiding, no longer wanting to kill for no reason. The kunokage had sent mor eninaj after him what had happened in the past. He is on his way to the Cloud Village to see his daughter Ayumi............

Other: Daaku uses a very unusual fighting style that involves the spinning, twirling and flipping of ones body to confuse enemies and avoid damage.

Daaku possesses the ability to move and fly at superhuman speeds. Through an act of concentration, he can channel a portion of the kinetic energy of the atomic motion in his body’s molecules in a single direction, accelerating his body to a velocity in direct proportion to the amount of light and kinetic energy he has tapped. It is theoretically possible for Daaku to reach 99% of the speed of light (186,272 miles per second in a vacuum), but practical reasons - such as his inability to breathe at such speeds and the damage his body would suffer from wind and friction - prevent him from reaching anywhere near that speed.

Even a fraction of such velocity of a solid object through Earth’s atmosphere would wreak havoc on the atmosphere and on the land or sea below. As a side effect of partially robbing his molecules of their atomic motion, the binding forces within and between the molecules increase which enhances the sheer toughness of Daaku’s entire body. This effect gives his skin enough durability to withstand speeds up to at least Mach 50 without injury.

---------------------------Double Post---------------------------
Daaku stood at the entrance to the village with a look of despair on his face. It had been years sice all of the misfortunes had taken place here, but it seemed that he was still marked as the bad guy. The villagers were idiots. They had all known how strong he was yet still sent all the jounin after him. " I can't believe I haven't been here in almost 8 still looks the same though." Daaku's appearance had changed so much that he doubted anyone would know it was him, but he wasn't hiding from these losers.

He walked into the village and turned left. Daaku knew where he was headed. Ayumi would be waiting for him. She was 11 now and in the letter he'd gotten from his beloved daughter, Daaku knew she had been training hard and was just like him at her age. he walked up the small hill and cam eto the place. Another house right next to where Ayumi stayed had the door open...........he heard " "You bastard!! You ate just about everything i had in the fridge! WTF!? Ah damnit!"

" Geez so loud. This place really hasn't changed. He knocked on the door. After a few moments it opened. Ayumi stood there and looked up. " Umm who are...............Dad?!? It really is you!!!!!!! You took forever to get here............"
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Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex reached behind the couch and snatched the magazine out of Sano's hand. "You know, you really shouldn't mess with my stuff sensei, it gets on my nerves." Rayex said sighing. "Time has a ways of changing people...i feel like another Jiraiya and a mini you at the same time." Rayex shuddered thinking about that thought and shook his head. He was lucky he didn't have red streaks running under his eyes. "Sensei, you should really watch yourself while your here...remember when Daaku left Konoha? I bet he would most likely end up back here." Rayex said.

He remembered that was one thing the Kumokage always feared. He went to close his door and move his stuff to a safe behind his wall. He then sat on the couch that Sano was behind. "So Sensei, i hear from Kurenai that you have a bit of a soft spot? Why does that not suprise me considering what happened during the exams 3 years ago." Rayex said with a bit of a smirk. He was waiting on his response.


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
" Me? Have a soft spot... Uhh...." Sano had that expression on his face, like he didn't know what to say. " Rayex... You just want to annoy me don't you!" He jumped back and sat down on a chair, trying to avoid the subject. This kid better not hold this over me... He stared for a second at the ceiling, he felt awkward talking about stuff like this to Rayex. " I...." His face began to turn red in embarrasment. " Alright, I'm not the strongest person in the world mentally... I always have the fear of one day being killed without a word..." Sano said tragically waiting for Rayex's reaction.

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
"Man the way that sentence sound, your trying to bypass the question. Simply stated and redirected in the form of what i was talking to earlier. Now i'll ask you again, for someone like you being of sound body and mind. Have you ever to succumb to thoughts about Kurenai? I mean...i have the same feelings for someone as well, but im sure you knew this already." Rayex stated bold and calmly. He got up and took the gourd off his back and sat it down by the door. "Well at any time your ready to be out and honest with me, i'll be waiting to hear that." Rayex said stretching and sitting back down on the couch. " well you think Sano... A beautiful woman would make you show sides you wouldn't normally show right?!"


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Suddenly, right before Sano, Rayex busted into a speech. He took a drink of his soda. " Well, if I think I know what your trying to say. Yes, I can't go by a day without thinking of her." Sano smiled and took to thought what Rayex curiously mind wanted to know the whole time. " I can actually think clearly around her.
Why do you need to know my personal feelings so badly?"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex looked at Sano, "Sensei you don't get it do you. All this time we have known you, I can't recall you once ever opening up to us. I mean, you never talk about your past so how would we know what your like, where your from, your views on life. There was a point in time where you became involved in our lives and we spoke to you, me and Ryoku. The deal with you and we only see you as our sensei and not a friend that we actually know. So now that you know this, thats what i've thought for years." Rayex said sighing. "I can't stop you if you don't have the same thoughts, because truthfully its like i barely know you at all, for that reason i ask you about yourself."


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
" Rayex, I am sorry that you feel that way. I was just afraid of how you would react to my past... no one reacts the same and usually it ends up in people being afraid of me..." Sano got up and walked towards a window. " You want to know my background? Then I will reveal everything." He turned and stared at Rayex. " I am the destructor of more than 10 villages that are now erased from history." Sano went on about his past and told him everything.
Daaku leaned down and gave his daughter a hug and squeezed her tight. He was so happy to see her and said so, " Ayumi I'm so glad I get to see you. it's been years. So how have you been sweetie??" Ayumi shrugged. " You're kinda squeezin me a little tight there dad. Remember you did kinda kill everyone.........."

Daaku gave her a look and smiled. " Yes I know Ayumi, but that is in the past now. Have you been training hard to become a master burakkuai user like me??" Ayumi's eyes turned a glowing green color..................Daaku stepped back. " What??!? That's impossible!!!! How could you get that kind of power at such a young age??"

" Simple. I've trained everyday since I was 2. I refused to be looked down upon for something that couldn't be helped and I've shown the villagers just that." She winced. Daaku noticed her arm. It was bleeding. " How did that happen?? You need to wrap that." Ayumi nodded and shrugged again. " I told you I trained really hard. Things happen we are out of bandages. Can you go next door and get some please??"

Daaku turned around and walked next door. The door was still open and he heard a familiar voice. It was none other than Sano's. He hadn't seen him in years. He didn't even know if they were still friends, but he was pissed now. He was explaining to some one about his past and how he'd destroyed villages and such, but then he mentioned the three genin..................his genin!!!! Daaku stormed into the house. " Sano!!!! You bastard!!!! It's your fault that the village hates me and I lost my home!!!!!!"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex was interested greatly in what Sano was saying, for once he was actually telling him what happened. The fact that he wiped out ten villages that are no longer here was disturbing. He went on until someone burst through the open door. He seemed furious for some reason, " Sano!!!! You bastard!!!! It's your fault that the village hates me and I lost my home!!!!!!" Recognizing the voice and tone, he began to stare at his face. "Uhh...whats up with you busting in to my house? Do i know you? More importantly, why should i give a damn?" Rayex said with a barrage of questions towards the soul that walked in unexpetedly.
Daaku ignored the teen you was yelling ad continued talking to Sano. " It just pisses me off that you would talk so freely about your twisted evil ways, even if it is your past. We've all done terrible things in this lifetime, but killing kids is something that I just can't let go!!!! I know you remember who I..............."

He was trying really hard to calm down, but when he noticed that the boy was non other that Rayex...........
"Uhh...whats up with you busting in to my house? Do i know you? More importantly, why should i give a damn?" Was it possible that Rayex had forgotten him?? He turned sideways. " BURAKKUAI!!!" He faced Rayex his eyes pitch black. " You know who I am now??"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
He looked into his pitch black eyes and began to play dumb, "Wait...who are you again? That weird black eye trick is pretty cool you gotta teach me that. Still you didn't quite answer my question..." Rayex's eyes flooded with a scarlet stare. Three black increments appeared in his eyes. Sharingan! His eyes enacted a strange movement this time around and he jumped inside of the enigma's mind. He could see a different course of events, some of which reflected on the chuunin exams that happened three years ago. An image stopped with Rayex using the chidori on another kid with the rasengan, Thats Raito....DAAKU!?!?

Rayex soon released his gaze and deactivated his sharingan. "YOUR DAAKU!!! What are you doing back here!? Are you trying to get arrestted!?" Rayex said seriously. He hadn't forgotten his promise to the Kumokage to protect the village from him if he decided to do wrong again, but from what he could tell it was triggered by someone in particular.
Daaku didn't back down from Rayex's sharingan stare. " That's right I know what you're doing. Look and see for yourself." Daaku deactivated his burakkuai as well and shook his head. " I should probably tell you this Rayex. I already know what the kumokage gas told you, but even after all these years you still couldn't kill me unless I let you." He shrugged. It was a simple yet sad truth that had befallen Daaku.

" I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like Sano here has told you everything. H edid kill my three pupils and that was blamed on. Because of him the village turned against me for something I didn't do and never would do. I loved those three genin and would have died for them, but Sano killed them with no remorse. he cut a girl in half for god sake!!!!!!!!!!" Daaku backed up and tried to calm down a little.

" I had no choice in what I did. I tried over and over again to tell the villagers and the kumokage the truth, bu they never listed. They even tried to kill me!!!!! I'm sure you know this, but i had no choice..............the jounin and even some of the chunin ambushed me. I killed them all. I Daaku Raito went from the sworn and chosen protector of the village to a marked traitor."


Just can't help but Stare...
Oct 22, 2006
Peaking in on the Hot Springs...
Sano stared at Daaku, what he said wasn't totally true. " You think this isn't hard for me to talk about?! You got the wrong idea, this what i normally hide from others... Daaku, I thought we got over this already.... We are friends right?" He saw how angery Daaku had become. " Damn..." Sano's eyes became dull like he had left everything around him. Kurenai walked out of the room, noticing quickly the shouting of the others. " Wait, Daaku??"
" I-I-I know we were supposed to but you don't understand how much pain this caused me. Sano you are the reason that my life took a turn for the worse. You are the reason that I withered away and gained massive amounts of power, so I could kill you!!!!!!!!!" Daaku looked at Kurenai as she walked out of the room. " I just...ugh forget it." Daaku pushed past Kurenai and walked out of the house. Once outside he rose into the air and his body let out a huge flash of light as he rose higher. " DAMN YOU SANO!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kissui Tensai

New member
Aug 13, 2006
I'm harrassing RPGirl everywhere she goes =D.
Rayex looked over at Sano and grabbed his shirt and held him to his face. "Listen sensei, you can't help what went on in your past, everyday you had to live with the fact that you killed his students. I can understand that, i still regret being responsible for my own father's death and i think about it everyday, but that shouldn't stop you for being who you are. Mistakes...whether they big or small are signs of greif that can be overcomed when you accept it as being wrong. So don't beat yourself up about it, thats not what you taught me." Rayex said to Sano.

He released his shirt and turned the otherway staring at Daaku outside the door. "accept your mistakes...even when you didn't mean to do it and hate yourself for it....thats apart of your life. Don't forget that...Ditonke died because of my mistake for power and i also live with that, so your not the only one." Rayex said then vanishing in a cloud of sand.